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Biomechanics of Soft Tissue

Roger C. Haut

The human body is composed of four primary regular. Loose connective tissue is widely dis-
groups of tissues: (1) Epithelial tissues are char- tributed. For example, it is found in the walls of
acterized by having cells closely joined one to blood vessels, surrounding muscles as fascia,
another and found on free surfaces of the body. and in the lung parenchyma. Dense connective
(2) Muscle tissues are characterized by the high tissues contain essentially the same elements as
degree of contractility of their cells or fibers. loose connective tissue, but there are fewer cells.
Their primary function is to move the skeleton. This type of tissue is found in skin, many parts
(3) Nervous tissues are composed of cells spe- of the urinary ducts, digestive organs, and blood
cialized in the properties of irritability and vessels. The strom as and capsules of the internal
conductility. (4) Connective tissues are those in organs, e.g., kidney and liver, are dense connec-
which the cells are separated by large amounts tive tissues that are responsible for maintain-
of extracellular materials. ing the structural integrity of organs against
Tissues are combined in the body to form mechanical forces. Other body components,
organs. Organs are defined as structures com- having primarily mechanical functions, are com-
posed of two or more tissues integrated in such posed almost exclusively of connective tissue
a manner as to perform certain functions. The with few cells called regular connective tissue.
heart, for example, has its chambers lined with Bone tissue forms the greater part of the skele-
a special epithelium, its walls are primarily ton. Tendons and ligaments have a parallel
muscle, and there are connective tissues present arrangement of the extracellular components
in numerous forms. that allow these tissues to transmit tensile loads.
Connective tissues represent wide-ranging All connective tissues are, in fact, complex
types, both in their variety and distribution. They fiber-reinforced composite materials. The
are all characterized, however, by large amounts mechanical properties of soft connective tissues
of extracellular material. Their functions are as depend on the properties and organization of
varied as the tissues themselves. These tissues collagen fibers in association with elastin fibers,
bind, support, and protect the human body and which are embedded in a hydrated matrix of
its vital organs. Structural integrity and function proteoglycans. The constitution of each connec-
of vital organs are adversely affected when tive tissue is tuned to perform a specific func-
connective tissue surrounding them is damaged. tion. Ligaments provide mechanical stability to
Connective tissues give us the strength to resist joints. The function of tendons is to transmit
mechanical forces, and provide a recognizable tensile forces to bone via a muscle. A blood
shape that persists in the face of these forces. 1 vessel has to distend in response to a pulse wave,
The connective tissues can be classified by and subsequently recoil to contribute to the
their extracellular constituents. Connective propulsion of blood. Skin is a soft connective
tissue proper is subdivided into loose, dense, or tissue that supports internal organs and protects

A. M. Nahum et al. (eds.), Accidental Injury
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2002
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 229

the body from abrasions, blunt impact, cutting, Collagen

and penetration, while at the same time allow-
ing considerable mobility. The articular surfaces Collagen molecules are synthesized by fibrob-
of diarthrodial joints are covered with a 1- to 5- lastic cells as large precursors (procollagen),
mm layer of connective tissue, called articular which are then secreted and cleaved extracel-
cartilage. The primary functions of the cartilage lularly to become collagen.2 More than a dozen
are (1) to spread loads across joints and in so different types of collagen have been isolated. 3
doing to minimize contact stress, and (2) to allow The most common collagen is type I. This
relative movement of the opposing surfaces with molecule consists of three polypeptide chains,
minimum friction and wear. Impact trauma to each coiled in a left-handed helix3 with approx-
the body can cause excessive distortions of imately 100 amino acids (Fig.1l.1). The three a
connective tissues leading to organ dysfunction. chains are combined in a right-handed triple
Collagen is a fibrous protein that provides soft helix that gives the collagen molecule a rodlike
connective tissues with tensile strength. shape. The length of the molecule is about

Amino acid sequence

gly -'-y- gly-pro-hypro- gly-,-y

Triple helix of amino acid chains

Tropocollagen molecule

-===;:;:;===~ :L15A
Quarter stagger arrangement of molecules

Banded pattern resulting from overlap and hole zones



==~'" M


fibrobla.t. woveform
crimp ~rvcture membrane
~i I I I
15A 35A 100-200 A 500-50001 50-300JI 1OO-500Jl

FIGURE 11.1. Schematic representation of the molecular arrangement of collagen in the fiber bundle of rat
tail tendon. (From Haut. 8 )
230 R.c. Haut

