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It's Not My Future! © 2016 Todd Zircher, permission granted to print for personal use.

Deal three cards per player face up. Each player takes two, no duplicate values (like two Aces.)
Deal a third card from the deck to each player. Discard and draw again if it is a duplicate of a type
you already have in your hand. Total the pluses to find your character stats. The suits of each card
details a specialty/aspect that you have for that type. Deal three more cards for the first scene.

Card Type Careful Clever Flash Force Quick Sneaky Heart Club Diamond Spade
A Alien + + + Cute-n-Cuddly Natural Natural Toxic bite/
Brute Armor sting/claws
2 Army + + + Tough as Heavy Body Special Ops
Nails Weapons Armor
3 Thief + + + Con-artist Mugger Burglar Pickpocket
4 Scientist + + + Psychologist Doctor Geologist Robotics
5 Diplomat + + + Silver-tongued Negotiator Bribery Immunity
6 Merchant + + + Broker Ship’s Investor’s Traveling
cargo bankroll salesman
7 Performer + + + Actor Dancer Singer Spy
8 Navy + + + Pilot/ Gunner System Military
Navigator Ops Police
9 Scout + + + Recon Survivalist Explorer Courier
10 Engineer + + + Hack Repair Jury-rig Salvage
J Scholar + + + Lore Law Journalist Religion
Q Athlete + + + Fencing Acrobatic Martial Sportsball
Running Artist
K Psionic + + + Empathic Telekinetic Telepathic Wild talent

Where are we now?

7. Signed a contract while drunk.
A. A camp site out in the wasteland.
8. The Church wants their bishop back.
2. At a transportation hub/starport.
9. Still recovering from that narco-blitz.
3. Locked out, on the roof of a skyscraper.
10. Tentacles.
4. Trapped in the lair of something nasty.
J. Stolen identity.
5. Your local hive of scum and villainy.
Q. You fell for the scam.
6. In the bowels of the station.
K. The coordinates where bogus.
7. Drifting in space, in a lifeboat.
8. They appear to be natural caverns.
How is it going to get worse?
9. An asteroid prison.
10. Surrounded by fire and wreckage. A. Activated something that you shouldn’t.
J. Before the Imperial Court. 2. Pretty sure thet’re not the cavalry.
Q. Alien ruins far from home. 3. The government is after you.
K. A graveyard on the dark side. 4. Murphy’s Law shows its inevitable hand.
5. The lawyers have found you.
What brought us to this? 6. The natives are restless.
7. Orbital bombardment.
A. The alternative was getting recycled.
8. Someone has just been slapped.
2. The artifact turns out to have been fake.
9. Stellar success attracts parasites.
3. The bounty hunters are in pursuit.
10. That hunk of junk just twitched.
4. Angry and heavily armed Ex(s).
J. The escape pod just left without you.
5. Crushing debt and a chance to clear it.
Q. The neuro-bomb in your neck beeps.
6. Fate has it out for the crew.
K. Cracks appearing in the viewport.

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