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Curatorof ArmsandArmor

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the with the oriental custom of never appearing be-
most impressive concentrations of metalwork in fore a sovereign or superior without gifts.
the world, and there are few places where one The objects are exhibited in two galleries, the
could make a comparative study of artistic metal- larger gallery being devoted to armor and weap-
work of all times and all places to better advan- ons of practically all the principal countries of
tage. An important segment of this material may the East, the smaller gallery confined exclusively
be seen in the new installation of selected ex- to Japan. However, because of space limitations,
amples of oriental arms it is only possible to con-
and armor in Wing Z, sider some of the high-
adjacent to the Morgan lights of the exhibition.
Wing, where the Euro- Some fields, like those of
pean arms and armor Indian and Persian
are exhibited. This ex- swords, Japanese swords
hibition, which covers and sword furniture,
the Near, Middle, and composite bows and
Far East, makes it prac- archery equipment, mail
tical to compare the and firearms are repre-
workmanship of various ^, i sented only by token
Eastern countries and exhibits.
also the noteworthy ori- The armor of Turkey,
ental with the best occi- Steel raven, by the artnorer Miochin Munesuke India, and Persia is rep-
dental objects. (i688-i735), an orname:tfor the ceremonialniche resented by a few ex-
The art of the ar- of a room. Ornamentsojf all kinds, from eagles to amples of exceptional
morer, essentially one of fireflies, wereforged by arnnorers.Rogers Fund, I9r3 quality, mainly in three
metalwork, is a field in cases in the center of the
which Eastern peoples have always excelled. In large gallery. Mail coats with interlinked iron
this exhibition the visitor will see not only that plates were worn throughout the Islamic world,
the armorer knew every aspect of metalwork but as well as in Russia, Poland, and Sweden. A fine
also that he was a consummate artist. He was fifteenth-century Turkish example of such a
familiar with every process that could be used in defense is exhibited in a separate corner case.
shaping and ornamenting iron-hammering, Iron plates, chased with foliation and gilded and
welding, embossing, chasing, damascening, etch- joined by links of mail, protected the back, sides,
ing, gilding with mercury amalgam, wire-draw- and abdominal region. The links on the lower
ing, and the application of niello, enamel, and part weigh less than those in the chest region,
gems. Most of our objects are enriched by some thus making the mail lighter to carry. This type
of these time-consuming techniques. Hence they of body armor combined flexibility with a maxi-
are not ordinary military equipment, but rather mum of protection. Our coat weighs about
parade arms, personal symbols of a soldier's im- twenty-five pounds, about half the weight of a
portance and nobility. Despite their warlike complete suit of contemporary European plate
associations such weapons were often presented armor. In the East armor has never been as
to rulers as tokens of friendship, in accordance heavy or complete as in Europe. The hotter


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Turkish armor of the xv century. The body armor is mail of riveted links with iron plates, joined by links of
mail, to protect vulnerableareas. The helmet is fluted and damascenedwith Arabic writing. Rogers Fund, g104

climate, the generally lighter build of men and is no complete Crusader armor extant, either
horses, and the greater value attached to mobil- European or oriental, the combined mail and
ity made lighter armor necessary even at the plate armor illustrated here is typical of the
expense of less complete protection. body armor worn by ever-conservative Asiatics
Mohammedan armor brings to mind the time during the Crusades, as well as for centuries be-
of the Crusades, a remarkable period in the his- fore and after this period.
tory of armor. The Saljuks defeated the army of It should here be recalled that mail was always
the Byzantine emperor at Manzikert in I07I; in the characteristic armor of the East, worn as
the same year they conquered Jerusalem, and early as Assyrian times. In the West mail was
with it the Holy Land. For two centuries the used more or less continuously from Roman
Christians of Europe fought the Mohammedans times, and in the days of Richard the Lion-
in seven Crusades, but, after the last Crusade, Hearted (late twelfth century) the vogue of mail
the Saljuks still held the Holy Land. While there was at its height. Thus a great deal of Near East-


LEFT: Turkish shield of watered steel, chiseled in a leaf-and-scroll pattern, damascenedin gold, and set with turquoisesand re

of George C. Stone, i936. RIGHT: Turkish helmet of the xv century, damascenedin silver with scroll designs and Arabic in
of the ConstantinopleArmory. Its shape suggests the dome of a mosque. Large helmets such as this were worn over the


