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a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s r e v


Patterning the developing diencephalon

Youngshin Lim, Jeffrey A. Golden ⁎

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Abramson Research Center, Rm. 516h, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
34th and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States


Article history: The diencephalon is the embryonic precursor to the caudal forebrain. The major
Accepted 9 June 2006 diencephalic derivative is the thalamus, which functions as a relay station between the
Available online 31 July 2006 cortex and lower nervous system structures. Although the diencephalon has been
recognized as a vital brain region, our understanding of its development remains
Keywords: superficial. In this review, we discuss recent progresses in understanding one essential
Forebrain aspect of diencephalic development, diencephalic patterning. Signaling centers identified in
Diencephalon the zona limitans intrathalamica and along the dorsal and ventral midlines have emerged
Patterning as essential organizers in diencephalic patterning. The cumulative data reveal that the
Anterior–posterior diencephalon shares some developmental principles with more caudal brain regions,
Dorsal–ventral whereas other mechanisms are unique to this region.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2. AP patterning of the diencephalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1. Is the diencephalon a segmental structure? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2. The ZLI as a signaling center for diencephalic AP patterning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3. The anterior and posterior boundaries of the diencephalon: telencephalon–diencephalon boundary
and diencephalon–mesencephalon boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3. DV development of the diencephalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1. Common themes for DV patterning: the floor plate and roof plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4. Conclusions and perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1. Introduction known as the prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon

(midbrain), and rhombencephalon (hindbrain). The prosence-
In vertebrates, the anterior neural epithelium undergoes mor- phalon becomes further divided into the telencephalon and
phological subdivisions to generate vesicle-like structures diencephalon. The telencephalon gives rise to the cerebral

⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +1 215 590 3709.

E-mail address: (J.A. Golden).

0165-0173/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
18 BR A I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6

cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus, whereas the dience-

phalon develops into the thalamus, epithalamus, and pre-
tectum in the mature brain (the status of the hypothalamus as
a part of the diencephalon structure remains controversial).
Thus, the telencephalon and diencephalon are the embryonic
anlagen of higher cognition and integration centers in the
brain. Although these two regions of the forebrain are
functionally linked, their structural organization is distinct.
For example, in mammals, the thalamus (the major dience-
phalic derivative) consists of clusters of neurons organized
into nuclei, which are morphological and functional units,
Fig. 1 – Schematic diagrams showing the relationship
whereas the cerebral cortex (telencephalic derivative) is a
between the thalamic sensory relay nuclei and the
laminar sheet of neurons where each layer serves specific
corresponding cortical areas of the mouse brain. (A) Coronal
function. Therefore, one can presume that distinct develop-
section of the caudal forebrain illustrating sensory relay
mental strategies must be utilized by these two brain regions.
nuclei in the thalamus. Colored nuclei indicate major sensory
Although many studies have focused on molecular regulation
nuclei and the color code matches with the corresponding
of telencephalic development (for reviews, see Campbell, 2003;
cortical areas in B where each nucleus sends projection.
Grove and Fukuchi-Shimogori, 2003; Rallu et al., 2002; Ruben-
Ventrobasal nucleus, which sends projections to the
stein et al., 1998; Schuurmans and Guillemot, 2002), relatively
somatosensory cortex, is not shown here because of the
few studies have addressed development of the diencephalon.
section level. (B) The sensory and motor areas of the mouse
The key feature of diencephalic development is the
forebrain. Dashed line indicates plane of section in panel A.
formation of nuclei along the anterior–posterior (AP) and
Color code matches with the corresponding thalamic nuclei
dorsal–ventral (DV) axes. In the diencephalon, neural progeni-
in panel A. A1, primary auditory cortex; dLGN, dorsal lateral
tor cells undergo proliferation in the ventricular zone of the
geniculate nucleus; vLGN, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus;
third ventricle. Once they exit the cell cycle, post mitotic cells
M1, primary motor cortex; MGN, medial geniculate nucleus;
migrate to the mantle zone and they aggregate into various
S1, primary somatosensory cortex; SN, substantia nigra; V1,
clusters called nuclei. Differentiated neurons in each nucleus
primary visual cortex (anatomy and nomenclature based on
have distinct morphologies, employ specific neural transmit-
the mouse brain atlas by Hof et al., 2000).
ters, and generate neural connection to different regions of the
brain (Jones et al., 1997). In order to build accurate neural
circuits, it is essential to form each nucleus in the correct
location and at the appropriate time in development. Based on Lin et al., 1999; Nakagawa et al., 1999; Nothias et al., 1998;
birthdating studies in mammals, it has been hypothesized Pallas, 2001). Therefore, considering its intimate relationship
that the progenitor cells in the ventricular zone (the germinal with the cortex as well as its function as an independent brain
epithelium) are organized as mosaic patches, each giving rise structure, understanding diencephalic development provides
to neurons in specific nuclei of the diencephalon (Altman and many insights into brain development.
Bayer, 1988). As a result, it was assumed that the initial In this review, we attempt to integrate the current data
requirement for the accurate allocation of each nucleus is the addressing the molecular mechanisms underlying diencepha-
precise establishment of AP and DV identities in the neural lic development to the existing studies on AP and DV
progenitor cells. Studies from the spinal cord suggest that the patterning of the diencephalon. For AP patterning, several
progenitor cells acquire their regional identities through studies debating whether or not the diencephalon is a
transcription factor expression codes, which are regulated by segmented structure will be discussed along with the forma-
secreted signaling molecules such as Shh (Jessell, 2000). tion and function of a diencephalic signaling center, the ZLI
Although it has not been studied as thoroughly, a similar (zona limitans intrathalamica). Also, molecular patterning at
mechanism has been suggested in the diencephalon (Hashi- the anterior and posterior boundaries of the diencephalon will
moto-Torii et al., 2003). be covered. For DV patterning, we will focus on the two
The diencephalic derivatives, and the thalamic nuclei in signaling centers, the floor plate and roof plate, and the
particular, have intricate connections with functional areas in signaling molecules that they produce.
the cortex (Jones et al., 1997). For instance, sensory relay nuclei
in the thalamus – including ventrobasal, lateral geniculate,
and medial geniculate nuclei – send projections specifically to 2. AP patterning of the diencephalon
somatosensory, visual, and auditory cortices, respectively (Fig.