280nm, and its diameter is about 1.5nmY fibrils.15 The tensile modulus of collagen
Almost two-thirds of the collagen molecule depends on age and the degree of maturation.8
consists of three amino acids; glycine (33 %), At an early age the modulus is approximately
proline (15%), and hydroxyproline (15%).5 400 megapascals (MPa), and it increases to
Every third amino acid in each a. chain is approximately 600MPa at maturity. The "com-
glycine, and this repetitive sequence is essential puted" modulus depends on the length of spec-
for the proper formation of the triple helix. imen being tested. 16 One study, based on x-ray
Glycine enhances the stability of the molecule diffraction, indicated that the collagen mole-
by forming hydrogen bonds among the three cule is stiffer than a collagen fibril or a tendon
chains of the superhelix. Hydroxyproline and (Fig. 11.2)Y
proline form hydrogen bonds, or hydrogen- Deformation of RIT up to 2% to 3% strain
bonded water bridges, between specific groups has been found reversible with no mechanical
on the chains. Type III collagen is thought to be damage. ll Above approximately 4 % strain,
an immature form of type I because of its high permanent damage has been observed in the
concentration in young or healing connective collagen fiber with a reduction of its tensile
tissues. 3 Type II collagen is unique to cartilage. modulus and irreversible disruption of the
Soon after being expressed into the extracel- crimp waveform of its fibrils. ll ,15 Kastelic and
lular space, collagen molecules are arranged in Baerl8 have discussed the mechanism of tensile
a quaternary structure. Crosslinks are formed yielding and failure of RTT collagen fibers
between molecules and are essential to the using electron microscopy and small angle x-
aggregation at the fibril level. The crosslinks ray (SAX) diffraction. A slight broadening of
derive mainly from four lysine and hydroxyly- the SAX pattern and signs of limited intrafib-
sine residues, one at each end of the helical rillar slip are observed in the first yield region.
region and one in each telopeptide region. 61t is More significant damage is observed in the
the crosslinked character of the collagen fibrils second yield region. At fracture the fiber seems
that gives strength to connective tissues. Nimni to separate into filaments averaging 10~.Im in
and Harkness3 provide a detailed description of diameter. 19
the inter- and intrachain crosslinks in collagen. It appears that resistance to intrafibrillar slip
The degree of covalent crosslinking in collagen in the collagen fiber starts with maturation con-
is altered during maturation. 7 Dietary lathyro- current with the appearance of "yield" behav-
gens can inhibit crosslinking by inhibiting the ior. The resistance increases with age, as does
action of the enzyme lysyl oxidase. Some under-
standing of the role of covalent crosslinking
on mechanical strength has been gained with
lathyritic agents. 8,9 20
The mechanical properties of collagen are


often determined in experiments on tendon 0

and ligaments, where it appears as parallel II

a. 0 0

. • 0
oriented fibrils. lO The tensile response of a :E 0

collagen fiber from rat-tail tendon (RTT) at • 0

10 0
low strain is associated with straightening of c(
0 0
0 0
crimped collagen fibrils ll ,12 and their shear .......... 0
interaction with the hydrated matrix. 13 Kastelic IL. 0
et aP4 showed that the crimp angles in individ- 0
ual collagen fibrils varies radially across the 000
fiber bundle, leading to a sequential uncrimp-
1 2 3 4 5 6
ing of fibrils with deformation. Subsequent to
the "toe" response is a linear region followed FIGURE 11.2. Comparison of the stress-strain curves
by yield and failure regions. The linear region is for a collagen molecule (.), a collagen fibril (0), and
thought due to elastic deformations of collagen a tendon (0). (From Sasaki and OdajimaY)
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 231

the apparent modulus of the yield region. When It is recognized that elastin provides elastic-
exposed to dietary lathrogens, resistance of col- ity to connective tissues, but its exact role is
lagen to intrafibrillar slip is compromised.8The not well understood. The function of elastin
tensile strength of collagen from RTf varies is dependent on its configuration and relative
from approximately 50 to 100MPa, depending content in a given material. 24 It is important to
on the degree of maturation. 8 Failure strains note that in most tissues it is not the content of
vary from approximately 11 % to 18% for the elastin alone that dictates mechanics, but rather
mature fiber. Failure strain increases with ageY its organization relative to collagen. While the
In contrast, Betsch and Baer lO document mechanical properties of collagen are typically
decreasing failure strains with age. The mor- estimated from those of RTf, no such pure
phology of the collagen fibril structure is criti- form exists for elastin. Human and bovine
cal in determining its tensile strength,z° The aorta and bovine ligamentum nuchae are the
greatest contribution to the tensile strength of most common sources of elastin fibers. Aortas
a collagen fibril is its connectivity. In numerous contain approximately 40% elastin by dry
diseases collagen fibril connectivity is inter- weight, while ligamentum nuchae contains 78%
rupted and tensile strength of the connective to 83% elastin. 25 Ligamentum nuchae yields a
tissue is significantly decreased. modulus of approximately 0.3 MPa,z6,27 Carton
Studies also show that tensile strength and et al28 conducted experiments on individual
failure strain of collagen significantly depend elastin fibers after dissection from the ligamen-
on strain rate. 21 Tensile strength and failure tum nuchae of the ox. They found a linear
strain are approximately 108MPa and 18%, tension-strain curve to approximately 120%
respectively, at 720%/s compared to 61 MPa strain. Hass 29 reports a modulus of 3 MPa for
and 14.7% at 3.6%/s? elastin. Jenkins and Little25 used formic acid
to remove collagen from bovine ligamentum
nuchae and showed that the stress-strain curve
Elastin of elastin is essentially linear and displayed
minimal time dependency (Fig. 11.3). Minns
Elastin is another major protein of connective and Steven30 conducted tensile experiments at
tissues. It is normally present at significant five stages in the development of fetal bovine
levels in blood vessels, the lungs, and skin. The ligamentum nuchae. Strips tested to failure
collagen content of the human Achilles tendon suggest that the strain at failure decreases from
is about 20 times that of elastin, while in liga- approximately 280% to 220% at birth. The
mentum tlavum of the spine the elastin content tensile stress at failure remained constant until
is about five times that of collagen. Like colla- birth at approximately 1.4MPa. Mature elastin
gen, glycine accounts for about one-third of fibers can be strained to approximately 130%
the total amino acids of elastin. The contents at lOMPa before failure,z8
of proline and hydroxyproline are much lower
in elastin than collagen. The fundamental
polypeptide chain in elastin is tropoelastin,z2 Matrix of Proteoglycans
Assembly of multiple tropoelastin molecules
gives elastin its characteristic elastic properties. The matrix in which collagen and elastin fibers
Critical in the assembly is the formation of are embedded is composed of proteoglycan
crosslinks between tropoelastin molecules. aggregates formed from three molecular
Allysine residues react nonenzymically with species: proteoglycan subunits, hyaluronic acid,
lysine residues for the characteristic crosslink. 23 and link protein.31 In its formation each com-
Each chain forms a fibrillar structure composed ponent appears separately in the matrix. Pro-
of alternating segments of crosslinked regions teoglycan subunits noncovalently bind to a
and structures termed "oiled coils," which may single hyaluronate chain. Link protein is then
be stretched from 2 to 2.5 times the length of incorporated and appears to stabilize the
relaxed molecules. bond between prot eo glycan subunits and
232 R.c. Haut
25 FIGURE 11.3. Experimental data from
ligamentum nuchae showing the nearly
linear tensile response of elastin.
2.0 (Adapted from Jenkins and Little. 25 )

