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Лекция 1-2

Тема: Введение в ИКТ. Классификация в

ИКТ, основные методы хранения,
обработки и использования информации.
Единицы измерения информации.
Системы счисления. Булевая алгебра.
Логические элементы
Lecture 1-2
The theme : . An ICT rule in key sectors of society.Introduction
to "Information and Communication Technologies". Properties
and classification of ICTs, the main methods of keeping,
processing and issues to information. The measurement of
information. Boolean algebra. Construction of logic. Elements
of electronics.
The Subject of the ICT is intended for
Information processing and technology
and Communicating.
Information processing includes the
methods and technology of the reception,
saving, transformations, issues and use to
Communicating involves sending
information to another location or other
people. Information can be communicated via
telephone, formal written letters, e-mail,
personal contact, or through other channels
and computer network. A variety of
communication means is available for
transmitting or receiving information.
Information technology this collection of the methods
and device, used by people for information handling.
Information this main object of Subject of the ICT.
ICT directly refers to information and it is connected
with processing the information, saving the
information and issuing the information.
Information this information and data.
Data are the raw, isolated facts, figures, images and
sounds that have little or no meaning. Information,
therefore, is data that is summarized or presented in a
useful or meaningful way.
This given about surrounding us world. Information
can be deferring. We use information in professional
activity, in education and etc.
Information has two forms
• The form of First information this analog
information. For example: this - a
temperature of the body, tune and car
• The form of the Second information this
Discrete information. Discrete information is
information of interrupted. For example: this
- a number electron in atom, details of tool,
letters on the book's page etc.
Such values name discrete (digital).
• The Device, processing information
was divided also analog information
and discrete information or digital.

• Transformation of information from

analog to digital information is
analog-digital transformation.
The Types and subspecieses
of information:
- Public information - political,
scientifically, popular;

- Special information - scientific,

technical, economic;

- Personal information
Sign Information is divided on:

• 1) elementary - reflects the processes

and phenomena of the inanimate
• 2) biological - reflects the processes of
vegetable world and animal of the
• 3) social - reflects the processes of
human society.
Send and perceptions
1) visual information

2) audio information - send sound;

3) tactile information - send sensations;

4) information perception (органо –

лептическая) - send of scent and taste;

5) machine information - a computing

• Information can be save on computer code.
Information of computer is coded symbol
0 and 1.
The American scientist Klod Shannon has
offered in 1948. the formula of the
determination amount to information. Such
code is binary.

The Bit is small measurement to

information, has logical importance
Yes or No and is marked binary 1 or 0.
Processor this device processing information
The Processor processes simultaneously
several bits. The Processor be 4-8-16 and etc
category (разряд). The Category this amount
bit how much can simultaneously process
the processor.
The First computer (Alitair is made 1974)
had 8 categories. New measurement of
information was open in this time. It's byte.

Byte has the eight bite.

Byte - one machine word.
The symbol is coding one number.
One number or symbol consists of eight bits.
The Whole information on computer
consists of big amount byte.
Such information is a file.
The File has a name and extension.
The File name gives user itself.
The Extension defines the type
of the file.
The File name is used in computer for
determination of the place of the file
and what its format.
Measurement of information
except byte
• kilobyte (Kb)
• megabyte (Mb)
• gigabyte (Gb)

1 kilobytes = 210 bytes = 1024 bytes

1 megabyte = 210 Kb = 1024 Kb

1 gigabyte = 210 Mb = 1024 Mb

Systems of the numeration

A numeral system (or system of

numeration) is a writing system for
expressing numbers, that is,
a mathematical notation for representing
numbers of a given set, using digits or
other symbols in a consistent manner.
We express the amount special
These symbols - a numerals.
The System of the numeration is
defined depending on amounts of
the used numerals.
Two numerals 0 and 1 are used in
binary system of the numeration.
0 and 9 in decimal, 0 and 7 in
octonary, 0 and 15 the hexadecimal
system and etc.
The Systems of the numeration divide in two groups

not positional positional

The numeration of the numeral in The numeration of the numeral
depends on its place (the positions). depends on its place (the positions).

Solitary (единичная) Duodecimal of Mayan tribe

( двенадцетеричная
племени Mая)
Roman (Римская) Babel (Вавилонская)
(цифры I, V, X, L, C, D, M)
Ancient Egyptian Decimal Ancient Chinese
(Древнеегипетская (Древнекитайская
Grecian (Древнегреческий) десятеричная)

Slavic Cyrillic
(Славянская Decimal (Десятичная)
кириллическая) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Not positional numeric system
Alphabet of this system included unlimited amount
of the symbols
Solitary numeric cane system (единичная палочная)
Not positional numeric system
Ancient Egyptian (Древнеегипетская)

• = 1205 = 23029
Not positional numeric system
Grecian (Древнегреческий)
Grecian Attic fivefold
(Древнегреческая аттическая пятеричная)
= 256
= 2051
= 382
Grecian Ionian decimal alphabet
Древнегреческая ионийская десятеричная алфавитная

= 265

= 503

= 731
Not positional numeric system
Slavic Cyrillic
(Славянская кириллическая)

Not positional numeric system

Roman (Римская)
The Roman number system use The Latin alphabet

Roman figure
IX 9 = 10 -1
XII 12 = 10 + 1 + 1
Positional numeric system

Numeric system of Mayan tribe

( Система счисления племени Mая)

• = = 21 = 55 = 249
Positional numeric system

Babel numeric system (Вавилонская система счисления)

(Decimal -десятеричная / Hexadecimal -шестидесятеричная)

- one - ten - zero

= 20
= 32
= 3725
= 7203
Positional numeric system

0 and 9 in decimal system

Two numerals 0 and 1 are used

in binary system
0 1

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 0 and 7 in octonary system

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

0 and 15 the hexadecimal system

Translation the number from one system
of the numeration to another system
For base of the system possible to take any natural
number two, three, four and etc. Consequently,
possible uncountable ensemble of the positional
systems: binary, ternary, quaternary and etc. Record
number in each of systems of the numeration with
base q means shortened writing the expression an-1
qn-1 + an-2 qn-2 + ... + a1 q1 + a0 q0 + a-1 q-1 + ... +
a-m q-m, where ai numerals of the system of the
numeration); n and m number integer and
fractional category, accordingly.

• Example: 0110 =23 * 0 + 22 * 1 + 21 * 1 + 20 *

0= 22 * 1 + 21 * 1 = 4+2 = 6
The basis of a digital technique is The Boolean
algebra or the algebra of logic. The main functional unit
of Microelectronic device created of logic elements.
This elements working of The Boolean algebra rules.
The Boolean algebra was created by John Boole in
medium 18 ages.
The most elementary choice one can make is
between two items: “0' and “1”, “heads” or “tails”,
“true” or “false”, etc. Shannon defined the bit as such
an elementary choice, or unit of information content,
from which all selection operations are built. Bit is short
for binary digit and “is equivalent to the choice between
two equally likely choices.
Logical negation – NO
(логическое отрицание НЕ)

Logical addition –
(логическое сложение)

Logical multiplication –
(логическое сложение)
Thank you
for your attention!

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