Piecesof a NorthIndianset of armorof thexvII century.Steelcuirasswith chiseledscenes,flowers,andArabic

inscriptionsand an embossedface.Gift of William B. OsgoodField, 1go902.Helmetwith horns,symbolsof
defianceor victory.John StoneacreEllis collection,Gift of Mrs. Ellis and AugustusVan Home Ellis, 1896

ern armor of late date retains features that are enemy, and when this tactic succeeded they
survivals of armor worn by both oriental and closed with the short, light, razor-bladed curved
occidental soldiers during the Crusades. At that scimitar which was their subsidiary weapon.
time battles were won and lost by the cavalry, The Saljuks were succeeded by the Ottomans,
and the orientals used a much larger proportion and in 1453 Mohammed II, the "Conqueror"
of horse than the Europeans. As already noted, (1451-1481) captured Constantinople and made
their mounts were less heavy and more rapid it the Ottoman capital. From this period are two
than those of the Christian knights; the arrows Turkish helmets of splendid workmanship, richly
on which the Turkish tactic depended were shot embossed, engraved, and damascened in colors,
from the saddle, unlike the European tactic, the decoration showing inscriptions from the
which confined archers to the infantry. The Koran and geometrical ornaments. Their shape
mounted Turks, who were renowned for their suggests the dome of a mosque, and their large
strength and skill with the composite bow, dis- size indicates that they were worn over the tur-
charged a cloud of arrows when they got in ban. Each helmet is forged from a single piece
range and then retired, to be followed by further and surmounted by a separate apical button. A
waves. Their aim was ultimately to envelop the number of similar casques are included in the

Backplate of a Persian cuirass of five plates, xvii century,damascenedin gold with a vine and Arabic in-
scriptions.Gift of Harry G. Friedman,1948. Persianshield,xvii century,damascened
in gold withfoliate
designs and Arabic inscriptions. Collection of Giovanni P. Morosini, presentedby his daughter Giulia, 1932

military museums at Istanbul. Most of them sockets in pairs are found only on Persian hel-
bear the Constantinople Armory mark, as do the mets until a very late period, when the Persian
Metropolitan Museum's Turkish helmets, which style was continued by Indo-Persian armorers.
usually appears only on equipment that came The Kurds preservedinto the nineteenth century
into the arsenal in the church of Saint Irene at the custom, doubtless very ancient in Iran, of
the time of Sultan Selim I, either as equipment adding a feather to their casque plumage for
for his own army or as booty from Egypt, Persia, every new victim of their prowess. One recalls
and Hungary. Much of the armor in the Istanbul that the familiar English expression "a feather
museums was worn in the Battle of Chaldiran in his cap" also means a successful undertaking.
(I5I4) between the Ottomans and the Safawis. This Persian armor shows advantageously two
The influence of Persia on the armorer's art technical processes of which the orientals were
in India was very marked, particularly during masters, the making of watered steel (which will
the period of the Mughal Empire (1526-I707), be considered presently) and the art of dama-
and many types are common to both countries. scening. The damascened pieces, of which the
The typical Indo-Persian suit consisted of a shirt Museum has an extraordinary series, show the
of mail over which was buckled a cuirass of four method of enriching armor by inlay of precious
pieces-breast- and back-plates with side plates metal. The surface of the steel is roughened
-called in Persian char-aina.Usually on each (cross-hatched) and upon this roughened area
forearm was an arm guard, that on the right arm gold or silver wire is laid down and then ham-
often being longer than the other, as it was not mered, the roughened points of the steel being
protected by the circular target or shield. The bent down in such a way that the gold is clinched
head was covered by a hemispherical helmet strongly into position. Damascening was known
with nasal piece and a curtain of mail hanging in Mesopotamia from remote times, and, as em-
from the sides and back, resembling the medieval ployed in Christian and Byzantine art, was
camail. Two small sockets to hold plumes are a probably taken over by Hellenistic craftsmen
certain indication of Persian origin, for feather from Syria. The art was practiced by oriental


