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In the Laboratory

Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement W

by Iodometry
An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry
Oi-Wah Lau,* Shiu-Fai Luk, Nina L. N. Cheng, and Hoi-Yin Woo
Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

The need to cover many new topics in the undergraduate higher sensitivity, better precision, a smaller sample size, and
curriculum has required a reduction in the amount of volu- a smaller requirement of ethylene glycol.
metric analysis in the syllabus. There is also a strong view
that the curriculum should include practical applications. Experimental Method
Hence, ideally each experiment should cover several laboratory
skills, statistical data analysis, and preferably some practical Free Lime Determination by Iodometry Method
application. This paper describes an experiment to determine Twenty milliliters of ethylene glycol (analytical reagent
the free lime in cement and clinker (a granular substance grade) are placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, which is then
formed as a result of burning raw materials at 1400 °C in stoppered with a rubber stopper and heated in a water bath
the cement kiln), which involves the skills of extraction, at 70 °C until thermal equilibrium is attained. About 0.5 g
filtration, redox and acid–base titrations, and statistical data of the sample is accurately weighed and transferred to the
analysis. Thus, it is a suitable experiment for the undergraduate Erlenmeyer flask. The flask is stoppered again and shaken
analytical chemistry laboratory course. Besides, it demonstrates mechanically and continuously in a water bath for 15 min.
how classical wet chemistry can be used in industry and pro- The mixture is then filtered rapidly by vacuum filtration
vides a chance for students to learn about cement processing. through a Whatman No. 42 filter paper supported on a Büch-
The determination of free lime (CaO) (an unwanted ner funnel. The Erlenmeyer flask and the residue on the filter
component of cement) in clinker (ca. 1.5%) and cement paper are washed with several portions (with a total volume
(0.5–1.5%) is essential at a cement plant for controlling the of 15 mL) of pure ethanol.
quality of cement. High free lime contents render cement An aliquot (3.00 mL for sample containing <1 % free
unsound (1) and reduce its strength (2). The methods lime) of 0.10 M standard hydrochloric acid is added to the
commonly used for the determination of free lime are based filtrate in the suction flask. This is followed by the addition
on the organic solvent extraction of free lime followed by of 50 mL of 0.005 M potassium iodate solution and 0.5 g of
titration with acid (3, 4 ) or EDTA (5). American Society solid potassium iodide. The liberated iodine is titrated with
for Testing and Materials recommends titration with an 0.005 M standard sodium thiosulfate solution with constant
alcoholic solution of perchloric acid after ethyl acetoacetate– stirring until the mixture turns pale yellow. Then 5 mL of
isobutanol extraction, using thymol blue as indicator (4). The 0.2% w/v starch solution is added and the titration is con-
British Standard (BS) method involves titration with hydro- tinued until the solution changes from blue to colorless.
chloric acid using methyl red and bromocresol green as indi- The free lime content is calculated using the equation
cators after extraction with ethylene glycol (3) at 65–70 °C
free lime (%) = 2.804(Va Ma – V t Mt)/m × 100
for about 30 min. The extraction time for the BS method is
considered long for on-line determination and it is difficult where Va is the volume (in mL) of hydrochloric acid added
to detect the end point for subsequent titration, especially initially, Ma is the molarity of HCl, Vt is volume (in mL) of
for less experienced workers. thiosulfate solution used for the titration of the liberated io-
In this paper, a simple, inexpensive, and rapid iodom- dine, Mt is the molarity of thiosulfate; and m is the mass of
etry method for the determination of free lime in clinker and the sample (in g).
cement is developed, which is suitable to be adopted as an
undergraduate experiment to illustrate the principles of volu- British Standard Method
metric analysis and is also recommended for use in cement About 1.000 g of sample is accurately weighed and trans-
manufacturing for quality control purposes. The method is ferred to a dry Erlenmeyer flask containing 1 g of dry sand
based on the BS method (3) and the well-known application and 0.5 g of dry filter paper. Then 40 mL of ethylene glycol
of iodometry to determine the acid content of solutions (6 ). is added and the flask is stoppered. The mixture is mechani-
The results found by this iodometry method were compared cally shaken continuously for 30 min in a water bath at 70 °C
with those obtained using the BS method. The iodometry and then filtered rapidly by vacuum filtration through a
method was superior to the BS method in having a shorter Whatman No. 42 filter paper supported on a Büchner funnel.
extraction time, more easily detectable and sharper end point, The Erlenmeyer flask is rinsed and the residue on the filter • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1671