~ 1.5
a:: 1.0

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


hyaluronate. The proteoglycan subunit consists Proteoglycans also seem to playa major bio-
of chondroitin sulfate, keratin sulfate, and pos- logic role in structure of collagen. Collagen
sibly dermatin sulfate covalently attached to fibrillogenesis, in vivo, may be controlled by
the protein core. These glycosaminoglycans are a feedback system whereby the stress history
linear polymers of sugar residues with a disac- on fibroblastic cells determines the synthesis
charide repeating unit. Chondroitin sulfate, of specific glycosaminoglycans.33 The impor-
for example, is composed of 40 to 60 repeating tance of two common sulfate-containing
units, is 20,000 to 30,000 in molecular weight, glycosaminoglycans is evident from in vitro
and ranges in length from about 40 to 60nm. studies. These have shown that in the presence
The hyaluronic acid chains that form the fila- of chondroitin sulfate, fine fibrils are formed,
mentous backbone of proteoglycan aggregates while in derma tin sulfate fibrillogenesis is
vary greatly in size, ranging from 200,000 to retarded and relatively large fibrils are
over 2 million in molecular weight and from 50 formed. 34,35 Connective tissues that require high
to over 5,OOOnm in length. A proteoglycan tensile strength usually contain large diameter
subunit may have 100 chondroitin sulfate collagen fibrils, while those whose primary
chains attached to a protein core 200,000 in function is low-load creep resistance have a
molecular weight and 200nm in length. The larger proportion of small diameter fibrils?3 In
proteoglycan subunit can be 2 to 3 million in tendon there is clear evidence of specific inter-
molecular weight. A proteoglycan aggregate actions between collagen and the matrix of pro-
containing 100 such proteoglycan subunits teoglycans, whereas interactions in cartilage
would be over 200 million in molecular weight. are probably less specific, involving entrapment
In tissues such as cartilage, the proteoglycan and excluded volumes. 36
aggregates are effectively immobilized within The role played by the matrix of proteogly-
a fibrous network. 32 In addition, they are cans in the mechanical properties of connective
hydrophilic because glycosaminoglycan mole- tissue is not presently well understood. The
cules contain a high density of negatively matrix comprises only a small fraction of most
charged groups, which gives rise to imbalance connective tissues. This noncollagenous compo-
in the concentration of freely diffusible nent appears partly responsible for the cohe-
electrolytes. sion of tendon fibers?7 Proteoglycan-based
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 233