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ABOVE: State scimitar of Murad V, Sultan of Turkey (I876), with Persian blade dated A. H. ogg99(I688),
jade hilt, andjeweled scabbardsigned: made by Mousa. Collectionof Giovanni P. Morosini, presentedby his
daughterGiulia, I923. BELOW:Persian scimitar with Koranic inscriptions. Bequest of George C. Stone, i936

craftsmen in Italy and Spain and was applied to carved jade hilts which show the great skill of
arms and armor. Cellini in his autobiography the lapidaries employed in the seventeenth cen-
tells of improving upon the Turkish method: "In tury by the pretentious Mughal courts. The
the case of my steel articles, I cut very deeply be- jewels were inlaid by cutting out a piece of the
neath the surface;which they are not accustomed jade somewhat larger than the jewel itself and
to do in Turkish work... ." This means that he hammering fine gold into the space, the edge of
hollowed out more widely beneath than at the the soft, ductile gold being turned over to secure
surface, in order that the inlay, of gold or other the jewel. One of our hilts is of white jade with
metal, might become more firmly fixed. Despite a raised vine pattern in gold and seven flowers,
Cellini, one does occasionally find Turkish and each made up of an emerald and six rubies.
other Eastern damascening that is executed by Others are of white jade with gold inlay and
chiseling a track, roughening the edges, and in- green jade with silver inlay, all the metalwork
laying with precious metal, as may be seen in having been ground off smooth to give the effect
several examples in this exhibition. of a damascened surface. One of these daggers
In the Orient, especially in Persia, India, and has a jade hilt set with rubies and a pierced
Turkey, richly jeweled arms were used for cen- blade containing rolling rubies and emeralds.
turies. Few of them have survived, since the In one case are shown daggers with hilts of the
gems represented so great a price that when an finest workmanship, each carved in the form of
owner died the stones were sold separately. an animal's head in ivory, jade, or horn and in-
Nevertheless jeweled court weapons are well laid with gold and jewels. Another case is devoted
represented in this exhibition, and they are to daggers with crystal hilts. Some are plain;
magnificent in quality. Many of them have others are inlaid with jewels or gold, either by

in gold inlay,datedA. H.
xvii centuryIndianpieces.Armguardof steelwithfoliation and inscriptions
Io8I (I670). Pierced hilt of a katar. Hilt of gauntlet sword, embossed with a grotesque animal
swallowingan elephant;
from thearmoryof the last kingof Tanjore.Bequestof GeorgeC. Stone,i936

means of numerous small pegs or by tracks cut seventeenth-century fist daggers and a gauntlet
in the crystal. One crystal hilt is carved with sword, these from the Armory of Maharaja
sunken lozenges and set with rubies, emeralds, Sivaji, last king of Tanjore (died 1855). Serpents,
and diamonds, the gold setting forming a vine dragons, and peacocks, the worship of which
pattern. Our richest gem-encrusted weapon is still prevails in India, ornament the hilts of these
the Turkish scimitar of state of Murad V, which daggers, the workmanship of which may profit-
glitters with diamonds, emeralds, and pearls. ably be compared with the perforated hilts of
These stones were valued partly as a form of seventeenth-century rapiers in the European
personal ornament, partly for the mystical vir- sword gallery. The blades of these Indian weap-
tues and occult powers with which they were ons, like those of many swords of the East, are
endowed by popular belief. Hence most jeweled blades of European swords, which were highly
weapons served as amulets protecting the wearers prized for their toughness and flexibility.
from dangers and demons. Two cases are devoted to firearms, mainly
South Indian art is represented by several Turkish and Indian. One notes immediately

LEFT: Carvedwoodkris stand, Malayan (Bali). In the right handof thefigure, a wayangdancer,is a kris
with gold hilt and mottledscabbard.RIGHT: Kris with bladeof meteoriciron, whichwas consideredsacred.
theHindugod Garuda,thebladea serpent.Bequestof GeorgeC. Stone,i936
Thehilt is a bird'sheadrepresenting

that Eastern guns are unusual in the great length of watered steel, are intricate and often elegant.
of the barrel, which is necessary to consume the However, the twisted steel of gun barrels must
large charge of weak, slow-burning powder. not be confused with true watered steel, the pat-
Their laminated steel-twist barrels were brought tern of which is due to crystallization.
to a high state of perfection. It was after Na- The arts of jade-carving, jewel-setting, and
poleon's expedition to Egypt that Damascus damascening, represented in sword and dagger
barrels were sent to Europe and achieved so high hilts, always attract attention, but it is the
a reputation that the method of making them watered-steel blades, showing the skill of the
was copied. In this process bars of iron and steel metalworkers of India and Persia, that are most
were placed in regular alternations and welded highly prized. The early bladesmiths recognized
into one bar; then this bar, or several of them the three principal kinds of iron, wrought iron,
placed together, was twisted spirally and the cast iron, and steel, but they had no scientific ex-
whole welded. The patterns, like those on blades planation of the nature of these materials. It was


