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Nombre:__________________________ Fecha:_______

School Tools

Write the correct name according to the picture

Pencil Notebook Book Sharpener Eraser Paper Scissors Crayons

Colors Bag Calculator Ruler Pencilcase Diccionary

Read and Organize the Word:

1. ilepnc _______________
2. ssscrsoi ______________________
3. ookb_____________________
4. otenbkoo_________________
5. aerser _________________
6. tocaluclar_________________
7. urlre_________________
8. encpilseca________________

Number the parts of the face according with the information box

1. Mouth 2. Eyes 3. Ear 4. Nose

Use the box information to complete the sentences:

six - calculator - Three – scissors - eraser

There are ______ rulers.

The ___________ is gray.

There are ________ colors.

The__________ helps to cut paper.

The __________ is in my bag.

Relate the next Nouns with the corresponding personal pronoun:

She The cat

He My father

it My mother

They Claudia and Pedro

They The animals

Complete and translate to Spanish the next sentences:

She is my mother ___________________________________________

He is my father _________________________________________________
It is a Pencil __________________________________________________
They are animals _______________________________________
I am a student ___________________________________________________

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