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Keyworker/Team Policy SO-0285

Keyworker/Team Policy
Document Title Keyworker/Team Policy

Reference Number SO-0285

Version Number V1.8

Date of Issue 06 August 2003

Latest Revision 10 May 2016

Distribution All employees

Owner Director - Adult Services

Policy Lead(s) Nick Haake


Department Services

This policy provides guidelines for Keyworkers when working with people with an
autism spectrum disorder. The role of the Keyworker or Team is to be the named
person or persons responsible for supporting and developing an identified

Applies to all NAS Services.

Keyworker/Team (Concise Statement)

Key workers will get to know people we support as individuals so that their physical,
emotional, social, health, educational and other needs can be met through the
monitoring of welfare, and the provision of individual support and guidance. Key
workers will be responsible for encouraging individuals to develop their
independence and their ability to make choices through positive approaches
aimed at increasing self-esteem. They will ensure that the person we are
supporting is safe, happy and involved in decision making about their care and
support needs as much as possible. Key workers will ensure that the person we
are supporting has access to their Person Centred Plan and are facilitated to
participate in their person centered reviews.

The role of Keyworker is to be part of a team and to develop and maintain a good
professional working relationship with the person they are supporting and their
family and advocates or other professionals and to encourage a mutual
exchange of information as appropriate. Keyworkers must ensure they adhere to
the wishes of the person we support in the sharing of communication on behalf of
them. Keyworkers must ensure their communication with families is professional
and work related both in and out of the work place.

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Keyworker/Team Policy SO-0285
Every effort will be made to ensure a person we supports wishes are taken into
account when selecting Keyworkers. The people we support should be consulted
on a regular basis regarding their Keyworkers, and where a wish is expressed
to change worker this will be considered and the outcome recorded. This should
form part of a persons’ person centred planning and choices records. We should
ensure we match staff skills appropriately for people we are supporting.

Equal Opportunities
Keyworkers/Team will promote all cultural, racial, and religious and gender

Keyworker/Team - Procedure

Keyworkers will:

1. Monitor the implementation of all plans in place, negotiating and making

necessary changes and involving the person we are supporting in this
process. Keyworkers will also communicate relevant information in any
relevant plan to other members of staff to ensure they are informed of
any changes.

2. Promote and ensure the involvement of the person we support in

choices and in all matters relating to their care and support plans in
compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005

3. Ensure that health/medication/diet needs and preferences are met and

monitored appropriately. Any concerns should be reported to a line
manager and appropriate action taken immediately.

4. Be available to listen and talk to the person we support in a manner that

can be understood, using communication methods favoured by the
person. The approach to communication should be positive and
enabling; staff should ensure they have appropriate boundaries with
the people we support and not treat people more favourably than
others. Keyworkers should ensure they work with a team approach so
there is not a created dependency on the keyworker and person we

5. Support in personalising (including decorating), and keeping rooms clean

and tidy, ensuring all belongings are well cared for as part of an agreed
team approach based on a persons’ lifestyle plans.

6. Be encouraging and support people to keep their appearance in keeping

with the style that they choose, provide support and advice regarding their
choices. Monitor and assist in the purchase of personal requisites as
appropriate and ensure compliance with the NAS policy on Clothing
and Personal Appearance.

7. Be responsible as part of a team for assisting people we are supporting

with their financial affairs (including personal inventories) in line with
NAS Financial Procedures, and as specified in their support plan
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Keyworker/Team Policy SO-0285
8. Contribute to any review or relevant meeting by providing information,
highlighting achievements, immediate and future needs including
medical care and ensuring action needed is recorded and reported as
required. Keyworkers and team members will support people to
contribute at meetings and to compile their own reports/records and to
make the reports and review processes as inclusive as possible

9. Attend reviews and meetings as required.

10. Promote positive risk taking and support individuals to access

new opportunities and take perceived risks whilst maintaining a
healthy and safe supportive environment. This should be part of
a person centered and team approach all risk taking should be
recorded and assessed appropriately.

11. Ensure that the person we support is at the centre of their

review, participating and being involved in the way most
appropriate for the individual

12. Ensure all records are accurate, up to date and individual files
are kept in a professional manner

13. Ensure all homework is completed and returned to school at the

required time, when supporting a pupil

14. Ensure plans transfer across all aspects of education / care /

day / service / work placements as appropriate

15. Liaise with other professionals on behalf of the person we


16. Ensure all cultural and religious needs, birthdays and any other
significant events are celebrated in an appropriate manner as
per the persons needs

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Keyworker/Team Policy SO-0285

Support and Supervision
Quality Monitoring
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspections
Purchasers’ Inspections.
Valuing People Now
NAS Services Staff Conduct and Integrity Policy SO-0291

Keyworker/Team - References
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales (CSSIW)
Care Inspectorate - Scotland
Valuing People - A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century Children
Act 1989
Children in Scotland Act 1995
Purchasers’ Contracts
Autism Accreditation
The SPELL Framework
RQIA (Northern Ireland)
The Care Act 2014
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2016
The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016

Other relevant policies and guidance

Confidentiality and disclosure of records and reports Policy SO-0093
Care Practice Policy SO-0050
Individual Care Plans SO-0201
NAS Financial Procedures
Placement Reviews SO-0076
Bedrooms and Personal Individual Space SO-0074
Codes of Conduct Working with People we Support Policy SO-0308
Line Manager
Human Resources, Head Office

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