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2014 World Mathematics Team Championship

Junior Team Round Solutions

Problems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Answers 312 10 H, G, F or B, C, D 2.4 107 1 2

Problems 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Answers 36 3 770 6300 or 550 or 250 144 936 12

Problems 15 16 17 18 19 20

Answers 3 1.213 9867312 560 60 154

T–1. Observe the pattern of the following sequence of numbers:

1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
1, , , , , , , , , , , …
2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
Which term gives the number ?
Solution: 312. Let’s start with the second term. Group and order the numbers by their denominators
from small to large.
Row 1, Denominator is 2. One term.
1 2
, Row 2, Denominator is 3. Two terms.
3 3
1 2 3
, , Row 3, Denominator is 4. Three terms.
4 4 4
1 2 3 4
, , , Row 4, Denominator is 5. Four terms.
5 5 5 5
Following this pattern, it is easy to see that the nth row with denominator of n+1 has n terms.
Therefore, is the 11th number in the 25th row.
The total number of numbers in the first 24 rows is 1+2+3+…+24 = 300. This number plus the
11 numbers in the 25th row plus the very first term gives us a total of 300+11+1 = 312
T–2. How many ways can the number 14 be written as a sum of prime numbers? (3+11 and
11+3 are considered the same)
Solution: 10. There is 1 sum with seven 2’s : 14 = 2×7 = 2+2+2+2+2+2+2.
There is 1 sum with four 2’s: 14 = 2×4 + 3 + 3 = (2+2+2+2) + 3+3.
There is 1 sum with three 2’s: 14 = 2×3 + 3 + 5 = (2+2+2) + 3 + 5.
There are 2 sums with two 2’s: 14 = 2×2 + 3 + 7 = (2+2) + 3+ 7
= 2×2 + 5 + 5 = (2+2) + 5+ 5.
There are 2 sums with one 2: 14 = 2 + (3+3+3+3)
= 2 +5 + 7.
There is 3 sum2 with no 2: 14 = (3+3+3) +5
= 3 + 11
= 7+7.
Therefore, there is a total of 10 ways to write 14 as a sum of prime numbers.

T–3. The figure below is composed of nine identical regular hexagons each of edge length 1.
Three neighboring (each has at least one common edge with another one) hexagons are
taken out so that the remaining figure is not disconnected and has the same perimeter as
the original figure. Which three hexagons can be taken out?

Solution: H, G, F or B, C, D. There are 5 ways in taking out 3 neighboring regular hexagons so

that the remaining figure is not disconnected:
(1) Take out A, B, and C. The net change to the perimeter is –9+5 = 4;
(2) Take out A, B, and H. The net change to the perimeter is –8+4 = –4;
(3) Take out H, G, and F. The net change to the perimeter is –7+7 = 0;
(4) Take out A, B, and I. The net change to the perimeter is –6+8 = 2;
(5) Take out B, C, and I. The net change to the perimeter is –5+7 =2;
Therefore, taking out H, G, and F would not change the perimeter.
Similarly, B, C, and D can be taken out without affecting the perimeter.

T–4. Triangle ABC in the figure below is an equilateral triangle where D and E are midpoints
of AB and AC, respectively. Trapezoid DECB is divided into four smaller isosceles
trapezoids of identical shape and area. How many times is the perimeter of ∆ABC large
than the perimeter of the isosceles trapezoid DEQP ?
Solution: 2.4. Let PQ = a. Label points M and N as shown in the figure below.

Since these four isosceles trapezoids have the same shape and same area, so PM = QN = PQ = a,
BM = NC = a, and BD = DE = EC = MN. Also, since D is the midpoint of AB, AB = 2BD or
BC = 2DE ① and BC = BM+MN+NC = a+MN+a = MN+2a = DE+2a ②
Combine ① and ② and we have BC = DE+2a = 2DE or DE = 2a which means BC = 4a.
Hence, the perimeter of equilateral triangle ABC is 12a and the perimeter of each of the small
isosceles trapezoid is a+a+a+2a = 5a. Therefore, the perimeter of triangle ABC is 12a÷5a = 4
times longer than the perimeter of each trapezoid.

