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Ingo Breuer

**************************, Germany
Ingo Breuer  ************************************************
President of the Russian Federation
Mr. Vladimir Putin
4, Staraya Square
Moscow, 103132
Fax 7-095-2443188 / 7-095-2302130


Appeal to release KGB files for flight KAL 007 wreckage and survivors.

Dear President Putin:

One of the greatest tragedies of the Cold War was the shoot-down of the Korean Airlines flight
KAL-007 by the Armed Forces of what was then the Soviet Union on September 1, 1983.
This event had elements of a personal catastrophe for those who were en route to Seoul to the
same event but on parallel flights, which departed Anchorage, Alaska about fifteen minutes after
KAL-007. Both flights stopped in Anchorage for refueling. The late US Senator Jesse Helms, for
example, never forgat mingling with the doomed passengers of KAL-007 in the transit lounge, in-
cluding two sweet young girls who waved goodbye to him when they were called to return to
their fatal flight.
There is also evidence, that the Boeing 747 that was shot down was leased to Korean Airlines
by Lufthansa, which back then was the state-owned German airline. At this time, the German
taxpayer also has questions for you that demand urgent and detailed answers.
Accordingly, I respectfully request that the government of the Russian Republic gain access to
the files of the former KGB and of the Ministry of Defense in order to resolve the attached ques-
tions. I hope that you will personally intervene with the relevant authorities of the former Soviet
Union to provide answers to these questions.
The international community, indeed, the families of all passengers on KAL-007 will be deeply
grateful for your efforts. Please get in touch with me about concrete action steps.


Ingo Breuer


I. KAL-007 Landing

1. Please provide depositions or accounts from eyewitnesses who saw KAL-007's landing.
2. Please provide the geographical coordinates of the location of where KAL-007 landed.
3. Why was the international community blocked from accessing the Moneron island area
for 2 weeks?
4. Was the international community deliberately misled about where to search for KAL-007
remains back in September 1983?
5. Why was the international community told to not enter within a 12-mile radius when
searching for KAL-007 remains in September 1983?
6. Did the KGB tamper with the cockpit voice recorder that was returned in 1991 because
the recording discontinued while the plane was in stable flight and continued to be in the
air for another ca. 10 minutes?

II. Eyewitness Accounts from Soviet Military Radar Tracking Stations

1. Please provide depositions or accounts from eyewitnesses from Soviet military tracking
stations who saw the track of KAL-007's descent.
2. Please provide the exact locations of these military radar tracking stations, and a map
showing their disposition.
3. What was the ground and air tracking range of these military tracking stations?
4. How far away from the KAL-007 landing site were these tracking stations and their com-
mand posts?

III. Soviet and Japanese Radio Transmissions Related to KAL-007

1. Please provide transcripts of all available Soviet civil and military radio transmissions re-
lated to the entire flight of KAL-007.
2. Please provide transcripts of all available Soviet intercepts of non-Soviet transmissions
related to the flight of KAL 007.

IV. KAL-007 Passengers and Crew

1. From Soviet reports on the incident, please provide:

a) A list of the names f any living passengers and crew members removed from the air-
b) A list of missing passengers and crew;
c) A list of dead passengers and crew;
d) A list and explanation of what happened to the bodies of any dead passengers and
e) A list of items of luggage and other items removed from the plane;
f) A list and descriptions of the disposition of the luggage recovered and any other recov-
ered items, and where such material is now kept;
g) A description and disposition of any other recovered cargo.
2. The Soviet military returned a number of shoes of passengers to the international com-
munity. I have been informed that the officer who returned the shoes soon after that com-
mitted suicide. Please provide details about the officer and the nature of his death.

V. Soviet Search and Rescue Efforts

1. Please provide a copy of the reports of all Soviet search and rescue operations, and the
military and KGB “after action” reports.
2. Please provide information where the recovered wreckage of flight KAL-007 is stored. As
in the case of the shoot-down of flight Itavia 870 (06/27/1980) or in the Iran Air 655 shoot-
down (July 3, 1988), large pieces of wreckage were recovered. Since KAL-007 was not
heavily damaged according to the testimonies of the Soviet fighter pilots themselves and
must have hit the ground/ocean at a flat angle, it is to be expected that large sections of
the plane remained intact.
3. If the plane wreckage is still kept in storage today, please return it to the international

VI. Information on US Congressman Larry McDonald

1. Please provide detailed information on the fate of US Congressman Lawrence Patton


McDonald. I have been informed that one of his last supposed sightings was at a KGB
prison facility in Temir Tau, which today is in Kazakhstan.
2. If he is still alive today, please release him immediately.
3. Due to the nature of Mr. McDonald's views on the danger of communism and his worthy
efforts to defend liberty, I ask that all KGB files, profiles and testimonies on him be re-
leased to the international community review.

VII.KAL-007 Passengers and Crew

1. How many KAL-007 passengers and crew are being held in Soviet camps?
2. Please provide a detailed list of the camps containing live passengers and crew, together
with a map showing their location.
3. If any passengers and crew are still alive today, please release them.

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