1) (Jones et al., 1997; Lopez-Bendito and Molnar, 2003). One of the fundamental questions in neural development is
Furthermore, the thalamocortical projections play essential how the neuroepithelia along the AP neuraxis is parceled into
roles in shaping cortical area development (Kaas et al., 1999; the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon, and
Pallas, 2001). Although clearly important, the timing of this spinal cord. This question has become inseparable from a
influence is controversial; thalamocortical projections do not second question, how is neural fate first specified during early
appear to influence the initial cortical area specification but development (Bainter et al., 2001; Stern, 2001, 2002; Wilson and
are necessary for proper differentiation of cortical areas Edlund, 2001)? One hypothesis with considerable support is
(Cohen-Tannoudji et al., 1994; Kaas et al., 1999; Miyashita- that the neural induction is tightly coupled with axial
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patterning such that neural induction signal endows the cells populations” (compartmentalization) has been well studied in
with rostral “forebrain-like” character, as well as with neural the fly imaginal disc, where the existence of developmental
identity (Stern, 2001, 2002). According to this hypothesis, cells compartments was first revealed (Garcia-Bellido et al., 1973).
with caudal character are generated by reprogramming (or Genetic mosaic analyses demonstrated, across the middle of
transforming) of rostral cells to a more caudal identity (Foley et the wing disc, the existence of a smooth, linear boundary
al., 2000; Muhr et al., 1997, 1999; Nieuwkoop et al., 1952). restricting cell behavior that did not correlate with any
Once the initial global AP pattern is set up, the neural tube morphologically visible landmarks (Garcia-Bellido et al.,
undergoes further local regionalization. Local AP patterning is 1973). Clones of cells respected this boundary, remaining res-
best understood in the hindbrain, which is segmentally tricted to either the anterior or posterior compartment.
patterned (Cooke and Moens, 2002; Lumsden, 2004; Lumsden In vertebrates, the anterior embryonic neuroepithelium
and Krumlauf, 1996; Trainor and Krumlauf, 2000). Each seg- contains a series of segment-like transient bulges, known as
ment (rhombomere) along the AP axis of the hindbrain has a neuromeres. In higher vertebrates, neuromeres are particu-
unique molecular code that defines its functional organization larly noticeable in the developing hindbrain (rhombencepha-
(Lumsden, 2004). Compared to the hindbrain, AP patterning in lon) where they are called rhombomeres. Although recognized
the forebrain is less clear, partially due to its complexity, which by embryologists for many years, their significance had been
is especially true for the telencephalon. The diencephalon, puzzling (Lumsden and Keynes, 1989; Niel, 1918). Evidences
however, is structurally more similar to the mid- and hind- supporting these segment-like bulges (rhombomeres) being
brain. Given its structural similarity to the hindbrain, it is lineage-restricted compartments first came from lineage-
worth considering whether the diencephalon develops accord- tracing studies using dye injections into the chick embryo
ing to a similar plan utilized by the hindbrain. (Fraser et al., 1990). Much like the Drosophila imaginal disc,
most clones of cells within each rhombomere respected the
2.1. Is the diencephalon a segmental structure? border between rhombomeres (Fraser et al., 1990; Garcia-
Bellido et al., 1973). These data led to the notion that the
The first question that must be answered for comparing the rhombomeres are lineage-restricted compartments and thus
developmental plan of the diencephalon to that of the the hindbrain is a true segmental structure.
hindbrain is whether it is also segmented during development. Finding that the morphologically defined rhombomeres
In the well-studied body plan of insects, segmentation is represented lineage-restricted compartments prompted simi-
clearly recognized as transverse subdivision along the AP axis. lar studies in the forebrain. Figdor and Stern (1993) proposed
In vertebrates, the somites and branchial arches are obvious that the diencephalon is composed of four distinct AP seg-
examples of segmented structures (Dubrulle and Pourquie, ments, based on the analyses of morphology, differential
2004; Graham and Lumsden, 1993; Pourquie, 2001). The distribution of neuronal antigens, scaffolds of axon fascicles,
vertebrate hindbrain also shares this organizational plan and lineage-tracing experiment in the chick embryo. D1,
(Lumsden, 2004). The advantage of segmentation is that the immediately posterior to the telencephalon (T), is the most
whole structure can be made in modules, simplifying the or- anterior segment followed by D2, D3, and D4; D4 is the most
chestration of development through separation of cell popula- posterior segment abutting the mesencephalon (M) (Fig. 2A)
tions into distinct functional units. This “separation of cell (Figdor and Stern, 1993). D1 refers to the ventral thalamus and