4 a 5
T–5. How many integers a can satisfy the inequality < < ?
11 2014 12
4 a 5
Solution: 107. If each term is multiplied by 2014, then < < becomes
11 2014 12
4 5 4 1
2014 × < a < 2014 × or 732 < a < 839 .
11 12 11 6
Therefore, 733 ≤ a ≤ 839 and there are 839–733+1 = 107 integers a that satisfy the original

T–6. Randomly select three distinct numbers from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} to form a 3–digit number.
How many different quotients are possible if the sum of all such possible 3-digit numbers
formed is divided by the different sums of their three digits?
Solution: 1. As an example, we can first select the three numbers 1, 2, and 3 and use them to form six
3–digit numbers 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, and 321. Take the sum of these 6 numbers and divided
by the sum of the selected 3 numbers 1, 2, and 3, we have (123 + 132 + 213 + 231 + 312 + 321)
÷ (1+2+3) = 222. In general, selecting any 3 numbers a, b, and c and follow the same procedure,
we have [200(a+b+c) + 20(a+b+c) + 2(a+b+c)] ÷ (a+b+c) = 222. Therefore, 222 is the only
possible quotient.

T–7. As shown in the figure below, ABCDE is a regular pentagon and the area of quadrilateral
ACQP is 1. Find the area of the 5–point star AMBNC…PA (the shaded region).
Solution: 2. As shown in the figure below, connect MQ. Because both ABCDE and PMNQR are
regular pentagons, ∠PAM = ∠PQM. Also, both △PAM and △PQM are isosceles triangles, so
they have the same area since PM = PM. Since ABCDE is a regular pentagon, so the areas of
△AMP,△BNM,△CQN,△DRQ,△EPR,and △QMP are all equal. Let this common
area be S 1 . Similarly, the areas of △RPQ and △MNQ are also equal. Let this common area be
S 2 . Since the area of quadrilateral ACQP is 1, 3S 1 + S 2 = 1. Therefore, the area of the shaded 5–
star is 6S 1 + 2S 2 = 2.

T–8. As shown in the figure below, ABCD is a square where square EBFP and square MPND
share a common vertex P and have areas of 64 and 16, respectively. Suppose the two
vertices J and K of square IJHK are the intersections of the two main diagonals of EBFP
and MPND, respectively. Find the area of square IJHK.

Solution: 36. The overlapped area of squares IJHK and EBFP is 64 × =16 and the overlapped area
of squares MPND and IJHK is 16 × =4 which makes the side of square IJHK has a length of
4+2 = 6 or it has an area of 36.

T–9. Suppose the side length of a square is a prime number a that is less than 20 and the side
length of an equilateral triangle is a natural number b. If the perimeter of this square is 10
longer than the perimeter of this equilateral triangle, find the number of possible values
for b.
4a − 10 a −1
10 or b =
Solution: 3. According to the problem, 4a − 3b = = ( a − 3) + . Hence, (a–1) is
3 3
divisible by 3 and since a < 20 is a prime. a must be 7 or 13 or 19. Therefore, b must be 6 or 14
or 22.
1 2 55
T–10. Suppose x is a prime number and y is an integer. If + + + is an integer, what
xy xy xy
is the maximum possible value for y?
1 2 55 1
Solution: 770. + + + = (1 + 2 +  + 55)
xy xy xy xy
1 1 + 55
=× × 55
xy 2

1540 1540
Because is an integer, so = k (k is an integer) or 1540 = kxy. In order to maximize
xy xy
y, kx must take on smallest value. However, x is a prime number, so the smallest value for kx is
2. Therefore, when x = 2, y takes on a maximum value of 770.

