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Pamela G.

Reed: Self-Transcendence Theory

WHere was this Bitch born?
-born in Detroit Michigan in 1952
WHat school?
-BSN from Wayne State University detroit michigan in 1974
Had a family?
-a husband named Gary married in 1973 and has 2 daughters
School and shit
-Masters of science degree in psychiatric-mental health of children and adolescents and
in nursing education in 1976
-PhD with a concentration in adult aging in 1982
-Her dissertation research focused on the relationship between well-being and spiritual
perspectives on life and death in terminally ill and well individuals
-Currently on faculty at the University of Arizona College of Nursing
where she teaches, conducts research, and serves in administrative roles, including
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs since January 1983.
-developed two widely used research instruments, the Spiritual Perspectives Scaleand
the Self-Transcendence Scale.
What books did this bitch write?
-published over 100 articles and book chapters
-she co-edited the sixth edition of Perspectives on Nursing Theory with Shearer in 2012.
-In 2011, Reed and Shearer published Nursing Knowledge and Theory Innovation:
Advancing the Science of Nursing Practice(2011).
Member of what KKK?
-Reed is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and a member of a number of
professional organizations, including Sigma Theta Tau International, the American
Nurses Association, and the Society of Rogerian Scholars.
-She serves on the editorial review boards of numerous journals and was Contributing
Editor for a Nursing Science Quarterly column, Scholarly Dialogue.

IDEK WHAT Theoretical sources are

Reed (1991a) developed her Self-Transcendence Theory using the strategy of
deductive reformulation.( originated from Ann Whall and Joyce Fitzpatrick at Wayne
State University )
Deductive reformulation uses knowledge from non-nursing theory that is reformulated
with a nursing conceptual model in constructing middle-range theory.

Reed describes her theory as originating from three sources

1. conceptualization of human development
2. early work of nursing theorist Martha E. Rogers
3. evidence from clinical experience and research indicating that clinically depressed older
persons reported fewer developmental resources to sustain their sense of well-being in
the face of decreased physical and cognitive abilities than did a matched group of
mentally healthy older adults
❖ Vulnerability-one’s awareness of personal mortality
❖ Self-Transcendence-
“expansion of self-conceptual boundaries multidimensionally: inwardly (e.g.,
through introspective experiences), outwardly (e.g., by reaching out to others), and
temporally (whereby past and future are integrated into the present)” (p. 71), was later
defined more comprehensively (Reed , 1997b) as follows:
Self-transcendence refers to fluctuation of perceived boundaries that extend the
person (or self) beyond the immediate and constricted views of self and the world. This
fluctuation is pandimensional, that is, outward (toward others and the environment),
inward (toward greater awareness of one’s own beliefs, values, and dreams), and
temporal (toward integration of past and future in a way that enhances the relative
present) (p. 192).
❖ Well-Being-“the sense of feeling whole and healthy, in accord with one’s own criteria for
wholeness and well-being”
❖ Moderating-Mediating Factors-A variety of personal and contextual variables and their
interactions may influence the process of self-transcendence as it contributes to well-
being. Examples are age, gender, cognitive ability, life experiences, spiritual
perspectives, social environment, and historical events. These variables may strengthen
or weaken relationships between vulnerability and self-transcendence and between self-
transcendence and well-being

What is a person to REED?

Persons were conceived as developing over their life span in interaction with other persons and
within an environment of changing complexity and vibrancy that could both positively and
negatively contribute to health and well-being.
What is Health to rred?
defined implicitly as a life process of both positive and negative experiences from which
individuals create unique values and environments that promote well-being.
What is Environment to reed?
Family, social networks, physical surroundings, and community resources were environments
that significantly contributed to health processes that nurses influenced through “managing
therapeutic interactions among people, objects, and [nursing] activities” (Reed, 1987, p. 26).

What is Nursing to REED?

The role of nursing activity was to assist persons
(through interpersonal processes and therapeutic
management of their environments) with the skills
required for promoting health and well-being.

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