Fig. 2 – Schematic diagrams comparing three proposed models of the embryonic chick diencephalon subdivision. (A) D1–D4
indicate four segments in the developing diencephalon (from Figdor and Stern, 1993). D1 includes the ventral thalamus
(prethalamus in updated terminology) and hypothalamus; D2 contains the dorsal thalamus (thalamus in updated term),
habenula, stria medullaris; D3 refers to the anterior part of the pretectum; D4 is the posterior part of the pretectum. (B) P1–P3
indicate three prosomeres (segments) in the developing diencephalon (prosomeric model by Puelles and Rubenstein, 2003). P1
contains pretectum; P2 refers to the thalamus (formerly dorsal thalamus) and epithalamus; P3 includes the prethalamus
(formerly ventral thalamus). Although the hypothalamus is not included in the diagram, it is considered as the anterior
diencephalon in this model. (C) VT, DT, AS, and PS represent four subdivisions, but not segments, in the embryonic
diencephalon (model by Larsen et al., 2001). VT and DT are called PT and T, respectively, in updated terminology. In this model,
the hypothalamus is not included in the diencephalon. Note that these diagrams are modified from each original diagram for
the purpose of comparison. Some boundaries were estimated to compensate for differences in stages studied from the original
reports. AS, anterior synencephalon; DT, dorsal thalamus; Mes, mesencephalon; PS, posterior synencephalon; PT,
prethalamus; T, thalamus; Tel, telencephalon; VT, ventral thalamus; ZLI, zona limitans intrathalamica.
20 BR A I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6