T–11. Suppose numbers A and B have only prime factors of 2 and 5 and their Greatest
Common Divisor (GCD) is 50. If A has 6 factors and B has 12 factors, find all possible
Solution: 6300 or 550 or 250. Because 50 = 2×52, A and B can be written as 2×52 ×a and
2×52 ×b , respectively, where a and b are integers with factors of 2 and 5 only. Let
A = 21+x×52+y and B = 21+m×52+n where x, y, m, and n are non–negative integers. Since
A has 6 factors, [(1+x)+1]×[ (2+y)+1] = (2+x)×(3+y) = 6 or x = 0 and y = 0. So, A = 21+0×52+0
= 50. Similarly for B, [(1+m)+1]×[(2+n)+l] = (2+m)×(3+n) = 12. In this case, m and n take on
three sets of numbers. (m, n) = (0, 3) or (1, 1) or (2, 0). So, B can be 21+0×52+3=6250 or
21+1×52+1=500 or 21+2×52+0=200. Therefore, A+B can be 50+6250=6300 or 50+500=550 or

T–12. As shown in the figure below, ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. The shaded triangle has
vertices at the intersection of AD and FC and the midpoints of AC and EC. The area of
the shaded triangle is 6. Find the area of ABCDEF.

Solution: 144. Let S △ACE = Area of △ACE. It is easy to see from the figure that S △ACE is 3×4=12
times larger than the area of the shaded triangle. Based on the figure below, S △ABC = S △ACO
and S △ACE = 3(S △ABC ).
Because of symmetry, S ABCDEF = S △ABC + S △CDE + S △AEF + S △ACE
= 3(S △ABC ) + S △ACE
= S △ACE + S △ACE
= 2(S △ACE )
= 2×12×(area of shaded triangle)
= 2×12×6
= 144.

1 2 3 2012 2013
T–13. How many fractions among , , ,…, ,and are
2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
simplified fractions?
Solution: 936. Consider 2014 = 2×19×53. Among the numbers 1, 2, 3, … , 2013,
There are 2012 ÷ 2=1006 numbers with 2 as a factor,
2 × 53 – 1=105 numbers with 19 as a factor,
2 × 19 – 1=37 numbers with 53 as a factor,
53 – 1=52 numbers with both 2 and 19 as factors,
19 – 1=18 numbers with both 2 and 53 as factors, and
2 – 1=1 number with both 19 and 53 as factors.
Therefore, there are 2013–(1006+105+37)+(52+18+1) = 936 simplified fractions in that group.

T–14. Nine points can be used to construct 8 straight lines with each line passing through
exactly 3 points (see Figure 1) or 9 straight lines (see Figure 2) or even 10 straight lines
with each line passing through exactly 3 points (see Figure 3). What is the maximum
number of straight lines can be constructed using 10 points so that each line passes
through exactly 3 points?

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Solution: 12. The maximum number of straight lines can be constructed using 10 points by placing
exactly 3 points on each line segment is 12 as shown in the figure below.
T–15. Suppose there are 13 50-passenger buses for a rental of $800 per bus and 20 40-
passenger buses for a rental of $680 per bus. If there is a total of 720 passengers, in
order to minimize the total transportation cost, how many 40-passenger buses should be
$800 $680
Solution: 3. Since the average rental fares per person for the buses are = $16 and = $17,
50 40
so the 50–passenger bus is cheaper to rent and should be use as much as possible if we want to
lower the transportation cost. Note that 13 of these 50–passenger buses can hold a maximum of
50 × 13 = 650 passengers and so the remaining 720–650 = 70 passengers can be placed in the
40–passenger buses. However, this way, we will need two 40–passenger buses to hold these 70
passengers and that would mean the second bus will have 10 empty seats and the total cost for
this arrangement is the maximum of (13×$800) + (2×$680) = $11760. We may be able to
lower our cost by eliminate some of those 10 empty seats by renting only 12 50–passenger buses.
This way, we will have the remaining 720–600 = 120 passengers for the 40–passenger buses and
we will need exactly 3 of them with no empty seats. In this case, the total cost is (12×$800) +
(3×$680) = $11640 which lowers the cost.