Hilts of Persian and Indian daggers of the xvii century. They are of jade and ivory carvedin theform of heads
of horses, an antelope,and a camel, and set with jewels. The blades of the daggers are of watered steel. Bequest
of George C. Stone, i936. BELOW: Gold hilt of a Singhalese sword, xvIII century. Rogers Fund, I953

therefore only by long experi- content and the subsequent re-

ence that one could comprehend heating and forging required to
the secret of the art of blade- ~i?- ~ fashion the blade. Since the ore
making. The usual designation is converted into steel cakes of
of a blade of watered steel is ~~i~^
~ small size the blade is of neces-
"Damascus blade," a name sity composed of many bars
merely derived from a trading welded together in layers. The
post of the caravans of East and forging is done at low tempera-
West. It is well known, however, ture so as not to lose the cemen-
that the metal for the noted Da- tite (a hard, brittle carbide of
mascus blades of medieval times iron) which crystallizes in the
was not made at Damascus but dots and long lines, or needles,
at Kona Samundrum near Nir- that are the foundation of the
ma in Haiderabad. The finest pattern. The carbon content of
blades seem to have been always : the watered steel was so high
made in Persia, often from im- that it was impossible to forge
ported Indian steel. Of all the signatures of ori- such high-carbon steel when the cementite was
ental bladesmiths the most famous is that of in needles in such big agglomerations. But be-
Asadullah of Ispahan, the bladesmith of Shah cause of deficient heating in the forging the
Abbas the Great (I587-I628), whose work is metal would cool quickly; thus it was reheated
represented in our exhibition. and forged again and again. All these heatings
A characteristic of watered steel is the pattern and forgings resulted in the breaking up of the
on the surface brought out by etching. This pat- cementite needles and the spheroidization of the
tern, as well as the qualities of strength and cementite. In successive forgings the metal be-
toughness shown in the metal, is the result of the came more ductile, until finally it was as ductile
irregular crystallization which takes place with as wrought iron.
the slow cooling of a crucible steel of high carbon There is a tradition that in ancient times the

Indianmatchlockhuntinggun, aboutI700. The wood
stockis paintedwith huntingscenesin gold andcolors; j
the gold-inlaid barrelis squarewith a squarebore.
Bequestof GeorgeC. Stone, I936. Indian matchlock
huntinggun, about 1700. The stock is painted with
animalsin naturalcolorson a gold mat ground.The
decorationof this gun requiredmanyspecializedtech-
niques. Rogers Fund, I933. Turkish miqueletgun,
XVIII century,with a Damascus barrel. The ivorystock is inlaid with pearl and brass and mountedwith engraved
silver set with coloredstones. Bequest of GeorgeC. Stone, 1936. RIGHT: Detail of the barrelof the Turkish gun

Details of Persianblades.Blade with inscriptions:the servantof Shah Abbas,madeby Asadullah.Blade of
wateredsteelsignedby Asadullah.Blade showinga double-rung ladderpattern.Knife bladeof wateredsteel

blades were improved by sprinkling them while meteoric iron (with nickel content) was welded
red hot with diamond and ruby dust and beating upon either side of the layer of steel. A thin layer
them with a mallet. The diamond would yield of steel was then welded on outside the "damask
carbon, and the ruby aluminum; and thus the iron." The striated effect was the result of the
blades would acquire the properties of very good opening of the loose welds in the laminated
steel. It has also often been said that in the East "damask iron" during the forging of the blade,
they never use any steel for swords and knives which permitted steel to be driven between the
but that which has been used for horseshoes, the laminae. The skill of the artist appeared when
hoofs of these animals having the virtue of re- these layers of different metals produced various
fining iron when it is worn for a long time. Iron contrasts of color in the watering of the blade.
from old horseshoes was also widely used in In the small gallery which is devoted to Japa-
Europe. This recalls to mind that the rusting nese arms and armor are exhibited some of the
piece of metal around your house is better than finest pieces from the Museum's extensive collec-
iron ore for manufacturing steel products. The tion, which dates from the fourth century A.D. to
reason is that less of the old metal is lost in I876, when the open wearing of swords except
processing, and the time of manufacture is short- by military officers and court officials was for-
ened. The scrap contains less carbon, manganese, bidden by imperial decree. Primitive swords and
phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon, which must be accessories, horse-trapping ornaments, and a
processed out in making steel. Iron and all its remarkable fourth-century helmet are shown in
alloys, once they are processed into steel, retain two wall cases. Our swords are of such quality
their qualities practically forever. Only rust and as to denote owners of rank. The mountings are
abrasion destroy them, and whatever is left is of copper and bronze, mercury-gilded, and two
always good. of the swords are bound with silver wire. The
Another type of blade of watered steel appears fact that these are burial finds and that they are
in the kris, the most esteemed object of Malay enriched with silver and gold leads one to infer
art, and a symbol of rank and authority as well that they are older than 646, the date of the edict
as a weapon. Its blade was developed both metal- prohibiting the burial of treasure in a tomb for
lurgically and artistically. The body, which also the use of the dead. Thereafter the sword was
forms the edge, was of steel, and a laminated reserved as something too precious to be sur-
scroll of alternately thick and thin bars of iron and rendered to the tomb. The blades of our speci-



