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In general, the notion of education is a process of learning the knowledge,

skills and habits of a group of people who are passed on from one generation to the
next generation through teaching, training, and research. With education, a person
can have intelligence, noble character, personality, spiritual strength, and skills that
benefit themselves and society. With educated students will have an understanding
of something and make it a critical human in thinking. the function of education is
to develop abilities, shape character, personality, so that students become dignified
personalities. Referring to the definition of education above, there are three types
of education in Indonesia, namely Formal Education, Non-Formal Education, and
Informal Education. Formal Education is a type of education that is structured and
has levels, ranging from early childhood education (PAUD), Elementary School
(SD), Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School (SMA), and Higher
Education (University). Non-Formal Education is an educational path outside of
formal education that can be implemented in a tiered and structured manner. This
type of education can be compared with the results of formal education programs
through an assessment process from the authorities. Informal Education is a type of
education that comes from families and environments where students can learn

Some of which are included in informal education are; Religion, Morality,

Ethics, Polite, Moral, Socialization. "An educated person" is a person who has taken
formal or non-formal education in high school and has a degree. The more titles
obtained, the more educated that person is. In my opinion, people can be said to be
"well educated" if what knowledge and knowledge learned during education in
formal / non-formal schools must be implemented in their own lives and be useful
for others, and we know that every lesson and education in schools always teaches
good and useful things to be implemented in this life.

So, no matter how high a person's school and education is if it cannot be

applied in his life and actually does the opposite of his knowledge, that person no
longer deserves to be called an educated, educated person or a well-educated
person. In the book "You Can Win", Shiv Khera said that new people can be called
educated after fulfilling these two criteria.1

First, those who can manage well the opportunities they get every day. This
means that the days spent by someone is an opportunity. Simply stated, time is an
opportunity for anyone. In those days he who is educated can assess the situation
precisely when it arises and rarely deviates from the right track. This is the first

The second criterion is that they are respected in relation to everyone. All,
no exception. All educated people can certainly put their positions wherever they
are. Is he around bad-tempered people, intellectual people, and so forth. He always
appears to be a pleasant person. Many still think that "education" has the equivalent
of the word "school". In other words, people who go to school are educated. So,
this is the benchmark when a business entity or company will recruit new
employees. Though not so.

At school it is taught how to achieve good grades. But that's not what's
important. In advanced schools like Finland, moral education is more widely
applied than academic education. When a school or university has more moral
education than anything else, there will be two big advantages: first, students will
always be stimulated to have a positive attitude; second, with a good moral
education they will respect themselves more.

This is what is often lost and rarely taught routinely in schools. In fact there
are still many who claim that students who have the highest report card grades, a
sign he is successful. As a result, he will receive a lot of attention in the form of
achievement scholarships, and injection of funds for advanced school fees.

Shiv Khera, You Can Win, Islamabad-Pakistan, Shahid Riaz.

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