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Bigotry against LGTB

Currently, the differences between people with the opposite sexuality options have widely
grown. Many states have started to change their laws to protect those people who want to
spend time with another person with the same gender.

On the other hand, everywhere has increased the bigotry against LGTB, and it’s a warning

First of all, in London, a couple of women was assaulted by a group of men who had looked at
them kissed each other. They claimed that they had to kiss in a private space. The couple
refused that and receive punches of men.

In other countries, the situation is similar. Every time, a short group of highly conservative
people try to fight against gays in their rights.

Finally, in my opinion, at present exist bigotry against LGTB and it’s growing. The Peruvian
state is starting to protect this small and vulnerable group of people.

Helicopter crash on the top of a skyscraper

Today, a helicopter crashed on the top of the skyscraper in New York. The first report
broadcast that seems to be a failed helicopter.

Suddenly, after 11 minutes the helicopter took off the airport, the pilot lost control and

It was at a crowded point in New York. The mayor said that at glance it’s not a terrorist attack.
He said that every New Yorker knows how Is the feeling about that, after the September 11th.

At present, the fire on the top is under control by firefighters, and nobody is an injury, but the
pilot is dead.

In the end, Presiden Trump thank authorities for his helping to worry in this situation.

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