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Details of Japanesebladeswith watering.xiv centurybladeattributedto Tametsugu,

with apatternlikeRoman
letters.xiv centurybladewith a wavypattern,inscribed:ramato-no-kuni HoshoGoroSadamune. xvii century
bladeinscribed:Echigo-no-kami Kanesada.Blade,about1700,inscribed:AwataguchiOmi-no-kamiTadatsuna

mens are corroded, but we may assume that least speck of scale or other impurity would pro-
swords with mountings of the quality of those duce a flaw or defect in the finished blade.
discussed here would naturally have blades of Japanese blades usually have curious and
the best workmanship available. They were un- beautiful graining in the metal, sometimes like
doubtedly similar to another early blade in the the grain of planed wood. These effects were
Museum's collection, reground some years ago, produced designedly by the smith and are due
which shows near the edge the wavy line of color to different methods of hammering and working
(yakiba),typical of Japanese blades. the compound billet from which the blade was
Nowhere in the world has the sword occupied forged. The practical value of the weapon de-
so important a place as in Japan, where it be- pended upon the formation of the yakiba,which
came an object of veneration. The blades were appears as a band of pearly luster along the edge.
forged from soft, elastic iron combined with The principle of using a hardened edge while the
steel, or from two or three grades of steel. The body of the blade remains relatively soft is the
steel was produced by the cementation process. most characteristic feature of Japanese blades.
Various methods were employed for combina- They are essentially cutting weapons, and the
tion, one of the best being the welding together smith had in view the production of a blade with
of two strips, one of iron and the other of steel. a hard, keen, and durable edge, so as to get the
The compound strip thus formed was folded on best cutting effect while avoiding danger of
itself, welded together, and drawn out to the breakage however hard a blow might be struck.
original length; then it was folded and welded We have digressed from dealing with the
and drawn out as before. This process was re- Japanese gallery chronologically, in order to
peated until the billet from which the blade was compare the various kinds of watered-steel blades
forged contained many thousands of alternate of the East. Now to return to the Japanese armor.
layers differing metal. Extreme care was neces- Especially important is the rare fourth-century
sary to ensure each weld being perfect, as the helmet (kondu-maruhachi). It is built of an apical

LEFT: Japanese helmet of the iv century,the only one of this early period outside of Japan. Only eight of
type are recorded. is built of iron bands and scales coveredwith mercury-gildedcopperfoil and once had bands
and alternatescales of polished iron. FletcherFund, 1928. RIGHT: Frankish spangenhelm,vi century,a Western
helmetof comparabledate. This type was developedfromthefelt cap of CentralAsian nomads.Dick Fund, 1942

disk and median and basal rings, joined by face had been thus amalgamated, the gold was
scales in groups of three, alternately of gilded laid upon it in the form of leaves. A stronger heat
and plain iron; a peak is riveted to the front of was then applied, the mercury was volatilized,
the basal ring; there are two gilded nape lames and the gold left perfectly adherent. The helmet
with traces of the intervening plain iron lames, already shows the broad area in the front of the
and the apical disk is surmounted by a hemi- bowl as well as the flexible nape defense, features
spherical cup which formed the base of a metal which have continued throughout the centuries.
crest. This helmet shows the earliest method of This primitive Japanese helmet should be
decorating iron with gold. The iron was covered compared with a remarkable Frankish chief-
with a thin sheet of copper, which was given an tain's helmet (Spangenhelm) of the sixth century.
immaculately clean surface, to which mercury Both are of iron covered with copper sheets and
was applied while it was still hot. When the sur- mercury-gilded. The spangenhelm is also Eastern

vi centuryswordfurniture.Bronzeswordguard, mercury-leaf-gilded.Exchangewith theImperial Museum, Tokyo,

I906. Mercury-gildedbronzepommelswithphoenixheads. Gift of a Trusteeof the Museum and RogersFund, I9I7