filaments are shown attached to collagen at spe- fascicle that does exhibit a positive pressure
cific polar locations and interconnecting colla- gradient during tensile stretch. The study sug-
gen fibrils. 38 Kronick and Sacks39 have shown gests a "wringing-out" of tissue fluids during
no significant effects of proteoglycan extraction extension of helically wound fibrils within this
on the static mechanical properties of biologic collagen substructure. The model analysis
tissues. Other studies suggest the matrix pro- suggests hydrostatic pressure developed in
vides a viscous lubrication between individual the matrix of tissue proteoglycans helps deter-
fibrils of collagen.37,40,41 Viscoelastic properties mine the rate-sensitive properties of soft
of numerous tissues have been associated with tissues. Thus, it is hypothesized that the degree
the interaction of collagen with the surround- of hydration help determine the viscoelastic
ing matrix. 42 The matrix in RTI has been properties of soft connective tissues.57,58
modeled as viscoelastic with a time-dependent
shear modulus. 15 The modulus of the matrix at
3 months of age is approximately 0.1 MPa and Ligaments and Tendons
is found to increase 15-fold at maturity. The
complex shear modulus of purified solutions Ligaments and tendons are dense connective
of proteoglycan monomers and aggregates is tissues known as parallel-fibered collagenous
approximately 0.01 MPa at concentrations tissues. The role of ligament, which connects
similar to that in cartilage. 43 The shear viscosity bone to bone, is to augment the mechanical
is dependent on concentration and shear rate, stability of joints and control joint motion. The
being approximately 1.0 pascal-second (Pa-s) at function of tendon is to attach muscle to bone
typical concentrations. Using viscometric flow and transmit tensile loads, thereby producing
measurements on high concentrations of puri- joint motion. Like other connective tissues,
fied proteoglycan solutions,44 investigators tendons and ligaments consist of only a few
find that collagen in a collagen-proteoglycan cells (fibroblasts) and an abundant extracellu-
mixture enhances molecular interactions by lar matrix. The content of collagen is slightly
increasing the entanglement interactions higher in tendons than in ligaments. 59 The
and/or the strength of interaction, while pro- content of elastin varies between ligaments,
teoglycans act to reduce the number and/or depending on function. While ligaments from
strength of molecular interactions.45 the knee, for example, contain small amounts
Tensile failure studies suggest that the matrix of elastin, spinal ligaments typically contain
may help stabilize the collagen fibril at high greater amounts of elastin. 60 While the ratio
rates of loading. 18,21,46,47 On the other hand, of collagen to elastin is 1: 2 in ligamentum
enzymatic digestion studies indicate that the flavum,61 the interspinous ligament is predomi-
sensitivity of tissue strength to strain rate is not nantly collagen. 60 These differences in constitu-
directly related to the content of matrix pro- tion and organization of collagen and elastin in
teoglycans. 48 Lanir49 suggests the kinematics of various spinal ligaments are reflected in their
collagen and elastin fiber reorientation under mechanical properties (Fig. 11.4).
tensile load is determined by the matrix com- The nonlinear, stiffening response of liga-
ponent. Hurschler et al50 suggested a similar ments is due to the structural responses of col-
matrix effect after studies measured positive lagen and elastin in the matrix of proteoglycans.
hydrostatic pressures within the ligament Bundles of collagen measuring approximately
during tensile stretch. 51 These data are sup- 20/.lm in width have a characteristic crimp
ported by others showing a gross exudation of that varies between ligaments depending on
tissue fluid during tensile stretch of ligaments their particular function. 62 Elastin fibers appear
and tendons. 52-54 Interestingly, however, a math- straight and in close association with collagen.6o
ematical model of the ligament that includes Tensile studies on bone-ligament-bone
a matrix exhibits a negative pressure during preparations have shown nonuniform strain
tensile stretch of the ligament. 55 Atkinson et al 56 patterns with large strains existing near inser-
presents a theoretical model of a collagen sub- tions into bone. 63 ,64 This has led to structural-
234 R.c. Haut

FORCE, N FIGURE 11.4. Tensile responses of

the human posterior longitudinal
600 .--------------------------------, ligament (PLL), the anterior longi-
tudinal ligament (ALL), and the
ligamentum flavum (LF) showing
500 the changes due to the content and
organization of collagen and elastin.
(Adapted from Panjabi et aflO)




o 1 2 3


based models in which crimp angles in collagen decreasing continuously to 65 ± 24 MPa for
vary down the length of the ligament.65 During older specimens (48-86 years).77 Another study
quasi-static tensile deformation, the 20-J..lm- shows this same trend with age. 78 The tensile
wide bundles of crimped collagen sequentially properties of tendons have also been found to
straighten and bear load. 62 The current concept depend on age in other studies. 75 ,79 A decrease
is that elastin fibers bear load first. Assuming in the extractability of collagen with pepsin
that the crimp angles in collagen are normally has been correlated with a decrease in tensile
distributed,66 tensile loads in the early "toe" modulus of the canine PT with increasing age. 80
region are due to tensile deformation of elastin Biochemical analyses indicate that these age-
fibers and the percentage of the collagen fibers related changes correlate with a decrease in
that have straightened (Fig. 11.5). Structural- collagen synthesis and reducible crosslinks
based models have been proposed for soft con- in collagen.81 Immobilization causes a marked
nective tissues that incorporate the uncrimping decrease in the modulus of ligaments, while
of collagen during tensile stretch. 67-72 exercise has a more limited positive effect. 82
The tensile modulus of the human patellar When isolated collagen fibers are loaded,
tendon (PT) varies between investigators: 288 damage is reported at strains above approxi-
± 18MPa73 and 415 ± 31 MPa.74 The tensile mately 4%.11 However, for whole ligaments and
modulus of human digitorus tendons is approx- tendons the linear response can extend above
imately 600 MPa. 75 Pintar et aF6 documented 20%. Studies, however, have shown failure of
the mechanical properties of various human some fine collagen fibers can go undetected in
lumbar ligaments from specimens ranging from macroscopic tests. Scanning electron micro-
31 to 80 years of age. The modulus of the graphs of ligaments stretched into the linear
human anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is 111 region show ruptured collagen fibers at loads
± 26MPa for young specimens (16-26 years) one-half the maximum (Fig. 11.6).83,84 Near the
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 235

