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surgical procedure (especially because of the juice, milk for those who tolerated it, etc.).
bypassed colonic intestinal circuit) [2,3]. Hemoglobin was determined using the
In order to prevent or to reduce the local or photocolorimetric method.
general complications that arise after the
Table 1. Food with low fiber content recommended in
ileostomy, we wanted to evaluate if a nutrition
patients with ileostomy. Adapted after [4].
adapted to the alimentary needs of the organism
Type of food Allowed Not recommended
(group 1) compared to limited nutrition
Milk Whole milk, low-
knowledge (group 2) could ameliorate the local fat milk (only if the
and general health of the patients. patient has a good
tolerance to it)
Other drinks Coffee, tea, Alcoholic drinks,
Materials and Methods carbonated drinks, prune juice,
pear / peach / apple unstrained fruit
The study included a total of 43 patients
/ apricot nectar , juice
with ileostomy without general complications strained fruit juice
after surgery. Patients were divided in two Soups Strained soups,
soups made out of
groups: group 1 with 21 subjects, respectively allowed food
group 2 with 22 subjects. All of them signed an Meat, fish Fresh beef, pork, Tough meat with
veal, lamb, chicken, fibrous collagen
informed consent at the beginning of the study. turkey, low-fat fish tissue
The mean body mass index (BMI) for group 1 Cheese All allowed
was 27.8 ± 6.2 kg/m2 vs. 28.2 ± 5.8 kg/m2 for Eggs All allowed
Vegetables Peeled potatoes Unpeeled potatoes,
group 2. A total of 73.90 % of patients were (boiled, mashed, beans, broccoli,
males and 26% females, equally divided into the baked), asparagus Brussel sprouts,
(cooked), beetroot, carrots, corn, peas,
2 groups. The patients entered the study from the cauliflower, olives
first postoperative day and were observed for 8 cucumber, turnip
Cereal White bread, rice, Whole wheat,
weeks thereafter. The mean age of patients in the wheat flour, crispy biscuits,
two groups was similar: 58.1 ± 8.8 years vs. 57.9 macaroni, noodles, graham, tough
± 8.6 years. The 2 groups were educated spaghetti muffins, whole-
wheat cereal,
regarding nutrition in 2 different ways: for the cornflakes
first group the diet was prescribed by a nutrition Fruit Cooked, preserved, Raw fruit, fruit with
baked, peeled and seeds and unpeeled
specialist, while the second group received very seedless: peach, fruits, grapes,
summary dietary advice from the attending apricots, pear, prunes, fruit
cherries cocktail, pineapple,
surgeon. We emphasize that all the patients strawberry, apples,
received from the surgeon approximately the bananas, nuts
same dietary recommendations, while group 1 Fats Butter, vegetable
fat, vegetable oil,
received intensive and individualized nutrition sour cream,
knowledge. medium chain
In group 1, the electrolyte losses caused by Desert Flavored gelatin, Tarts, pies, deserts
the ileostomy were measured (the liquid ice-cream, simple that contain nuts,
pudding, fruit-juice grapes, seeds,
discharge through the stoma was collected in sponge cake, coconut
special containers, and sodium and potassium sherbet
were determined by ion-selective-electrode (ISE) Immediately after the surgical procedure, the
methods), and substituted by a correct hydric diet of group 1 consisted mostly of liquids, and
enteral intake (water, orange and grapefruit then nutrients with a low fiber content were

434 Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition & Metabolic Diseases / Vol. 22 / no. 4 / 2015
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introduced one at a time (see Table 1). Over a same conditions, BMI in group 1 decreased from
period of several weeks, nutrition was 27.8 ± 6.2 kg/m2 to 25.3 ± 4.5 kg/m2, while in
diversified with products that tend to resemble group 2 the decrease was from 28.2 ± 5.8 kg/m2
an unrestricted diet. to 19.3 ± 3.5 kg/m2 (p<0.01). Unpleasant odors
Patients in group 1 received also a vitamin and flatulence were present in group 1 in 16% of
B12 supplement (especially those who had patients, while in group 2 it was reported in 99%
terminal ileal resections), hydrosoluble vitamins of patients (p<0.01). Excessive evacuation
(especially vitamin C - 100 mg/day, B1 - 0.5 through the ileostomy was present in group 1 in
mg/1000kcal, B2 - 0.6mg/1000kcal, PP - 21% of cases, while in group 2 in 97% (p<0.01).