LEFT: Japanese half armor, xiv century,
which once belongedto Ashikaga Takauji,
thefirst AshikagaShogun.From an ancient
templein the provinceof Tamba in central
Japan. The rightsideis a separatepiece,put
on beforetherestof thearmor.The bandsare
lacqueredleatherscales, with alternateiron
scalesin vital areas;the supportinglacesare
of white and green silk. Gift of Bashford
Dean, 19r4. ABOVE: Helmet of ridged lames,
about 1540, attributed to Miochin Jobuiye.
Rogers Fund, I9I3. Helmet of ridged lames
securedby conical rivets graduated in size. It
is dated I686 and signed: Miochin Ki Mu-
neaki. This type is called "hoshi kabuto";
hoshi means star, and the rivets were likened
to stars. Bequest of George C. Stone, 1936

in construction, ornamentation, and shape. The together at their sides, as may be seen in our
type was brought from the borders of Persia by case of primitive material. By this procedure
the Goths who were in the Black Sea area from they were arranged in bands or rows. And these
the third century. It is significant that compara- rows were next hung one above the other by
tively modern Persian helmets show the same cords of doeskin, cotton, or silk. This type of
structural features and ornamental motives. armor was in common use by the eleventh cen-
In general, Japanese armor has been built up tury. The scales, which appear to be merely
of scales. In the Bronze Age and early Iron Age lacquer held together by silk braiding, are of the
armor was worn in which the scales were laced finest iron and hardened leather and are joined


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Armorof an officerof a Daimyo of Sakai, Japanese,about 550. This typeof armoris knownas "hiodosh" (flamecolo
five great princelyfamilies. The scales, which appear to be lacquer, are actually iron and hard leather, joined by leath
by stout leather thongs. The laces and toggles experts; this is now in the Metropolitan Mu-
which supported the elements assured flexibility. seum. The few items of sword furniture included
It is hard to imagine the thought, skill, and time in the present exhibition were selected from the
spent in making such an armor, which was highly Museum's comprehensive collection. They may
ornamental as well as efficiently protective. be studied from many points of view: the subject
The helmet bowl is often more ancient than represented interests one person, the artist who
the other elements of a suit, since the plates had signed it another, the quality of workmanship a
to be renewed from time to time-the silk laces third, while many are partial to certain materials
rotted fromwet and sun or, as con- and techniques. The collection
temporary writers complained, is an excellent one for instruc-
were eaten by insects. tion in all these fields. All the
Helmets were also often skil- pieces show the subtle skill of
fully made of many lames. A the artist in manipulating hard
helmet in the exhibition, dated and soft metals.
I472 and bearing the name of ,,~',: In point of time the orientals
the renowned armorer Miochin ^ were the first to develop metal-
Nobuiye, is made of fifty-seven work, and there is good reason
lames, practically all of which 177lS' ~to believe that the smith was the
have a tall ridge equidistant earliest professional craftsman in
from its neighbors and gradu- 1 r whistory. India was the source of
ated in height from the base to the earliest steel, and Indian
the apex. The lames are riveted Japanese maJ sk
I dated I715, steel was famous by the time of
together, the rivets countersunk signed: Miocechin Muneaki. the invasion of Alexander the
on the outside, and they are Suchgrotesque maskswereworn Great (327 B.c.). At this early
fitted with masterful accuracy. withhelmets.Ri'ogersFund Ig13 period the natives of the East
Such armor was the best defen- developed remarkabletechniques
sive costume that the adroit Japanese could de- and skill in welding small pieces of iron and
vise against the use of arrow, spear, and saber. steel that for centuries gave them superiority
With helmets were worn grotesque masks, of over European craftsmen.
which there are five principal types, varying in The present exhibition is an extraordinary one
their degree of completeness. They are often skil- for those who are interested in the history of the
fully embossed and signed by master armorers. technology of ironwork, as well as the history of
In Japan sword furniture by distinguished the techniques of ornamenting iron and steel in
masters is as well known as famous paintings. It many parts of the world by people of widely
is highly prized and only by uncommon good different states of culture. It also has a special
fortune do fine pieces leave the East. An un- historical significance if one reflects only for a
usual instance of masterpieces released from moment on the numerous struggles for suprem-
Japan is the collection of the late Masauji Goda, acy between the East and the West in which
a descendant of a line of governmental sword-art arms and armor played a vital role.

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Quail. A pair of menuki, or hilt ornaments,signed: Hisanori. Japanese,

xix century. The Masauji Goda Collection, Gift of a Trustee, 19I7


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