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The story started out when Vicente, a bus conductor, came to volunteered to tutor two children with

their school works. The mother trusted him for she thinks that he is a good gentle man with the
purest intentions of helping her children. But one evening, Vicente came earlier as usual. The children
wanted more pencils. Then, he asked Oscar, the little boy, to get him water. Vicente then held the
little girl on his lap making her uncomfortable and she kept squirmming. He looked strange, his face
sweating and different. The little girl then jumped away from him. The mother saw all that happened.
She slapped Vicente many times and threw him out of the house.

In the short story Magnificence, i believe that the title of magnificence is given to the mother. The
admirable action of the mother when she drove Vicente out of their house after what she witnessed.
It showed how mothers love her children. Mothers will do anything to protect their children. The
story also spoke of equality of being a man and a woman. It showed that being a woman means being
inferior compared to being a man. It showed how strong women are. The short story also raised
awareness to us that children, teens, men and women are being molested, sexually harassed and
abused. It is very relevant to our society today. Some people do not have the courage, bravery and
power to help theirselves come out to those kind of situations. We all should be aware and reminded
to protect each other, by being the voice to the people who is experiencing such things and be their
power to get out of their situation and fight for their rights.

In life we make decision that do not end up well. Because of out poor decision making, problems and
differences arise. But in every consequences, there are lessons that we learn. We learn to be brave,
courageous and strong. We all should be the light, a light that serves as protection to each and
everyone. We should be loving, respectful, and kind for it cost nothing.

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