In the Laboratory

paper is washed with three 10-mL portions of pure ethanol. A recovery test with the iodometry method was per-
The filtrate in the suction flask is titrated with 0.1 M stan- formed on a cement sample. The mean recovery of three
dard hydrochloric acid using a mixture of methyl red and bro- analyses for an added pure and known quantity of CaO was
mocresol green as indicator until the color changes to orange. 96%, which can be considered as good. The precision of the
The free lime content is then calculated using the equation iodometry method was checked by calculating the relative
standard deviation for six determinations of free lime in a
free lime (%) = 2.8MaVa/m × 100
cement sample (having 0.65% of free lime), and the result
where Va is the volume (mL) of hydrochloric acid used, Ma was 0.9%. A number of cement and clinker samples were
is the molarity of HCl, and m is the mass (in g) of the sample. analyzed by two undergraduate students using both the BS
method and the iodometry method; the results are summa-
Hazards rized in Table 1, which shows that there is a good agreement
between the two methods. The relative standard deviations
Ethylene glycol is harmful if swallowed. Pure ethanol
for the determinations shown in Table 1 also indicate that
is highly flammable. Skin contact with potassium iodide
the precision using the iodometry method is slightly better
and potassium iodate should be avoided.
than that using the BS method.
As a laboratory experiment for undergraduates, each
Results and Discussion
student is asked to determine the free lime in a cement
The principle of the iodometry method is that after sample three times by both methods. Students then assess
extraction, a known amount with slightly excess of standard the precision by calculating the relative standard deviation
hydrochloric acid is added to react completely with the free of each method and apply the F test (8) to show if there is any
CaO in the sample. The excess acid is then allowed to react significant difference in precision between the two methods.
with excess iodate and iodide to yield iodine rapidly and With reference to Table 1, making use of the standard deviation
quantitatively. The amount of iodine is proportional to the and average values of cement sample number 6, the calculated
amount of unreacted acid. Once the amount of iodine gen- t value (8) was 1.08, which is less than the theoretical t value of
erated is determined, the quantity of acid consumed by the 2.776 at the 95% confidence level for four degrees of freedom.
free lime can be easily worked out and the free lime in the This shows that there is no significant difference between the
sample can be calculated. The iodometry method has a very two methods. Students can also assess the accuracy and pre-
sharp end point and hence is good for the titration of dilute cision of their own work by comparing their individual data
solution of strong acids. with the mean and relative standard deviation for results com-
The time for the extraction of free lime by ethylene piled from results of the whole group of students analyzing
glycol can be reduced by raising the extraction temperature, the same cement sample.
and extraction times of 5–10 min at temperatures 80–100 °C If different cement (or clinker) samples are available, the
have been reported to be adequate for the determination (7 ). experiment can be run so that another statistical method, the
In preliminary experiments at 80–90 °C, the rubber stopper paired t-test (9), can be used. In this approach, students are
was easily expelled from the Erlenmeyer flask and water was given different cement (or clinker) samples to be analyzed as
found to condense at the mouth of the flask, causing hydrolysis above. The t test can be used to assess the accuracy of the
of silicates and yielding high free lime values. Therefore, the method; students can then pool their results and apply the
extraction was conducted at 70 °C and the solvent was pre- paired t-test to show whether there is a significant difference
heated to 70 °C before the sample was added. More than between the two methods. This enables the students to
90% of the free lime was extracted within 5 min, and 10–15 discuss the difference between these two statistical methods
min was adequate to extract it quantitatively. Therefore a for method validation.
total extraction time of 15 min was chosen. The iodometry method has several advantages over the
BS method (3) or EDTA method (5). While calcium origi-
Table 1. Determination of Free Lime in nating from gypsum interferes with the complexometric
Clinker and Cement determination of free lime (10), calcium has no effect on the
Sample % Free Lime Found a (% RSD)a iodometry method. Compared with the BS method, it gives
Type No. Iodometry Method BS Method a much sharper and more easily detected end point and needs
Clinker 1 0.37 (2.7) 0.39 (3.0) a shorter extraction time. The sample size is reduced to 0.5 g
2 1.19 (0.8) 1.15 (4.2)
in the iodometry method so that less sample is consumed
for each analysis. Further, less ethylene glycol is used so that
3 1.21 (0.2) 1.15 (2.1)
the running cost can be cut down using the iodometry
4 2.06 (0.4) 1.99 (3.2)
method. The reagents are readily available, and standard
Cement 1 0.38 (2.5) 0.40 (3.9) solutions can be conveniently prepared using the iodometry
2 0.65 (0.9) 0.64 (2.6) method, whereas the BS method employs CaO as the standard,
3 0.78 (1.3) 0.75 (2.9) and CaO needs to be prepared by igniting calcium carbonate
4 0.79 (1.0) 0.77 (1.2) in a platinum crucible at 1000 °C
5 0.88 (1.1) 0.88 (1.8) The student laboratory report should include a brief de-
6 1.36 (0.6) 1.37 (1.0) scription of the cement manufacturing process, a discussion
aResults are the mean of 3 determinations except those on the advantages of the iodometry method over the BS
for cement sample no. 2, which are the mean of 6 deter- method, and the ways of improving the sensitivity of the
minations. method.