hypothalamus; D2 includes dorsal thalamus, habenula, and lineage analyses refuted the strict concept of a compartment
stria medullaris; D3 is the anterior part of the pretectum; the (Arnold-Aldea and Cepko, 1996; Golden and Cepko, 1996).
posterior part of the pretectum containing posterior commis- These studies demonstrated that clones, labeled with replica-
sure and its associated tract make up D4. Targeted injections of tion-incompetent retrovirus infection, dispersed throughout
carbocyanine dyes, labeling small groups of cells within the diencephalon, without respecting prosomeric or neuro-
neuromeres, as well as intracellular injection showed that meric boundaries (Arnold-Aldea and Cepko, 1996; Golden and
adjacent groups of cells do not mix across boundaries (Figdor Cepko, 1996). They directly conflicted with previous work using
and Stern, 1993). Therefore, the authors concluded that the carbocyanine dyes and intracellular injections of lineage
diencephalon is composed of lineage-restricted segments tracers (Figdor and Stern, 1993). At least two explanations
similar to the hindbrain. exist to reconcile the discrepancies between these studies.
Another feature of the segmentation is that each unit or First, the initial linage restriction between neuromeres is pre-
segment is defined by the expression of a specific set of genes, sent but after a yet to be defined developmental stage the
such as Hox genes in the case of the hindbrain (Lumsden, boundary disappears. This explanation accounts for lineage
2004). In a series of studies comparing gene expression with restriction early in development as observed in the previous
anatomic domains, Puelles and Rubenstein proposed the study (Figdor and Stern, 1993), whereas when examined later
prosomeric model of forebrain development (Puelles and in development, there is breeching of these segmental
Rubenstein, 1993; Rubenstein et al., 1994). In this model, they boundaries (Golden and Cepko, 1996). Another explanation is
suggested that the developing prosencephalon is composed of that a relatively small subset of clones crosses neuromeric
segmental units called prosomeres. According to their initial boundaries early in development and such a subset of clones
model, the forebrain contained six prosomeres arranged along may have been missed using the techniques employed in the
the AP axis (Rubenstein et al., 1994). The posterior three (P1– earlier study. The latter explanation is similar to that observed
P3) subdivided the diencephalon, whereas the anterior three in the hindbrain where a small percentage of clones violate
(p4–p6) subdivided the secondary prosencephalon. The sec- rhombomeric boundaries (Birgbauer and Fraser, 1994). In
ondary prosencephalon included the hypothalamus, which is either case, during dispersion, some clones in the diencepha-
considered the most anterior part of the diencephalon, lon do not respect segmental boundaries. Of note, in the
ventrally, and telencephalon dorsally. This model provided rhombencephalon, where cells respect rhombomere borders
an important framework for numerous studies on forebrain early development, cell migration beyond these borders, espe-
pattern formation, establishing an evolutionarily conserved cially after differentiation, is well recognized (Lumsden, 2004).
topographical map with a corresponding gene expression re- The diencephalic segmentation model was recently chal-
lationship in the vertebrate neural tube. However, some of lenged by another study by Larsen et al. (2001). As opposed to
their data conflicted with those of several other groups, reiterative segments, they proposed that the diencephalon is
creating controversy as to the number and boundaries of pro- composed of five unique domains: from the anterior to
someres (Figdor and Stern, 1993; Larsen et al., 2001). The posterior, the ventral and dorsal thalamus (which are sub-
difficulty defining prosomeric boundaries arose mainly in the divided domains of the parencephalon and are called pre-
secondary prosencephalon and the adjoining part of the thalamus and thalamus in updated terms), the ZLI, and the
diencephalon due largely to complicated morphogenesis anterior and posterior synencephalon (Fig. 2C). Their data fail
during telencephalic development. For example, according to to support morphological or molecular evidence of reiteration
their definition, each prosomeric boundary ought to be through these five domains, and that the boundary cells of
transverse and “complete”—implying that it must span the these domains do not share any common gene expression
entire neural tube from the roof plate to floor plate. However, (Larsen et al., 2001). Furthermore, their fluorescent dye-tracing
several boundaries, especially those postulated in the studies find only the ZLI to be a true compartment. It should be
hypothalamus and telencephalon, were ambiguous. These noted that the ZLI is considered as a compartment in this
concerns resulted in a revision of the prosomeric model that study, not a border between two domains as it is generally
no longer includes the secondary prosencephalon as a pro- considered in other studies (Echevarria et al., 2003). They
someric structure (Puelles and Rubenstein, 2003). In the concluded that the lack of overtly reiterated features, the lack
diencephalon, P1–P3 are still considered as prosomeric of uniformity in the expression of boundary markers, and the
structures with slight modification in P2 and P3: P3 includes lack of compartmentalization based on lineage analyses
the prethalamus (formerly called ventral thalamus) and emi- indicate that the diencephalon should not be regarded as a
nentia thalamus; P2 refers to the thalamus (formerly dorsal segmented structure.
thalamus) and epithalamus; and P1 is the most posterior part
of the diencephalon containing the pretectum (Fig. 2B) (Puelles 2.2. The ZLI as a signaling center for diencephalic AP
and Rubenstein, 2003). Finally, they suggest that each patterning
prosomere is not necessarily a lineage-restricted compart-
ment and that lineage restriction between segment is not In the compartmental structures of insects, such as the fly
necessarily required for the definition of the segmentation wing disc, compartment boundary cells serve not only as a
(Puelles and Rubenstein, 2003). Taken together, this model barrier to cell intermixing, but also as a signaling center that
supports the division of the diencephalon, except the hypo- influences the fate of surrounding tissues and thus, an
thalamus, into three segmental prosomeres. “organizer” (Irvine and Rauskolb, 2001). Organizers have also
Although anatomic and gene expression data supported been identified at various border regions in the vertebrate
the concept of diencephalic segmentation, retroviral-based neural tube (Echevarria et al., 2003; Martinez, 2001; Wurst and
B RA I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6 21

