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Name of Wonder:

The great wall of Picture


Where is it?
Is located in the country
of China, crosses six
municipalities and
autonomous regions,
which are Hebei, Beijing,
Shanxi, Inner Mongolia,
Ningxia and Gansu.

It is natural or man-made.
The great Chinese wall is
an artificial structure, as
it was built by farmers,
slaves and soldiers.

Hypothetical situation: In this part, you will write a paragraph in a postcard to your
mother, father, friends, etc. Describing your visit in this Wonder. Answer the following
questions in order to organize your ideas and text.

Where are you? Country and city.

I am in the country of China, exactly in the city of Beijin.

What are you doing there?

I am with my family, visiting the Great Wall of China

Where are you? Place description. Ex: In this photo I am in front of Taj Mahal… We
are next to… How does it make you feel?
In this photo we are in Badaling, one of the most visited sectors of the Great
Wall, located in Yanqing County, approximately 80 kilometers northwest of
downtown Beijing. I am very excited and happy to meet this great and great

What words could you use to describe it?

The Great Wall of China is the largest and most impressive monument built
by the Chinese people. In fact, it is the largest monument in the history of
mankind, whether by length, surface or mass. It looks like a great sleeping
dragon, which winds through the vast territory of northern China. With a
history of more than 2,500 years, the great wall attracts thousands of visitors
from all over the world.

What do you like/dislike about it?

I like that in spite of time this great work has been preserved, thanks to the
intervention of the Chinese government, on the other hand there is much of
the wall that has disappeared, this due to the deterioration and damage of
its infrastructure.

What are you wearing?

I have a beige silk shirt, shorts and a hat of Chinese culture to protect me
from the sun, I also put on comfortable shoes to endure the walk.

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