1672 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

In the Laboratory

Conclusion Literature Cited

A simple, rapid, and accurate method has been developed 1. Bye, G. C. Portland Cement—Composition, Production &
for the determination of free lime in clinker and cement. Free Properties; Pergamon: New York, 1983; p 77.
lime is first extracted with nonaqueous ethylene glycol at 2. Peray, K. E. Cement Manufacturer’s Handbook; Chemical
70 °C for 15 min. The suspension is filtered and allowed to Publishing Co.: New York, 1970; p 6.
react with a known excess of hydrochloric acid. The excess 3. BS EN 196-2, British Standards Institution: London, 1995.
acid is determined by iodometry. The method is better than 4. Annual Book of ASTM Standards; American Society for Testing
the classical BS method for the determination in terms of and Materials: Philadelphia, 1990; Section 4, C114.
speed, sensitivity, and precision. This method was developed 5. Gebhardt, R. F. Rapid Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic
with the help of two undergraduate chemistry majors. It is Cement; American Society for Testing and Materials: Phila-
an excellent addition to the undergraduate analytical experi- delphia, PA, 1988; p 84.
ments currently available. Students use a variety of techniques 6. Kolthoff, I. M.; Sandell, E. B. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic
(nonaqueous extraction, filtration, and iodometry) in a single Analysis, 3rd ed.; MacMillan: New York, 1967; p 587.
experiment. This experiment also gives students unique op- 7. Javellana, M. P.; Jawed, I. Cement Concrete Res. 1982, 12,
portunities for data collection and analysis, and to become 399–403.
acquainted with the cement industry. 8. Skoog, D. A.; West, D. M.; Holler, F. J. Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed.; Saunders: Fort Worth, TX, 1992;
Supplemental Material p 51.
9. Miller, J. C.; Miller, J. N. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry;
Additional background information is available in this Ellis Horwood: Chichester, UK, 1986; p 56.
issue of JCE Online. 10. Fifield, J. A.; Blezard, R. G. Analyst 1969, 94, 503–506. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education 1673

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