Bally-Cuif, 2001). For example, the isthmic organizer (IsO) necessary and sufficient to induce thalamic specific gene
forms at the boundary between the mid- and hindbrain and expression, and the absence of Wnt signaling, achieved
exerts a key influence on regional AP patterning (Martinez, through pharmacological inhibitors and through the Wnt
2001; Wurst and Bally-Cuif, 2001). antagonist (Dkk), results in prethalamic differentiation (Braun
In the diencephalon, the ZLI forms the boundary between et al., 2003). This is consistent with the results in Wnt co-
the prethalamus and thalamus at the neural tube stage in receptor (LRP6) mutant mice that have defects in thalamic
addition to its putative compartmental organization at earlier neural precursor domains whereas the prethalamic markers
stages as described above (Fig. 3). Based on the expression of remain largely intact (Zhou et al., 2004). Together, these data
numerous signaling molecules, including Shh, Wnts, and Fgfs, support the involvement of Wnt signaling in posteriorization
the ZLI has been hypothesized as a signaling center (Echevarria of the diencephalon. However, the endogenous Wnt ligand(s)
et al., 2003). Evidences supporting this hypothesis have come working in the ZLI remains to be identified. In addition to Shh
from several recent studies (Kiecker and Lumsden, 2004; Vieira and Wnt, Fgf signaling also has been implicated in ZLI
et al., 2005). Using tissue grafting, Vieira et al. (2005) showed function, although its specific role has not been further cla-
that the ZLI can induce thalamic fate. They demonstrated that rified (Walshe and Mason, 2003).
the ectopic ZLI placed in the mesencephalon can induce the Despite the importance of the ZLI, the mechanism of its
thalamic marker, Gbx2, while repressing Mab21, a mesence- formation remains poorly understood. The ZLI initiates at the
phalic marker. The ectopically induced ZLI was noted to ventral midline where the prechordal neural plate (labeled by
express Shh, similar to the endogenous one, and the organizer Six3) and epichordal neural plate (labeled by Irx3) meet; from
activity of the ZLI was recapitulated using transplanted Shh- there it extends dorsally (Echevarria et al., 2003). The
expressing cells. A second study using in ovo electroporation juxtaposition of these two tissues has been postulated as an
provided further support for the role of the ZLI-based Shh in essential component of ZLI specification (Braun et al., 2003;
regulating diencephalic regional identity (Kiecker and Lums- Echevarria et al., 2003; Hashimoto-Torii et al., 2003; Kobayashi
den, 2004). They demonstrated that Shh is both necessary and et al., 2002; Larsen et al., 2001). Recently, the in vivo interaction
sufficient for Dlx2 and Gbx2 expressions, both markers for the between these domains (prechordal/epichordal) was demon-
ZLI flanking regions, prethalamus and thalamus, respectively. strated to be responsible for the specification of the ZLI (Vieira
Furthermore, distinct competences for Shh response were et al., 2005). It was shown that the interaction between these
found between the prethalamus (anterior to ZLI) and thalamus two domains induced a permissive property to express Shh,
(posterior to ZLI). The transcription factor Irx3, which is an important signaling molecule for ZLI function. However, it
expressed posterior to the ZLI, was sufficient to provide the remains to be elucidated if and how the interaction between
prethalamus with thalamic competence in response to Shh. Six3 and Irx3 plays a role in specification of the ZLI.
These two studies indicate that the ZLI indeed functions as an At the early neural tube stage, it has been reported that
organizer of diencephalic AP patterning and that Shh signal the putative ZLI forms from a lunatic fringe (L-fng) negative,
mediates this organizer activity of the ZLI (Kiecker and Wnt8b-expressing wedge-shaped area in the prosencephalon
Lumsden, 2004; Vieira et al., 2005). (Fig. 3A) (Kiecker and Lumsden, 2005; Larsen et al., 2001;
Wnt signaling from the ZLI also appears to be important for Zeltser et al., 2001). This wedge-shaped compartment is
AP patterning. Wnt3 and Wnt3a are expressed in the dorsal flanked by L-fng expression domains both anteriorly and
region of the thalamus with their expression domains posteriorly. Although this L-fng-free compartment has been
abutting the ZLI (Braun et al., 2003; Roelink and Nusse, 1991; suggested to progressively narrow down to a band of cells
Salinas and Nusse, 1992), whereas Wnt8b is expressed in the that later defines the ZLI, the fate map study using quail-
ZLI itself (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2004). Canonical Wnt signaling is chick chimera did not observe any evident “narrow down”