end of the linear region sequential failure of a appear to fail at different points along the
few stretched bundles develops and the process length of the ligament, producing the classic
gradually progresses until the ultimate load of "mop-end" appearance. 77 Panjabi et als5
the structure. Throughout this process the liga- showed that ligaments stretched to 80% of their
ment may visually appear intact. Fiber bundles failure strain exhibit a significant increase in
compliance that may yield a joint laxity.
Some microstructural models of ligaments
and tendons incorporate failure mecha-
nisms. 5o,s6,s7 These models suggest that collagen
I I I I fibers fail sequentially as strain reaches approx-
I I I I imately 10%. These data compare favorably
with experimental data. 88 A more general
elastin k)aded, I I I I model of soft connective tissuess9 is interesting
I • I
"tin loaded, I I
in that it includes uncrimping of collagen and
1811 collagen loaded I ela,tin
tome coftagen Ioeded el.ltin loaded,
lome collagen fails
stretching and breaking of fibers, while taking
I account of fiber volume fraction, fiber and
matrix properties, fiber orientation, and matrix
resistance to fiber reorientation during tissue
I stretch.
I The tensile strength and failure strain for the
I human ACL from young specimens aged 16 to
26 years, is 37.8 ± 9.3MPa and 44.3% ± 8.5%,
respectively.73 In a structural sense the ultimate
load and elongation is 1,725 ± 269N. Woo et ars
documented that for young specimens (22-35
years), the ultimate load is 2,160 ± 157N and
dependent on orientation of the knee prepara-
tion with respect to normal anatomy. The
STRAIN tensile failure properties of other human knee
FIGURE 11.5. Schematic drawing to illustrate the ligaments have also been documented. 90 The
micromechanical events in collagen and elastin fibers mechanism of failure in a bone-ligament-bone
during tensile deformation of a ligament. structure is variable. With advanced age 77 or


~ 500
FIGURE 11.6. Tensile response
of a ligament showing failure of
individual bundles of collagen
and complete failure of the o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
structure with a "mop-end"
appearance. (Adapted from
Yahia et al84 and Haut. 212 ) ELONGATION, mm
236 R.c. Haut

immobilization,91 the mechanism of failure is by loading rate increases.97,98 While the shape of
avulsion of adjacent bone. Neumann et al 92 con- the stress-strain curve is not significantly
ducted failure tests on human lumbar anterior altered by strain rate, tensile strength and ulti-
longitudinal ligaments (ALLs) from a young mate strain are increased 20% to 30% over a
age group showing tensile strength, tensile I,OOO-fold change in strain rate. 99 The strain-
modulus, and failure strain of 27.4 ± 5.9MPa, rate sensitivity of tendons has been shown to
759 ± 336 MPa, and 4.95% ± 1.51%, respec- vary with age. 21 A recent study indicates that
tively. During aging (21-79 years) the tensile the elastic modulus of bovine PI' may be under-
modulus of the ligament midsubstance estimated by as much as 50% using quasi-
increases twofold, whereas that of the insertion static data versus impact data. 1oo While the
site decreases threefold. The tensile strength tensile strength of ligaments varies slightly with
over the same range of ages decreases approx- strain rate, failure strain does not appear
imately twofold. 93 Age-related changes dependent. 101
observed for the ALL are lower than those
documented for the ligamentum flavum for
which a fivefold decrease is noted in tensile Skin
modulus and failure stress with increasing age. 61
Since the composition of the ligament flavum is Skin is the largest single organ in the body
primarily elastin while that of the anterior lon- (16% of body weight in an human adult). It
gitudinal ligament is primarily collagen, these consists of the epidermis with its outer charac-
data may suggest differential age-related teristic surface contours, and the dermis, which
changes in each fibrous component, and/or pos- contains collagen, elastin, cells, blood and
sibly a more generalized age-dependent change lymph vessels, nerve ending, hair and hair folli-
in their organization within ligaments. cles, and glands together with their associated
The tensile failure properties of the human ducts. All are embedded in the matrix of pro-
PI' are 29.1 ± 2.4MPa at 30.8% ± 3.1 % strain/3 teoglycans and glycoproteins. The mechanical
53.9 ± 2.7MPa,74 or 39.9 ± 15.8MPa at 19% ± and barrier functions of the epidermis stem
8%.94 Johnson et al95 indicated minimal differ- primarily from the stratum corneum, which is
ences in the biomechanical properties of the an outer layer of horny keratinized cells. 1OO The
human PI' from two age groups. The values of predominant components of the dermis are
the ultimate tensile strength and failure strain, collagen fibers in the matrix of proteoglycans.
respectively, were 64.7 ± 15MPa and 14% ± 6% Collagen accounts for 60% to 80% of the dry
for the young group (29-50 years) and 53.6 ± weight of the skin depending on age, sex, and
10 MPa and 15 % ± 5 % for an older group site on the body.103 The collagen (primarily type
(64-93 years). Blevins et al96 showed a weak but I, with lesser amounts of type III) appears as a
significant negative correlation between the three-dimensional network of wavy or coiled
modulus of the human PI' with age for tests at fibers. In the upper (papillary) layer of the
l00%/s, but not at 10%/s. For specimens aged dermis collagen fibers are fine. 104 This layer is
34 ± 12 years the tensile strength and modulus mainly concerned with connecting the reticular
were 37.1 ± 11.8MPa and 310 ± 95 MPa, respec- dermis to the epidermis. The deep, reticular
tively. Another study using central portions of dermis contains densely packed fibers running
the human PI' from a young population (24.5 ± parallel to the surface of the skin,105,l06 with
4.4 years) indicate a tensile stress and failure some fibers running between the planes, pre-
strain of 53.4 ± 7.2MPa and 15.1% ± 4.4%, sumably to prevent interplanar shearing. 107 The
respectively. fibers within the planes also appear to be ori-
Studies have addressed the influence of ented in a preferred direction. lOB Skin is nor-
strain rate on the tensile failure properties of mally under an in vivo tension. This tension
ligaments and tendons. Bone-ligament-bone varies from 0 to 20N/m depending on site,
preparations fail more often in the ligament direction, and body posture. 109 This concept was
substance, rather than by avulsion, as· the originally investigated by Langer. 110 The lines
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 237

