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1. Analyze paragraph 5. ‘Even his lies were not sensational’. What does this
2. Why does Krebs have an interest in reading maps about the war?
3. Explain Krebs’ attitude to girls.
4. Analyze the conversation between Krebs & his sister?
5. Analyze the conversation between Krebs & his mother? What is Krebs’
mother’s attitude to him? Does Krebs love his mother? Does this have any
connection with his feeling unable to pray?
6. Krebs’ father doesn’t appear directly in the story. What effect does this
7. What evidence is there to suggest Krebs’ father is a man of habit with rather
limited horizons?
8. What picture emerges of the community as a whole?
9. Imagine a conversation between Krebs & his father about the ‘car’ or ‘girl’
or ‘work’.

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