Fig. 3 – Signaling centers for AP and DV patterning in the developing diencephalon. (A) The ZLI is initially specified in early
development (approximately stages 12–13 in the chick) by broad Wnt8+ and L-fng− domain. This domain narrows to form a
definitive ZLI later (see the same colored area labeled as ZLI in panel B). Juxtaposition of the Six3+ and Irx3+ domains establish
the AP boundaries of the ZLI. (B) The roof plate and floor plate are known as signaling centers for DV patterning. Yellow-labeled
area corresponds to the alar plate, whereas orange represents the basal plate. The hypothalamus is not included in the
diencephalon in this diagram due to its controversial origin (see text). DT, dorsal thalamus; Hy, hypothalamus; Mes,
mesencephalon; PrT, pretectum; PT, prethalamus; T, thalamus; Tel, telencephalon; VT, ventral thalamus; ZLI, zona limitans
22 BR A I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6

processes (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2004). Thus, it remains to be expression data so far do not clearly define a complete TDB.
elucidated how the whole compartment collapses to a band Furthermore, the controversy over hypothalamic designation
of cells. The role of L-fng in setting up the lateral ZLI as part of the diencephalon further complicates the subject.
boundary has been recently reported in chick embryo (Zeltser The hypothalamus was included in the diencephalon (D1
et al., 2001). Ectopic expression of the L-fng in the ZLI directed domain) defined by Figdor and Stern (1993), but excluded by
cells to sort out of the ZLI and repressed ZLI formation Larsen et al. (2001). Puelles and Rubenstein's (2003) model
(Zeltser et al., 2001). These results suggest that the limits of separates the hypothalamus from the p3 domain and leaves it
the ZLI along the AP axis are restricted by these adjacent as a part of the secondary prosencephalon, which is not
domains of L-fng expression. Similar mechanism exists in considered as a prosomeric structure but still considered as
Drosophila where fng also regulates compartment segregation part of the anterior diencephalon. Lineage studies also indicate
and stabilizes the position of a signaling center at the DV that there is no lineage restriction between the telencephalon
compartment boundary of the wing disc (Irvine and Raus- and diencephalon (Golden and Cepko, 1996; Larsen et al., 2001).
kolb, 2001; Rauskolb et al., 1999). The posterior boundary of the diencephalon is more
In addition to elucidate the mechanism controlling the ZLI obvious in comparison to the TDB, both morphologically and
formation along the AP axis, it is also important to consider molecularly. As early as stage 10 in the chick, the prosence-
its formation in respect to the DV axis of the neural tube. phalic vesicle, of which the posterior limit coincides with the
Given its expression within the ZLI, Shh expression has been diencephalic boundary based on fate map studies (Garcia-
recognized as an indicator of the definitive ZLI. In the early Lopez et al., 2004), can be distinguished from the mesence-
neural tube stage, Shh is limited to the basal plate of the phalic vesicle. Molecular makers delineating the DMB include
diencephalon and a small domain of expression extends Pax6, Pax2, and Engrailed (En); the posterior limit of early Pax6
dorsally into the basal part of the presumptive ZLI epithe- expression and the anterior limit of Pax2 and En2 have been
lium. This expression domain expands further dorsally as the shown to coincide with the DMB (Araki and Nakamura, 1999;
development proceeds. Recently, Shh from the basal plate Mastick et al., 1997; Puschel et al., 1992; Warren and Price,
was found to be required for the formation and dorsal 1997). Not only do they mark this boundary, but they also play
progression of the ZLI (Zeltser, 2005). It has also been roles in DMB formation. Pax6 mutants (small eye mutants) fail
observed that the formation of the ZLI can be opposed by to form a normal DMB (Mastick et al., 1997), likely due to a
yet to be identified signals from the dorsal midline of the failure of En1 and Pax2 repression in the diencephalon in the
diencephalon, which may account for the ZLI failing to reach absence of Pax6 (Matsunaga et al., 2000). Engrailed is also
the dorsal midline (Zeltser, 2005). involved in DMB formation by repressing diencephalic fate
In summary, the ZLI acts as a compound signaling center (Araki and Nakamura, 1999). Misexpression of En in the
that regulates AP development of the diencephalon through diencephalon caused a rostral shift of the DMB, Pax6 repres-
interactions of various pathways including Shh, Fgf, and Wnt, sion, and transformation of the dorsal diencephalon into the
but the exact role of each signaling pathway and a possible mesencephalon. On the contrary, VP16-Engrailed construct
interaction between these pathways remains to be clarified. (dominant positive form of Engrailed) expression caused a
The formation of the ZLI along the AP and DV axes can be caudal shift of the DMB and ectopic Pax6 expression in the
regulated by multiple factors including the juxtaposition of mesencephalon (Araki and Nakamura, 1999). In addition to the
pre- and epichordal plate, L-fng expression, Shh signal from formation of the DMB, Engrailed (En2/En3) also plays a role in
the basal plate, and unidentified signal(s) from the dorsal maintaining it along with Fgf8 (Scholpp et al., 2003). Consistent
midline. with these morphological and molecular data, lineage studies
also provide evidences that the DMB is a clear lineage
2.3. The anterior and posterior boundaries of the restriction boundary (Larsen et al., 2001).
diencephalon: telencephalon–diencephalon boundary
and diencephalon–mesencephalon boundary
3. DV development of the diencephalon
The prosencephalic vesicle, as discussed above, develops into
the telencephalon and diencephalon, but no morphological Understanding DV patterning in the diencephalon is more
delineation between these two regions exists until approxi- difficult than in more caudal regions as a result of the neural
mately stages 12–13 in the chick (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2004). tube curvature in this region. The cephalic neural tube under-
Even in later stages, the morphological boundary does not span goes several flexures, which results in complicated topological
across the entire neural tube; although apparent dorsally, it is relationship between anatomic structures relative to the AP
not clear ventrally (reviewed in Trujillo et al., 2005). The and DV axes of the neural tube, thus generating confusing
obscure telencephalon–diencephalon boundary (TDB) in ven- positional terminology. For example, ventral and dorsal
tral at least partially reflects the anatomical complexity of this thalami (conventional nomenclature) do not actually indicate
region. Molecular markers, such as Lhx genes and SFRP DV domains but rather refer to AP domains of the diencepha-
(secreted frizzled related protein, a putative inhibitor of Wnt lon (Fig. 3B). To avoid misguidance from this confusing
signaling), can provide complementary boundary information nomenclature, an updated terminology by Puelles and Ruben-
to the morphological landmarks (Bachy et al., 2001; Kim et al., stein (2003) replaces the ventral thalamus with the prethala-
2001a,b), but discrepancies exist among interpretations of mus and the dorsal thalamus with the thalamus. Thus, the
molecular marker data (Alvarez-Bolado et al., 1995; Larsen et true DV axis of the diencephalon must be considered with
al., 2001). Thus, both morphological landmarks and gene reference to the true AP axis of the neural tube. The DV field
B RA I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6 23