drawn by Langer, referred to as "cleavage" ening (Fig. 11.7). The first region displays a low
lines, are thought to parallel collagen fibers on modulus response. Some investigators suggest
the surface of skin. 111- 1l3 elastin is being deformed in this region. 66,1l9
Skin provides the outermost covering of the Others suggest this response is due to a few
body, and its strength plays a role in lacerative straightened collagen fibers bearing load. 120 The
trauma. Observations from accidental injuries, primary role of elastin may also be to restore
as well as experiments with laboratory instru- collagen to its prestretched, crimped configura-
ments, indicate that skin fails more often in tion after tensile 10ading.121 The initial modulus
a tensile manner than from a shear or cutting of skin is 0.1 to 2MPa. 122,123 Collagen fibers
action, even when struck by relatively sharp are then sequentially straightened and bear
metal edges or structuresY4 This tensile failure load. 105,124 Finally, collagen fibers become
mechanism plays a role in determining lacera- aligned and the tensile response of skin
tive resistance of skin to grazing or glancing approaches that of tendon. 125
blows, such as when the head hits the roof As expected from the anisotropy noticed in
pillar 1l5 or windshield1l6 during an automotive skin under normal in vivo tension (as evidenced
collision. Critical shear stresses have been com- by Langer's lines), there is a difference in
puted for laceration of skin.ll7 The severity of the response curves obtained from specimens
lacerative trauma depends on the applied load, taken from different sites and different orien-
the lacerative resistance of skin, and the geo- tations on the body.126.127 Test specimens whose
metrical shape of the impacting surfaceY8 primary orientation parallel cleavage lines
There exists a great degree of variability in recruit collagen fibers at lower levels of
the properties of skin, depending on species, strain. 108,128 Typical values of the tensile
age, exposure, hydration, obesity, disease, and modulus for normal human skin over the tibia
biologic differences between individuals. The are 22 MPa along Langer's lines and 6MPa
basic tensile response of skin is nonlinear stiff- perpendicular to these lines. 129 Skin over the

FIGURE 11.7. Microstructural events

in collagen fiber bundles during
tensile deformation of skin. Note the
recruitment of collagen along the
line of tensile stretch. STRAIN, %
238 R.c. Haut

