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With more than 10 hours of daylight Pakistan has one of the highest values of insolation in the world.

For solar power generation climatic conditions are excellent, however we have been really slow to
implement this technology. In recent times there has been certain development but not to greater
extent. Pakistan set up their first ever solar on grid power plant in is Islamabad in 2012 under the project
of ‘Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System.’ [1]. Quaid-e-Azam solar power
park was set up in 2017 by Chinese company in Cholistan desert. [2]

With implementation of solar voltaic panels above the Savonius wind turbine in our project we can
harness about 200-320W per panel. Since these are going to be implemented along the rails and
roadways in large numbers we can generate a robust amount of energy to aid the struggling energy
infrastructure of Pakistan.

Solar energy power generation requires a lot of area for the setting up of photovoltaic cells in bulk. In
India research was carried out that by implementing single layer of solar voltaic cells along the space
between Ahmedabad-Rajkot highway, power up to 104MW of energy and Ahmedabad-Vadodara
highway space can generate 61MW energy.[3] In our project we intend to add a solar panel above the
Savonius wind turbine in order to utilize some potential of the solar radiation. By this way we are not
only increasing our electricity generation but will also be saving the land cost needed for setting up large
solar grid station.

[1] Pakistan gets first on-grid solar power station (link)

[2] Ebrahim, Zofeen T. (2015-09-08). "World's largest solar park to light up Pakistan's future".


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