6.6mg/1000 kcal, B6 - approx. 2.2 mg/day), Only 16% of patients in group 1 had fatigue,
liposoluble vitamins (vitamin D - 100 UI/day, while in group 2, 88% complained of this
vitamin E - 1 UI/kg/day, vitamin F – 1% of the condition (p<0.01). Natremia level in group 1
total daily ingested calories, vitamin K - 15 was 138 ± 2 mEq/l, higher when compared to
mg/day, vitamin A – 5000 UI/day). Keeping in group 2, that had a mean natremia of 129 ± 3
mind the high energetic value of lipids, we also mEq/l (p<0.01). Kalemia was 4.2 ± 0.2 mEq/l
administered 20 g medium-chain triglycerides vs. 3.1 ± 0.3 mEq/l (p<0.01). Anemia was one of
that do not need biliary salt in order to be the most frequent side effects, with a mean
absorbed. On the other hand, these kinds of hemoglobin value of 10.9 ± 1 g/dl in group 1 vs.
triglycerides have a four times higher absorption 8.8 ± 1.2 g/dl in group 2 (p<0.05).
rate than long-chain triglycerides. At the same
time, these patients received vitamin F (essential
The large differences observed between the
polyunsaturated fats), as well as a large intake of
2 groups that were studied are, partially, the
calcium, magnesium and zinc, which in normal
consequence of lack of good knowledge
conditions are excessively lost through the
regarding the optimal nutritional requirements in
ileostomy. These minerals can be found in dairy
patients with ileostomy. The fact that
products, saturated fats, vegetable oils,
immediately after surgery approximately 2000
carbohydrate-dense products, etc.
ml liquids are lost per day, along with 60-100
In group 2, nutritional education consisted in
mEq of sodium per day and 7-12 mEq/day of
general notions, mostly linked to the use of
potassium per day, the substitution of these
liquids and nothing nutritionally organized able
deficits represents the first and most important
to avoid the complications of ileostomy.
therapeutic measure [3,5,6]. Inadequate
Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was
nutritional intervention can be followed by
performed using the PRISM statistical software
dehydration, arterial hypotension, dry skin,
version 6. The comparison between variables
oligoanuria, fatigue, nausea, somnolence, a
was performed using Student T test. P value < decrease in appetite and shortness of breath
0.05 was considered statistically significant. [7,8]. Iatrogenic hypernatremia can lead to
hypercalciuria, with unpleasant consequences
(muscle cramps, panic attacks, an increase in
In the group that received specialized dietary urinary lithiasis, mental disorders, etc.).
advice (group 1), compared to those that It is important for patients to understand that
followed an unsuitable diet (group 2), we
a decrease in the volume of liquids ingested does
observed that obstruction of the stoma occurred
not diminish liquids lost through the ileostomy,
in 1 % vs. 49% of subjects (p<0.01). Also, in the

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leading instead to general dehydration. If weight loss is strongly discouraged, because it
patients are chronically and profoundly reduces the endurance to the oncologic status
dehydrated (group 2), the diuresis decreases and [19]. On the other hand, the decrease in BMI
there is an increase in the incidence of reduces the tolerance for chemotherapy and, on
complications of urine hyperconcentration (e.g. the contrary a normal or slightly overweight
urinary lithiasis, etc.) [9,10]. BMI increases the chances for survival.
