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The 12 Universal Divine Laws

(Based on “The Light Shall Set Your Free” by Milanovich and Shirley McCune, Kybalion, and Guy

a) Law of Oneness (aka Principle of Mentalism)

 All is consciousness. All is God. We are co-creators with God in a force field of oneness.
 Some call it the Universal or Cosmic Mind. There is only one Cosmic Mind. We are all One.
 Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.
 Kybalion: “THE ALL is Mind; the Universe is Mental — held in the Mind of THE ALL. ” But
they also state: “While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL.”

b)Law of Vibration

 Everything in the universe is in motion, whether solid, liquid or gas. All things move, vibrate
and travel in circular patterns. Energy is never at rest.
 Objects and entities vibrate on a continuum, which we recognize as the electromagnetic
spectrum that is mostly invisible to our eyes. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared,
visible light (range 400-700 nm), ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays and beyond.
 We’re constantly sending out various vibrations in the form of thoughts, emotions and wills into
the universe, which impact the people and collective consciousness around us.
 The higher the vibration (e.g. optimism, joy), the longer lasting the effects are. The lower the
vibration (e.g. pessimism, cynicism), the more potent the short term effects are.
 Kybalion: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
 Kybalion: “He who understands the Principle of Vibration has grasped the scepter of Power.”

c)Law of Action

 First, action requires an ability to set goals or commitments. Then the commitment needs to be
turned into a plan, which is supported and fueled by your passion or heart’s desire.
 Lastly, the task needs to be completed, because action is what connects all aspects of the
“etheric energies” toward manifestation on our dense “3D” (3-frequential) physical plane.
 In higher dimensions (e.g. 5D or higher), manifestation simply comes from thought and the
emanation of love from within. But in 3D we need to take action along with positive thoughts
and expressions of love and caring in order to manifest our desires.
 Guy Needler: Initial Desire — Modified Desire — Final Desire — Intention (to create the
desire) — Thought (on how to create the intended desire) — Action (the creation or
manifestation of the intended desire).

d)Law of Correspondence (related to the Law of Oneness)

 First, the “M-1” mechanistic view of the universe believed that the basic material of the
universe is matter and energy, and that matter gives rise to the mind (consciousness).
 Then the “M-2” view was based on dualism, in which two types of energies make up the
universe: matter energy and mind-spirit, dealt with by science and religion, respectively.
 More recently, we have moved to the “M-3” metaphysics, which says that mind gives rise to
matter, since the basic energy of the universe is consciousness (or the God Force).
 Kybalion: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
e)Law of Cause and Effect

 Every thought that we think, every feeling that we have, every act that we perform individually
or collectively has its direct and indirect impact on the events in our lives.
 Karma is an example of the manifestation of this law. Karma that used to take lifetimes to come
around can now appear within minutes after a projected thought or spoken word.
 Kybalion: Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according
to Law.
 Kybalion: There is no such thing as chance. Chance is a name for a Law not recognized.
 Kybalion: There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes The Law. All is in Divine

f)Law of Compensation (an extension of the Law of Cause and Effect)

 It is about giving and receiving.

 It helps us understand abundance and how to deal with financial matters.
 First, we must see the world as a place of abundance, where there is plenty for everyone. We
need to change our programming from poverty consciousness to abundance mentality.
 We must learn to love ourselves first, because everything else flows from that state of self-love.
The more you love yourself, the more love you have to give to others. Be kind and generous
with yourself. Don’t blame others (or your mothers). Mother yourself.
 We receive gifts and blessings according to the degree to which we have given to others. For
everything given freely from the heart, the universe returns the gift with a tenfold yield
according to the Law of Tenfold Return. That’s why it’s better to give than to receive.
 Sometimes giving in one form of energy (e.g. money) means you will receive compensation in
another form (e.g. lunch treat, gift from a friend, good karma carried to the future).
 Richard Rudd: Wealth is all about stockpiling money based on fear and greed, which is in no
way equivalent to fulfillment. But prosperity is a flow that adjusts to the needs of your higher
purpose in the universe.
 Nora Herold said when you cut money out of the picture, prosperity means being able to do
more, having more fun, being more fluid, growing, thriving, energized, more available, excited
and passionate, and being more connected to your identity as Source energy.
 Guy Needler: Superabundance is when every type of abundance (whether it’s career, finance,
love, friendship, position, status, etc.) is hitting you from all angles and increasing all the time.
It’s the Law of Tenfold Return in action. Don’t shy away from it, because the ultimate function
of the multiverse is to provide for us ultimately, while we seek to evolve.

g)Law of Attraction
 Buddha - “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you
 This law says like attracts like. That means positive energies attract positive energies, and
negative energies attract negative energies. That’s why we need to observe ourselves.
 Most people are largely unaware how their inner thoughts, feelings, words, and actions create
their reality. They think things happen to them, because of someone or something outside of
them. That’s the victim/perpetrator story that we’re moving out of now.
 You attract who you are!
h)Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Guy Needler has greatly expanded our understanding of energy and how it functions. We live in a sea
of free energy, which is totally recyclable, self-correcting, and self-organizing. It pervades the Origin
and everything in it.