sternum is not directionally dependent, and that the failure strain of rat skin varies with ori-
the tensile modulus varies from 20 to 80 MPa entation and age.137 While failure strains per-
from birth to 25 years. 130 Correspondingly over pendicular to skin tension lines decrease with
the thigh the tensile modulus varies from 1 animal age, parallel to these lines the strain at
to 5MPa. failure increases with age. This parallels age-
Statistically, lacerative facial injuries parallel related changes in the tensile failure strains of
the Langer's lines. 118 The resistance of skin to collagen fibers. 21
laceration across Langer's lines is greater than The tensile strength of skin also depends on
that parallel to these lines. Lesions produced the rate of elongation or strain. Vogel138 showed
when the axis of a skin wound is parallel that in rat dermis it increases with the logarithm
versus perpendicular to Langer's lines heal with of strain rate. Gadd et al 114 showed that the
less scar tissueY1 The tensile strength of skin tensile strength and failure strain of aged
has typical values in the range of 2.5 to 16 human facial skin increases from 7 to 14 MPa to
MPa. 132 It varies with site,133 is higher in the 11 to 20MPa and 30% to 67% to 42% to 62%,
main fiber direction,134 and is believed to respectively, over three orders of strain rate.
increase with age. 132,135 The tensile strength and Similar changes have been found in the sensi-
failure strain of skin for an average adult is 7.7 tivity of tensile strength with strain rate in
MPa and 78%, respectively.136 Both parameters rats,137 but the failure strain was not found to be
decrease with age (Fig. 11.8). The tensile dependent on rate of loading. Haut137 further
strength and failure strain of skin over the shows that the sensitivity of tensile strength to
sternum are approximately 20MPa and 40% to strain rate decreases with age and correlates
70%, respectively.103 Over the thigh the tensile with the content of matrix proteoglycans in
strength and failure strain are 1 to 5 MPa and the skin. The results parallel a decrease in the
40% to 70%, respectively. Studies have shown degree of stress relaxation with age and the
content of tissue proteoglycans.138 These results
are consistent with the notion that the hydrated
matrix plays an important role in the strain-
3500 rate-sensitive responses of connective
Male tissues. 139
In diabetes mellitis there is an increased stiff-
Male ening of collagen-rich tissues, such as arteries,
74yrs skin, and joints. 140,141 Reihsner and Menzel 127
2500 showed a directional dependent increase in the
'in stiffness and viscous responses of skin exposed
c.. to glucose in vitro. They suggested these bio-
f/) mechanical changes are due to excessive sugar-
W derived interfibrillar crosslinks within bundles
of collagen.

Vascular Tissues
Various clinical investigative teams associate
ruptures or tears of major blood vessels with
death in 30% to 45% of automobile fatalities. 142
o 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Crush injury during soft tissue trauma can also
STRAIN, % adversely affect blood supply and increase sus-
ceptibility of surrounding tissue to infection. 143
FIGURE 11.8. Tensile responses of human skin speci- Arteries are blood vessels with a great range
mens at various ages. (Adapted from Kenedi et al211 ) of diameters. The human proximal aorta, for
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 239

example, has a diameter of approximately TENSION - LENGTH DIAGRAM

2.5 cm, while the small arteries-the HUMAN EXTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY

arterioles-are about 60!lm in diameter. The 160 TRYPSIN FRESH

arterial wall has three layers: the intima, the
media, and the adventitia. The innermost com-
ponent of the intima is a layer of endothelial
cells that offer little resistance to internal pres- e 120
sure. The intima is separated from the media by
an internal elastic membrane composed of z
elastin. The media, which is largely responsible -

for the strength and elasticity of arteries, is Z

composed of collagen. The adventitia is a thin I-
layer of loose connective tissue also composed 4Q
of "collagen. The walls of veins are thinner, more FORMIC ACID
supple, and less elastic than those of arteries. . "

••~........ ".~": ':.

., ,-' •,., .,='::"'-:"-.'..,..
While most authors distinguish three layers in
120 140 160 80
the walls of veins, the layers are frequently
indistinct. The intima contains endothelial cells
and is bounded by a network of elastic fibers. FIGURE 11.9. Tensile response of human iliac artery
The media is much thinner than arteries and after removal of collagen with formic acid and elastin
consists mainly of circular smooth muscle fibers with trypsin. (From Roach and Burton. 148)
separated by longitudinal collagen fibers. The
adventitia is usually much thicker than the
media and consists of loose connective tissue distentions. These descriptions of the correla-
with thick longitudinal collagen fibers in an tion between mechanical properties and ultra-
intricate network of elastin. In larger veins like structure are consistent with histologic studies
the inferior vena cava, portal, splenic, iliac, and of the artery under pressure. 149 They have
renal veins, the adventitia makes up the greater shown that under diastolic pressure collagen
part of the wall. fibers show no definite pattern or orientation.
There exists a significant literature on vas- Above diastolic pressures elastic lamellae
cular mechanics and the mechanical responses appear straight and collagen fibers are circum-
of blood vessels with correlations to the ferentially arranged. They conclude at physio-
microstructure of their primary constituents: logic pressures the aortic media functions as a
collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle cells. two-phase material. At 100mmHg the tangent
Comprehensive reviews are given by Dobrinl44 modulus of the thoracic aorta is 0.4 to 0.8
and HayashU 45 The tensile mechanical MPa. 150,151 At 240mmHg the tangent modulus
response of the arterial wall stiffens exponen- varies from 1.2 to 1.6MPa. These data can be
tially with elongation similar to skin, ligament, compared with the modulus of elastin26,28
and tendon. 146,147 Krafka27 noted that the (0.3--O.9MPa) and that of collagen 400 to 600
tangent modulus of strips of aorta varied from MPa.8,11
0.15 to 0.19MPa. He suggested that in the phys- The ratio of elastin to collagen in the aortic
iologic range a loose network of elastin is wall decreases away from the heart, until in the
largely responsible. Roach and Burtonl48 abdominal aorta more collagen exists than
attempted to separate the contributions of elastin. 152 The corresponding tensile responses
elastin and collagen in the human iliac artery of circumferential and longitudinal specimens
using crude trypsin to degrade the elastin, and change down the aortic tree. 153 The more distal
formic acid to degrade collagen (Fig. 11.9). They and smaller arteries also are shown to relax
conclude that elastin fibers primarily bear cir- more and at faster rates than larger arteries,
cumferentialload at small distentions and col- reflecting a change in viscoelastic properties
lagen fibers bear circumferential load at large down the aortic tree. While no direct correla-
240 R.c. Raut

