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LGBT as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Junior High School in St.

School S.Y 2019 - 2020


The Problem and Its Settings


"We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in

a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.” LGBT is an initialism that stands

for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. This is the community wherein you can see, meet,

encounter different genders. In our generation, LGBT has been spreading and being topic of the

world. Everywhere you go, you can see different genders whenever you pass through or walk

around. Many people judge us for being part of this community. Little did they know, this is how

we express ourselves and this is how we can make ourselves happy. We are being true to

ourselves and we are showing our true colors by how would we act.

Learning to be yourself and dealing with people’s perception of you can be

hard for anyone. In this world, we are experiencing different kinds of discrimination, and we are

tackling about LGBT. We need to be ourselves, who are we, we need to learn and let us know

who are we to deal with them, to fight for what are their discrimination for. Their mindset or

perspective should not hit our ego. We need to fight with our rights or with limitations. Once we

already knew ourselves, it will be hard for them to discriminate us as a human because we

already knew ourselves. We knew how can we live, how would we live, and how should we live

with this kind of gender. We are the ones who accepted first our decision before them to support

LGBT as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Junior High School in St. Therese
School S.Y 2019 - 2020

How can be LGBT affect the studies of students who are part of this

community? Schools should be safe places for everyone. But in the Philippines, students who

are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender too often find that their schooling experience is

marred by bullying, discrimination, lack of access to LGBT-related information, and in some

cases, physical or sexual assault. It is because of their gender preferences, they got these kinds of

experiences specifically, in schools. They thought school would be the guide to teach how to

accept them as a human being but definitely, no. They are experiencing traumatic events that can

cause self-harm or suicidal, not going to school, and that will be the effect on their academic or

LGBT as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Junior High School in St. Therese
School S.Y 2019 - 2020


The researcher focused on the respondent’s situation– lgbt – so the researcher

would like to find out about the profile of the respondent’s as a factor affecting the academic

performances of selected junior high school student in St. Therese School S.Y 2018–2019 in terms


1. Demographic Profile

a. Name

b. Age

c. Gender

d. Economic Status

e. Parents Educational Attainment

f. Parents Occupation

g. General Average

2. Does being part of the LGBT community affects the academic performances of the selected

Junior High School of St. Therese School?

LGBT as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Junior High School in St. Therese
School S.Y 2019 - 2020


The researcher has found that most of the part of LGTB community has

significant effects or positive and negative in academic performances. But not all the part of LGBT

community has problem with it. Some says that being part of the LGBT community is easy because

they can freely show who they really are or they can be true to themselves. But some says that the

LGBTs can’t be real to themselves due to people around them might judge. Being part of LGBT

community is not only applicable for students, it’s applicable for all persons who has the same

situation as researcher’s topic.


Being part of Academic

LGBT Performance


The researcher’s respondents are the selected junior High School–Grade 7 to Grade

10– and the researcher will find out if there are students who has a problem for being of LGBT

LGBT as a Factor Affecting the Academic Performance of Junior High School in St. Therese
School S.Y 2019 - 2020


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