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In this project we will develop a circuit or an AC power generator that you can bring anywhere
you want to go. It is the same concept with power banks that we used to charge our mobile
phones except with the fact that it can generate up to 230 volt compare to 5 volt a power bank
can offer. It can be used for emergency purposes, when there is a power outage, when you
travel to a place without supply of electricity, hiking or camping. We come up with this idea
because electricity is very essential in our daily life and most of us can't live without it anymore.
We will make it more convenient and accessible for all of us in this study.

The pocket AC power generator features a large sturdy crank arm with an easy-to-grip knob
that makes generating electricity a breeze. It can be used left or right-handed and cranked
clockwise or counterclockwise. It is a powerful charger. It has a 10W generator. It charges your
mobile device at the same rate it would charge in a standard 230v household electrical outlet. It
is only 4 to 5 inches long, it weighs less than a pound, making portability one of its best

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