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Novel is a fictional prose of considerable length typically having a plot that is unfolded by

characters the novel is a cultural instrument there was a oral telling of myths and storytelling in

the form of epic written prose fiction concerned with adventures and reality or actual life the

history of novel taken back to Elizabeth literature in first half of 18 century some of the famous

writers are Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia Aphra Behn’s The Royal Slave etc. there is attack on new

genre that is identified with French romance realism is synonyms with veracity and denial of

functionality particularly of descriptions .in epistolary novels plot is advanced by letters and

more characters Richardson’s Pamela is first novel of Epistolary novels realistic novel is

regarded as a first novel in English as a first person narrator this devices presenting an event

known as false document.

Philosophic satiric novel is a satire on human nature unique in England and there is restatement

of ancient and modern controversy. A stratical view of state of European epic

novels there is a wide social range and comic romance and ordinary person paved the way for

Charkkes Dicken George experimental novel there is a rambling plot ant meddling and

maddenng third person narrator and there is a narrative device such as self-consciousness and

self-reflection. Buildungsroman is a German word for novel of education or novel of formation

which traces characters from childhood to maturity. Pamela and robin son are good examples.

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