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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
District of Panitan


Direction: Read and understand each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is known as the Middle Ages or “Dark Ages”. At this time the Christian Church influenced Europe’s
culture and political affairs.
a. Renaissance Period b. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period d. Greek Era
2. He was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical works include chansons and
poetic debates.
a. Adam de la Halle b. Thomas Morley c. Johann Bach d. Antonio Vivaldi
3. It refers to a term that comes from the word renaitre which means “rebirth”, “revival”, and
“rediscovery”. It is a period of “looking back” to the Golden Age of Greece and Rome.
a. Renaissance Period b. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period d. Greek Era
4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of renaissance music?
a. Imitation among the voices is common
b. Use of word painting in texts and music
c. Not polyphonic
d. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
5. It is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
a. song b. dance c. drama d. mass
6. It is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It was written and expressed in
a poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings.
a. Mass b. Madrigal c. Opera d. Concerto
7. It is derived from the Portuguese word barroco which means “pearl of the irregular shape”.
a. Renaissance Period b. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period d. Greek Era
8. It is a form of orchestral music that deploys a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
a. Concerto b. Concerto Grosso c. Madrigal d. Mass
9. It is a form of orchestral music during the Baroque Period wherein the music is between a small group of solo
instruments called concertino and the whole orchestra called tutti.
a. Concerto b. Concerto Grosso c. Madrigal d. Mass
10. It is a contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Fugue c. Chorale d. Oratorio
11. It is a large scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates narratives on religious
a. Concerto Grosso b. Fugue c. Chorale d. Oratorio
12. It is a musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant Church
during the Baroque era.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Fugue c. Chorale d. Oratorio
13. Who is the famous composer from Germany who composed the song Messiah?
a. Antonio Vivaldi b. Johann Bach c. Jose Palma d. George Friedrich
14. Who composed the famous piece The Four Seasons?
a. Antonio Vivaldi b. Johann Bach c. Jose Palma d. George Friedrich
15. Who is the composer from Norwich East England who composed the famous “Fire, Fire, My heart” during the
Renaissance Period?
a. Antonio Vivaldi b. Thomas Morley c. Adam Halle d. George Friedrich

16. It is a method of Greek painting wherein they use water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually
on a wall surfaces.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Gesso d. Kerch Style
17. It was developed by Greek ship builders, who used hot wax to fill the cracks of the ship. Pigments were added
and used to paint a wax hull.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Gesso d. Kerch Style
18. What art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or
other materials?
a.Painting b. Sculpture c. Mosaic d. Carving
19. What era of painting depicts the lively styles of paintings which had been invented in Greece and Rome lived
on in Byzantium but this time for Christian subjects?
a. Gothic Painting b. Romanesque Painting c. Greek Painting d. Byzantine Painting
20. What era of painting which are largely placed mosaics on the walls of the churches that follow a strict frontal
a. Gothic Painting b. Romanesque Painting c. Greek Painting d. Byzantine Painting
21. These are paintings that have been confined in the illumination of manuscript pages and the painting of
frescoes on the walls of churches in cosmopolitan style, elegant manner and sophistication
a. Gothic Painting b. Romanesque Painting c. Greek Painting d. Byzantine Painting
22. It is a painting on flat panels of wood. It can either a small, single-pieced or several panels joined together.
a. Tomb Painting b. Wall Painting c. Panel Painting d. Vase Painting
23. It is the most famous painting during the classical period. The image was painted using a true fresco technique
with a limestone mortar. It deoicts a symposium scene on the wall.
a. Stone Painting b. Wall Painting c. Panel Painting d. Vase Painting
24. Which is NOT a characteristic of sculpture?
a. It depicts symbolism.
b. Relief composition were arranged in vertical lines.
c. Empty spaces were filled with figures or hieroglyphics.
d. Most of the time the gods were shown larger than human.
25. It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides. It
was made of mud-bricks and stones.
a.The Parthenon b. Mastaba c. Pyramids of Giza d. Temple
26. It is the one of the most substantial ancient structures of the world. It represents the funerary structures of
the three kings of the fourth dynasty.
a.The Parthenon b. Mastaba c. Pyramids of Giza d. Temple
27. It is the Greatest Classical temple, ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion.
a.The Parthenon b. Mastaba c. Pyramids of Giza d. Temple
28. It is a type of Megalith Stone wherein a huge stone is standing vertically on the ground, usually standing in the
middle of the field or arranged in rows.
a. Taol b. Menhir c. Dolmens d. Cromlech
29. These structures are in a form of table consisting of two huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant
stone. It is believed that it served as grave or as an altar.
a. Taol b. Menhir c. Dolmens d. Cromlech
30. It is a Brythonic word where crom means “bent” or “curved” and llech which means “slab” or “flagstones”.
Literally it is a circle of standing stones.
a. Taol b. Menhir c. Dolmens d. Cromlech

31. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Psychology c. Sports Science d. Sports Youth
32. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
a. Balance b. Endurance c. Power d. Strength
33. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Proteins d. Iron
34. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do not
have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what is the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drinks b. Softdrinks c. Sports Drink d. Water
35. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without cholesterol-rich
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart Disease d. Stroke
36. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
a. Genetics b. Jogging c. Environment d. Sedentary Lifestyle
37. Squatting and push-ups are form of exercises that measures ________.
a. cardio respiratory endurance c. Flexibility
b. muscle strength and endurance d. Body Composition
38. What type of exercise must an athlete perform in order to assess cardiovascular fitness?
a. Stretching b. Running c. Squatting d. Push-up
39. Which exercise must an athlete needs to perform often to test his/her muscular endurance?
a. Jogging in place b. Jumping Jack c. Push-up d. Walking
40. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
a. Fairness b. Punctuality c. Unjust d. All of the above

41. It is defined as sociological group in a large place sharing one environment.
a. Community b. Community health c. Society d. public health
42. What Department of Health program promotes Community Health?
a. Maternal Health c. Child Health Care
b. Primary Health Care d. Health Care
43. Which does not describe a Healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that is fully aware of daily opportunities
c. An environment that meets basic needs
d. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
44. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth?
a. Soil erosion b. oil spill c. Illegal mining d. deforestation
45. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
a. To attain luxury of life
b. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home
c. To keep the safety of the community
d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
46. What program that is in charge of planning and implementing rules and regulation to address community health
a. Solid waste management
b. Public of Health
c. 3Rs of Ecological health
d. Nutrition program
47. Which is not an effect of Climate change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage
b. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods
c. Economic losses
d. More health related illness and disease
48. Which best describe a community health program?
a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained
c. It protects and improves the health
d. It maintains, protects and improves the health
49. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not the absence of disease.
a. Health b. Community health c. Society d. Community
50. It is where a satisfactory unit of excreta and other liquid waste disposal are discharged in areas where water
under pressure is available.
a. Septic Tank System b. Septic Toilet c. Cat-Hole d. Bore-Hole
Answer Key
1. B 31. A
2. A 32.D
3. A 33.C
4. C 34. D
5. D 35. C
6. B 36. D
7. C 37. B
8. A 38. B
9. B 39. C
10. B 40. A
11. D 41. A
12. C 42. B
13. D 43. B
14. A 44. A
15. B 45. B
16. A 46. B
17. B 47.A
18. C 48. A
19. D 49. A
20. B 50. A
21. A
22. C
23. b
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. C
30. D

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