T–16. Given a number that has finite number of decimals and satisfies the condition that if its
decimal point is moved to the right by a certain number of positions, the new number is
larger than the original number by 9.999. Find the sum of all numbers that satisfy this
Solution: 1.213. Let a be a number that satisfies the condition stated in the problem.
(1) Move its decimal point to the right one place: Then the new number is 10 times larger than
a and the difference would be 9 times larger than a or a = 9.999÷9=1.111.
(2) Move its decimal point to the right two places: Then the new number is 100 times larger than
a and the difference would be 99 times larger than a or a = 9.999÷99=0.101.
(3) Move its decimal point to the right three places: Then the new number is 1000 times larger
than a and the difference would be 999 times larger than a or a = 9.999÷999=0.01009…
which is repeating decimal. This contradicts the fact that a has finite number of decimals.
(4) Move its decimal point to the right four places: Then the new number is 10000 times larger
than a and the difference would be 9999 times larger than a or a = 9.999÷9999=0.001.
(5) Move its decimal point to the right five places: Then the new number is 100000 times larger
than a and the difference would be 99999 times larger than a or
a = 9.999÷99999=0.0000999909999… This case must be dismissed for the same reason as
(6) Move its decimal point to the right by more than 5 places: None of the numbers a derived
satisfy the problem’s condition.
Therefore, the sum of all possible numbers a is 1.111 + 0.101 + 0.001 = 1.213.

T–17. Suppose N is a natural number with distinct digits and each digit is also its factor. Find
the value of largest such number N.
Solution: 9867312. Zero cannot be one of the digits since N cannot be divisible by zero.
Also, N cannot contain any even digit and 5 at the same time. Otherwise, the unit digit for N
would be zero as well. So if 5 is a digit, then N cannot have 2, 4, 6, or 8 as digits. In this
case, N can only be a number with 5 or less number of digits.
If N does not have 5 as one of its digits, then, at the most, N is a 8–digit number and its 8 digits
are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and the sum of its digits would be 40. However, any number
with the digit sum of 40 cannot be divisible by 9. So, N can only be a 7–digit number at the
most. To maximize N, keep the digit 9 and place it as its first digit. In order for this number
be divisible by 9, we can take out 4. In this case, the last digit of N must be an even digit in
order to make N divisible by 2, 6, and 8.
Now, let us consider the cases where N is divisible by 7 and 8:
(1) The first four digits are 9876: 9876312 is divisible by 8 but not by 7 and 9876132 is
divisible by 7 bit not 8.
(2) The first four digits are 9873: 9873612 is divisible by 7 but not 8 and 9873216 is
divisible by 8 but not 7. Neither 98732162 nor 9873126 can be divisible by 8 or by 7.
(3) The first four digits are 9872: 9872316 cannot be divisible by 7 or by 8. 9872136 is
divisible by 8 but not 7.
(4) The first four digits are 9871: 9871632 is divisible by 8 but not by 7 and 9871326 and
9871236 cannot divisible by 7 or by 8.
(5) The first four digits are 9867: 9867312 is divisible by 7 and by 8.
Therefore, the largest such N is 9867312.

T–18. Suppose three people A, B, and C are walking in the same direction, each at a constant
speed, along a straight line. In the beginning, their positions are as shown in Figure 1
below. After a certain amount of time, their positions are as shown in Figure 2. As they
continue walking with their original constant speed, A is finally positioned in the middle
and is equal distanced from B and C. Find the distance between B and C at that time
(all distances are measured in meters).

