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Rosa Chumbe is set in Lima Peru and stars Liliana Trujillo as Rosa, who’s a police

woman struggling with alcoholism and a gambling addiction while living with her
daughter and grandson
The plot involves Rosa Chumbe, who is getting drunking on a daily basis while
watching a comedy show at dead of night. She lives with her daughter Sheyla, who has
a little baby. One day after a discussion between them, Sheyla steal all the lifelong
savings of her mother and she flees from the household with the money leaving out
her child. In that way, Rosa is forced to take care of her grandson and change her
attitude what make her feel more loving with her granson

Skilfully directed by Jonatan Relayze, the film cuts between darkness of addicts,
motherly love and reality of dysfunctional families. The script show us the silence and
contained pain of the film and the camerawork is exhilarating. As Rosa Chumbe,
Liliana Trujillo interpretation of the character is brilliant and that is the reason why she
win a lot of prizes in Cinema festivals.
With its precise term , Rosa Chumbe is an emotional and overwhelming.

Rosa Chumbe is set in Lima Peru and stars Liliana Trujillo as Rosa, who’s a police
woman struggling with alcoholism and a gambling addiction while living with her
daughter and grandson
The plot involves Rosa Chumbe, who is getting drunking on a daily basis while
watching a comedy show at dead of night. She lives with her daughter Sheyla, who has
a little baby. One day after a discussion between them, Sheyla steal all the lifelong
savings of her mother and she flees from the household with the money leaving out
her child. In that way, Rosa is forced to take care of her grandson and change her
attitude what make her feel more loving with her granson

Skilfully directed by Jonatan Relayze, the film cuts between darkness of addicts,
motherly love and reality of dysfunctional families. The script show us the silence and
contained pain of the film and the camerawork is exhilarating. As Rosa Chumbe,
Liliana Trujillo interpretation of the character is brilliant and that is the reason why she
win a lot of prizes in Cinema festivals.
With its precise term , Rosa Chumbe is an emotional and overwhelming.

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