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“healthcare”, “student debt”, “gun violence”, “immigration”, “climate change”

Redlining: Practice of denying housing to members belonging to a certain racial background by hiking

Warren: wealthy Ivy League law professor

Warren, Harris, Buttigeig

Sanders, Biden

June dem debates:

10 people

Warren: chill

Beto: Immigration policies- end separation of children and parents at the border

Amy Klobuchar: AGAINST abolishing private health insurance

Fit an answer about policy in 60 seconds

John Delaney: “Keep whats working and fix whats broken”

Bernie: raise taxes for middle-class

Busing: The act of racially desegregating American schools. Despite putting an end to legal
segregation in 1954, racial communities remained segregated due to a variety of issues such as
redlining, white flight, and so on. In 1971, lower courts made busing mandatory to effectively
desegregate schools. This involved black students taking long bus rides to majority-white schools,
and vice versa.


Black schools were not as well-equipped as white schools, hence causing a decrease in quality.

Children were being transported to “far-off, unsafe neighbourhoods”

Opposed racial quotas

Biden did not support “busing”, was questioned by Kamala about the same

July dem debates:

John Delaney: Provide govt-funded insurance for “those who want it”, but do not need to take away
the private insurance of those who already have it. “Government plan AND the option to have
private health insurance”

EW: Sucked billions of dollars, no one should be benefitting from what is a human right.
Bernie: “One government-run insurance system for everyone”

“Trying to convey their compassion to asylum seekers without looking like they’re okay with giving
visas to the ISIS”

Biden vs Kamala: who has a better healthcare plan

Democrats: unanimously agreed on a universal healthcare plan

How do they get there?

Biden: “polishing Obamacare, disrupting the system as little as possible”

Kamala: “include private insurance”


Obama deported tons of people

Kamala- putting 1500 people in jail, black violence

Need to act more like they’re part of the same party, otherwise they’d be doing Trump’s work for

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