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Task 2: Teaching and Learning Materials

Justification of Teaching and Learning Materials

Remedial: Big book of Dora and the animal adventure

Big book is an exciting and innovative teaching and learning material in education. In
this matter, big book enables hands-on learning through the senses. This book is made up of
real objects that could attract the pupils’ attention. Pupils who could not understand stories by
just seeing the slides in the classroom could read this book by all means.

‘Dora and the animal adventure book’ contains animal stories that could enhance the
understanding of the pupils. According to Warner (1990), the pupils can read the story flow
again and again to increase their understanding. In classroom, teacher would read the book
with correct intonation according to the character to develop a keen interest towards learning
stories among pupils. The pupils will listen to the story and start to speak up during the
brainstorming session with the teacher. Below shows the flow of the story made in th big book.

Language skills of all kinds are best learned in context, it makes good sense to use as
a teaching resource favourite stories the children are already confident with. Some language
teaching opportunities arise spontaneously as the children respond to text during shared
reading sessions; others you can plan for as you return periodically to big books during the
year (Priscilla, 2008).
In conclusion, this book enhances the listening and speaking skills of the pupils. The
pupils could learn better with more attention. Thus, teachers could achieve their lesson
planned on the respective day by using this teaching aid for remedial pupils. Thus, remedial
lesson will be very adhesive to the curriculum requirement in this 21st century classroom

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