The resection of the terminal segment of the
Table 2. Recommendations on feeding patients with
ileum, the level where vitamin B12 is absorbed, ileostomy. Adapted after [4].
enforces the parenteral supplementation of this
1. Increase of food diversity is done gradually, one
vitamin [11-13]. Excessive evacuation of the food at a time, so that each food tolerance can be
intestinal contents through the ileostomy leads to investigated. Weight loss and decrease in BMI is
loss of nutrients that cannot be absorbed to an therefore limited.
2. In order to prevent the obstruction of the stoma :
optimum level (e.g.: vitamins, carbohydrates, - Increase quantity of liquids
aminoacids, fatty acids, etc.). The bigger the - Use strained plum and grape juice in order to
increase the liquidity of the intestinal content
losses (group 2), the larger the decrease observed discharged through the ileostomy
in BMI (p <0.01). - Avoid food rich in vegetal fibers, such as
seeds and nuts
As we already mentioned, administering
- Assure that the patient can chew food well
medium-chain triglycerides is beneficial because - Cautiously introduce food that could cause
they are high in energy – 9 kcal/gram, compared problems : celery, lettuce, green peas,
mushrooms, peanuts, coconuts, tomatoes,
to 4 kcal/gram of carbohydrates and proteins – pineapple, raw fruit, fruit with seeds, some
and because they can be easier absorbed in the Chinese vegetables, untendered meat
3. In order to prevent excessive evacuation of the
intestinal lumen [3,14]. intestinal content through the ileostomy, food that
Anemias in ileostomy patients occur due to can accelerate it are carefully introduced : apple
the loss of essential nutrients involved in the juice, plum juice, milk, cooked beans, cabbage,
broccoli, spinach, spicy food, raw fruits
synthesis of hemoglobin on one hand and, on the 4. When a type of food creates problems, it must be
other hand, because of the vessel fragility at the eliminated for a while and then re-introduced. In
time, tolerance might be developed.
level of the stoma, that can lead to hemorrhage if 5. In order to prevent flatulence and unpleasant
there is an excessive evacuation of the intestinal odors :
content [15]. - Eliminate food that can generate such things
(they can be re-introduced after some time) :
Intestinal obstruction is avoided by the asparagus, cabbage, peppers, leek, garlic, raw
consumption of products with a low content of fruit, carbonated drinks, green peas and dry
peas, beer, mustard, spicy food, fish, onions,
fibers and if the patient is properly hydrated (see eggs, melons, cucumbers, high-fat food –
Table 2). Not following these recommendations such as cookies and fried food, some types of
leads to abdominal pain, unpleasant odor of the - Avoid chewing gum
contents being evacuated through the stoma, - Do not use straws to sip liquids
nausea and vomiting [16-18]. - Chew food with mouth closed
- Provide regular meals
In the absence of specialized nutritional - Consider adding yoghurt and cranberry juice
advice or due to lack of implementation of such
recommendations, the patients in group 2 have a Conclusions
lower tolerance to the presence of the ileostomy. The data of our study confirm that nutrition
As this is a frequent procedure for those who can play an important role in the management of
suffer from intestinal malignant tumors, patients with an ileostomy. Even if the study was
representing a risk factor for denutrition, further conducted on a limited number of subjects,

436 Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition & Metabolic Diseases / Vol. 22 / no. 4 / 2015
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ileostomy not being a very common surgical those with an intensive nutritional intervention.
procedure, the local complications (obstruction Dietary advice given by a dietician specialized in
of the stoma, excessive evacuation of the this field can also assure better results following
intestinal content with skin erosions caused by chemotherapy.
the intestinal enzymes, unpleasant odors around We hope that this study can be a starting
the stoma, etc.) and general complications point for other evaluations that involve a larger
(dehydration, muscle cramps, abdominal cramps, number of patients, from which a more
weight loss, etc.) were considerably lower in exhaustive experience can be obtained.

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