 We like to think of energy in terms of particles. But energy is better defined as a state of
“beingness,” like a formless or particle-less unseen force that just “is.” It is the intention behind
the intention for something to exist. For example, attraction is a form of intention.
 Energies can function or work together in many different ways called “tractions,” such as:

(1) Attraction, where the same, similar, or opposite energies (+/-) come together (e.g. magnetic flux
is the ‘attractivity’ of the energy associated with the alignment of sub-atomic particles that
make up the atoms that create the metal that is magnetic).
(2) Protraction, where a preconceived level of attraction exists, that is beyond the natural attraction
of energies; it is like a positive level of attraction.
(3) Rotraction, or rotational attraction (e.g. electrons rotating around a nucleus at one level, at one
speed would be attracted to another energy; multiplexing radio waves).
(4) Intraction, where any coherent energies interact with each other, or when multiple energies
work together; sometimes two energies won’t work together until a third or fourth energy is
added (e.g. alloy composed of two or more metals put together).
(5) Action, where an effect or a natural function is created by the energies being together (whether
symbiotic or not).
(6) Counteraction, which is the result of an action (+/-/not); it could be a completely different
action (e.g. sodium is stable under oil, but explodes in water, which is a counteraction to being
in an environment that it doesn’t like to go into).

 When energy is given form, it needs to be stabilized by frequencies; otherwise it is free-form.

Frequencies are the building blocks of the multiverse. The physical universe is the bottom
universe, where our souls incarnate into human/other forms to explore “physicality.”
 This Law means we have the power to choose the directions of our lives by free will.
 Buddha: “Good thoughts will produce good actions, and bad thoughts will produce bad actions.
Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love.”
 Needler said we are pure sentient beings. We use our sentience to drive our intention, which
produces thought, which is the energy that precedes action, that facilitates a response.
 What you send out in terms of energy will come back. This is how our thoughts manifest
positive or negative energy in our lives. But we control the process through intent and will.
 We can transmute negativity by applying higher frequencies to negative situations. Higher
vibrations consume and transform lower ones, and the effects are one-way (like a nova).

i)Law of Relativity

This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (challenges or tests of
initiation) to determine how they will face and solve those problems, and whether they have mastered
the spiritual lessons contained within them. There are two things to note:

 Everybody’s tests will be different, based on what the soul has come here to learn. There is no
point in comparing yourself with others. Everybody has their own cross to carry, so to speak.
 Each event in life stands alone with its own frequency and lessons in a particular event space.
Current problems should not be compared with past problems or other things.

j)Law of Polarity

“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the
same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-
truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” – The Kybalion

The pairs of opposites may be reconciled, because they are identical in nature, just different in degree.
There is no such thing as Absolute Love or Absolute Hate. There are degrees of Love and Hate with a
middle point, where “Like and Dislike” are difficult to distinguish.

 The same principle applies to Spirit and Matter, Courage and Fear, Hot and Cold, etc.
 Hot things become Cold when their vibration is lowered. The Fearful man can be filled with
Courage or Fearlessness by raising his mental vibrations on the Fear-Courage scale.
 But Fear can’t transmute to Love or Heat, because they exist on different sliding scales.

The two poles may be classified as Positive and Negative. For example, Love is positive to Hate;
Courage to Fear; Activity to Non-Activity, etc. Since Nature is set up for us to evolve, it ascends in the
direction of the dominant activity of the Positive pole (or higher frequency).

k)Law of Rhythm

In “The Light Shall Set You Free,” the Law of Rhythm states that everything vibrates and moves to
certain rhythms. These rhythms establish our seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns.
There is a time and a season for all things in the universe and beyond.

“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing
manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left;
rhythm compensates [counterbalances].” – The Kybalion

“These rhythms constitute an order of renewal in the universe, that can be either disruptive or pleasant,
depending upon how one wishes to perceive these rhythms.” – Norma Milanovich & Shirley

l)Law of Gender

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on
all planes.” – The Kybalion

In “The Light Shall Set You Free,” Milanovich and McCuny wrote:

 Physical differences between men and women are one small manifestation of the Law of
Gender on the physical plane. Gender is found in organic and inorganic matter, and within the
operations of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, etc.
 In the broader context of creation, procreation, generation, regeneration and production, both
yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) principles must be present.
 The masculine energy directs itself to the feminine energy to initiate the creative process, but
the feminine energy is the one doing the active creative work on all planes. Each of us has
access to both masculine and feminine energies regardless of our gender externally.

We must learn to balance the yin and yang in our thoughts, emotions, words and actions to a point of
stability (androgyny) or mental balance, so that we’ll intuitively know how and when to act in
alignment with our “androgynous” Higher Self, according to Milanovich and McCuny.

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