Figure 1 Figure 2

Solution: 560. According to the problem, at the end, the position of A, B, and C are positioned as
shown in the below figure. Let x be the distance between A and B.
As C walks from Figure 1 to Figure 2, C had walked 900 meters more than B and B
walked 300 meters more than A. Since their speeds did not change, during the same amount of
time, the additional distance C walked more than B is 3 times the additional distance of B walked
more than A. Hence, going from Figure 2 to the above figure, C had walked (2x–200) meters
more than B and B had walked (400–x) meters more than A.
Therefore, 2x–200 = 3(400–x) or x = 280 and 2x = 560 meters.

T–19. Consider a cube with each of its six sides painted a different number from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6. Different views of that cube are shown in the figures below. Suppose 12 of such
cubes are put together to form rectangular solids of different configurations. For each
configuration, add up all the numbers on the outside of the solid (including those on the
bottom surface). What is the smallest sum among all the configurations?

Solution: 60. From observation, the number 2 is adjacent to numbers 1, 3, 4, and 6. So, the number
5 must be opposite to the number 2. Also, number 3 is adjacent to 1, 2, 5, and 6, so the number
opposite to 3 must be 4 which means 1 and 6 are opposite. Since 12 = 1×1×12 = 1×2×6 = 1×3×4
= 2×2×3, there are 4 ways these 12 cubes can be lined up.
(1) 1×1×12

Because the sum of each opposite pair is 7 so the sum of all the numbers on four sides is
12×7×2=168. To get the smallest total sum, the numbers on the two ends must be 1 and
1. In this case, the total is 168+1+1 = 170.

(2) 1×2×6

Because the sum of each opposite pair is 7 so the sum of all the numbers on four sides is
6×2×7=84. As shown in the figure above, smallest total sum is
(3) 1×3×4.

Similarly, the smallest total for this configuration is


(4) 2×2×3.

Similarly, the smallest total for this configuration is


Therefore, 60 is the smallest sum.

T–20. The figure below has 12 1×1 small squares and a total of 20 vertices (some squares share
common vertices). Among the triangles that can be formed by using three points from
these 20 points, how many of them have an area of 2?

Solution: 154. Note: Area S = × 2× 2 = 2 .
(1) See figure below. It is possible to use the thick line segment as base and any one of the dots
on top as vertex to form 5 triangles of same area of 2. There is a total of 5×3 such triangles.
Similarly, there are also 5×3 such triangles if the thick line segments are on top. Since the
original figure has 2 such kinds of rectangles as shown in the figure below, there is a total of
5×3×2×2 = 60 triangles with this pattern.
(2) Similar to (1) except do the same thing with vertical rectangles from the original rectangle as
in the figure below, it is possible to use the thick line segment as base and any one of the dots
on the side as vertex. Minus the triangles that are duplicates to (1), there is a total of
2×2×2×3=24 triangles of area 2 with this pattern. Note: Area S = × 4 ×1 = 2 .

(3) See figure below. It is possible to use the thick line segment as base and any one of the dots
on the side ass vertex to form 4 triangles of same area of 2. There is a total of 4×3 such
triangles. Similarly, there are also 4×3 such triangles if the thick line segments are on the
right side. Therefore, there is a total of 4×3×2 = 24 triangles with these patterns.

(4) Similar to (3) except do the same thing with vertical line segments on top of length 4 and
each one of the dots on the line below the thick line segment as vertex. There are 3 such
triangles. Moving this thick line segment down one line generates another 3 triangles. So,
there is a total of 3×3 of this kind of triangles. Similarly, it is possible to do the same thing
with the thick line segment in the bottom and dots on the line above the tick base generating
another 3×3 triangles. Therefore, there is a total of 3×2×2 = 18 triangles of area 2.
Finally, there are triangles with sides not on the sides of the original large rectangle.

(5) As shown in the figure below, there are 4 triangles of area 2 in this vertical rectangle.
However, there are 3 such small rectangles in the original large rectangle. Hence, there are
3×4 such triangles. Similarly, we can do the same thing with similar horizontal rectangles.
Therefore, there is a total of (3+4)×4 = 28 triangles in these patterns.

Therefore, there is a total of 60+24+24+18+28 = 154 triangles of area 2.

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