can be divided into four areas similar to more caudal neural (Hashimoto-Torii et al., 2003). These transcription factors are
tube derivatives. These divisions are, from ventral to dorsal, regulated by different concentrations of Shh, and distinct Gli
the floor plate, basal plate, alar plate, and roof plate (Fig. 3B). molecules mediate their differential response to Shh (Hashi-
The floor plate consists of ventral midline cells that function as moto-Torii et al., 2003). This study suggests that DV regiona-
an embryonic organizing center producing secreted signaling lization in the diencephalon exploits Shh in a similar fashion to
molecules. Although the floor plate shares common features the ventral spinal cord. What makes the same signaling
along the entire neural axis, the floor plate of the forebrain is molecule act uniquely at different sites along the AP axis?
somewhat distinct from that of the spinal cord, with respect to Some insight into this problem has emerged by considering
morphology, molecular constituents, cell types, cellular origin/ cooperative signaling of several molecules (Dale et al., 1997; Ye
ontogeny, inductive pathway, and timing of induction (Placzek et al., 1998). For instance, Bmp7 cooperates with Shh for ventral
and Briscoe, 2005). The basal and alar plates are located in forebrain development, whereas Fgfs do so in the midbrain
between the floor plate and roof plate, and most of the nuclei in (Dale et al., 1997; Ye et al., 1998). In this respect, it is interesting
the mature diencephalon are derived from these two regions. to note that the floor plate cells, the source of Shh, express
The roof plate resides in the dorsal midline and its progenitors different sets of signaling molecules depending on their
are induced in lateral regions of the closing neural tube. Similar position along the AP axis (Placzek and Briscoe, 2005). Floor
to the floor plate, the roof plate is a signaling center which plate cells spanning from the prospective anterior diencepha-
affects patterning of the adjacent regions. Unlike the roof plate lon to the hindbrain show unique expression of signaling
in the spinal cord, some cells in the forebrain roof plate molecules such as Fgf, Bmp, and Egf-cfc (epidermal growth
differentiate to form structures such as the choroid plexus and factor-cripto-FRL-cryiptic) families, in addition to Shh and
pineal gland. netrin, whereas the floor plate cells in the spinal cord only
express Shh and netrin (Chapman et al., 2002; Colas and
3.1. Common themes for DV patterning: the floor plate Schoenwolf, 2000; Dale et al., 1999; Ding et al., 1998; Furuta et
and roof plate al., 1997; Karabagli et al., 2002; Mahmood et al., 1995; Shen et al.,
1997). The exact role of these molecules in diencephalic pat-
Numerous studies in the spinal cord have established that the terning remains to be defined.
floor plate and roof plate produce morphogens such as Shh Similar to the floor plate, several studies have indicated
and Bmps, respectively, and that these morphogens influence that the roof plate is a signaling center for the dorsal
DV patterning (Wilson and Maden, 2005). For example, in the diencephalon. Disruption of the dorsal midline of the posterior
ventral spinal cord, a gradient of Shh regulates homeodomain diencephalon affects the development of the dorsolateral
transcription factors expressions in progenitor cells (Jessell, aspect of p1 including the normal expression of the dorsolat-
2000). Distinct combinations of transcription factor expres- eral markers, Pax6, pax7, and Lim1 (Bach et al., 2003). These
sion, set up by Shh signaling, confer a unique DV identity to defects in dorsolateral gene expression interfere with the
groups of ventral neural progenitor cells, generating five development of structures derived from this region including
different classes of neurons (V0–V3: interneurons; MN: motor the posterior commissure and the subcommissural organ.
neurons) (Briscoe and Ericson, 2001; Jessell, 2000; Shirasaki Additional support for signaling along the dorsal midline
and Pfaff, 2002). In the dorsal spinal cord, there are six comes from the analysis of ectopic En1 expression (Louvi and
different neural progenitor cell groups that are classified Wassef, 2000). Transgenic mice expressing En1 in the dorsal
according to the expression of bHLH proteins (Math, Mash, and midline from the diencephalon through the spinal cord, under
Ngn) and LIM homeodomain proteins (Lbx and Lmx). TGF the control of the Wnt1 promoter, exhibit misspecification of
superfamily members provide positional information in some the roof plate cells. This defect in the roof plate results in
of these cell groups by setting borders of expression of commissural axonal pathfinding errors and leads to the
homeodomain genes in an analogous fashion to the role of defects in structures derived from the dorsal neuroepithelium
Shh in the ventral spinal cord (Helms and Johnson, 2003; such as subcommissural organ and pineal gland. They
Timmer et al., 2002; Wine-Lee et al., 2004). In the diencepha- corroborated these results in Wnt1 mutant mice (Wnt1sw/sw)
lon, there have been similar efforts to identify region specific and electroporation studies in chick. These data, together with
transcription factors along the DV axis (Hashimoto-Torii et al., the study by Bach et al. (2003), demonstrate that the dorsal
2003; Lim and Golden, 2002; Nakagawa and O'Leary, 2001). diencephalic midline is necessary to specify neural tissue
Several studies have correlated transcription factor expres- adjacent to the roof plate.
sion between early embryonic neural domains and later The roof plate of the diencephalon expresses candidate
mature nuclei, suggesting that positional allocation of each inductive signaling molecules such as Bmps and Wnts. Despite
nucleus along the DV axis occurs during early neurogenesis the fact that BMP signaling is required for DV patterning at
analogous to the early assignment of DV identity in the spinal other levels of the neural tube and that Bmps are expressed in
cord (Hashimoto-Torii et al., 2003; Lim and Golden, 2002; the dorsal diencephalon, their role in diencephalic patterning
Nakagawa and O'Leary, 2001). remains uncertain. Unlike in the spinal cord, Bmp ligands and
Emerging studies suggest that genes involved in DV Bmp receptors are expressed both in the ventral and dorsal
patterning are conserved between the spinal cord and the midline of the diencephalon, suggesting a complex role in DV
diencephalon (Bach et al., 2003; Hashimoto-Torii et al., 2003; patterning (Lim and Golden, unpublished data). Ectopic activa-
Lim et al., 2005). Evidence supporting this contention comes tion of Bmp signaling through constitutively active Bmpr1s can
from a recent study of Sox14 and Gbx2, which are expressed in alter transcription factor expression, which perturbs later
discrete domains along the DV axis of the diencephalon diencephalic nuclear development (Lim et al., 2005). However,
24 BR A I N R ES E A RC H R EV IE W S 5 3 (2 0 0 7) 1 7–2 6

loss-of-function experiment using dominant-negative Bmpr1s

found no defects in diencephalic nuclear organization (Lim et Acknowledgments
al., 2005). These loss-of-function data are consistent with the
results in the telencephalon, both in the conditional Bmpr1a; We would like to thank the Golden lab members for the
Bmpr1b compound mutant mice and chick explant culture comments on the manuscript. We appreciate Sue Marone's
studies (Gunhaga et al., 2003; Hebert et al., 2002). Together, help for the illustrations.
these data suggest that, unlike in the spinal cord, Bmp signaling
may not be required for global DV patterning in the forebrain.
However, we cannot exclude the possibility that the negative
data presented in these studies may reflect limitations in each
experimental system or potential redundancies in Bmp ligands Altman, J., Bayer, S.A., 1988. Development of the rat thalamus: I.
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