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Name : Agnes Frenica

Class : 1TEA


Hi I’m Agnes

I want to tell about my best friend, Puspita Aliya Nabila.

I usually call her Puspi. She only has one sister.

Puspi has been my close friend for two years. The first time we met when we entered the same
extracurricular. We’ve been friends ever since.

Puspi has an oval face and slightly thick eyebrows. She also has cute and sweet face.

Her favorite foods is a tempe. Her hobbies are writing, singing, and playing games. She likes writing
stories genre sad romantic and friendship.

Puspi is also very fond of cats. Because she thinks cats are cute and they can be good listeners. She
has 3 cats named Puput, Pupi, and Yipo. The three cats he picked up from the street and she
maintained well.

Puspi is a good person who treats all his friends well. She always helps me whenever I face some
problems. I feel so lucky to have a best friend like him.

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