tions have been established between the 100mmHg the tensile modulus is 0.5 MPa,
passive stress-strain properties of arteries and and the corresponding longitudinal modulus
the ratio of collagen to elastin,154,155 attempts is approximately 1.7 MPa. These modulii are
have been made to describe differences in the increased by factors of 2 to 5 at 80 years of age.
tensile wall mechanics of various vessels with Fewer experimental data exist on the
the following simplified equation: E = WeEe + mechanical properties of veins. The percentage
!c WeEe, where Ee and Ee are the elastic modulus of collagen is typically greater in veins than
of elastin and collagen fibers, respectively, and arteries, while the percentage of elastin is less. l60
We and We represent the fractional content of Comparative tests of pulmonary arteries and
these two components. The term!c was included veins indicate that arteries are more compliant
to reflect differences in the recruitment of col- than veins. The mechanical behavior of veins in
lagen fibers between arteries. 154 Demiray156 for- the longitudinal direction can be regarded as
mulated a more sophisticated mathematical essentially elastic, while that in the circumfer-
model that incorporates the elastic properties ential direction is highly viscoelastic. 161 For
of elastin and the viscoelastic properties of col- veins the tensile response curves shift toward
lagen. Smooth muscle is included as a viscous the stress axis with increasing age,l60 like those
element in other physical models of the for arteries. 154 Mackay et al l60 state that age-
aorta. 157,158 related changes in both arteries and veins are
The circumferential tension-elongation largely due to alterations in elastin at the
response of the human iliac artery stiffens with molecular and lamellar levels.
increasing age/ 59 probably due to an increase in The tensile failure properties of vascular
the ratio of collagen to elastin. l44 The longitu- tissue have important implications in traumatic
dinal tensile response also shifts with aging, injury to the body. The thoracic aorta is the
reflecting less influence of elastin fibers (Fig. single most significant site of serious vascular
11.10). The tensile modulus of the human iliac injury.162 Transverse tears of the descending
artery at 30 years of age varies from 0.01 MPa aorta at the isthmus just distal to the left sub-
at zero stretch to 0.7MPa prior to failure. At clavian artery represent a major site of aortic

NO IN GROUP 5 32 31
AGE GROUPS 80-100 60- 80 40-60

jj 160


% 120 3
l- ID- 20

.... 80


5 - -
FIGURE 11.10. Tension curves for
the human iliac artery showing the
0 20 40 60 80 100 ~
effect of aging. (From Roach and
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 241

injury. Dissecting aneurysms are an important line with work on human thoracic aorta,164 and
cause of morbidity and mortality associated the common carotid artery and jugular vein of
with motor vehicle accidents.163 Dissections the ferret. 17o
only occur at very high (nonphysiologic) pres- Recent studies have examined the mechani-
sures (596 ± 214mmHg). Age has no effect on cal properties of diseased blood vessels. The
strength of the media, but sex, location, and data on atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are
presence of an atherosclerotic plaque do seem often conflicting and inconclusive. One study
to playa significant role. While the mechanisms shows a stiffening of the aorta and a loss of
of aortic rupture are still being debated, both strength under hyperlipidemic conditions (Fig.
longitudinal and circumferential failure prop- 11.11).171 Hypertension, on the other hand, gen-
erties appear implicated. l64 Collagen is the erally results in a stiffened artery due to a thick-
primary strength-bearing component of the ened wall and an increase in its elastic modulus.
aorta. 165 The circumferential strength of The distensibility of small pulmonary blood
the human ascending, thoracic, and abdominal vessels is decreased in heart failure patients. 172
aorta averages 1.1, 0.9, and 1.1 MPa, respec- Cigarette smoking increases the stiffness of pul-
tively, across all age groups.136 The correspond- monary arteries in rats.173 This is thought largely
ing longitudinal tensile strengths average 0.7, due to an increase in the volume fractions of
0.8, and 0.8MPa, respectively. Strengths in both collagen and elastin, and a decrease in the
directions decrease with age. The circumferen- volume fraction of smooth muscle cells in
tial failure strains are 77%, 71%, and 81%, smokers' arteries.
respectively, and the corresponding longitudi-
nal failure strains are 81%, 56%, and 69%,
respectively. More recent experiments on Articular Cartilage
dumbbell-shaped specimens from the human
aorta indicate that the longitudinal tensile Articular cartilage is a connective tissue that
strength in low-speed experiments varies from lines the contacting surfaces of bones and
approximately 2.7MPa in the young down to therefore serves as the bearing material in syn-
0.8 MPa in older tissues. l64 The circumferential ovial joints, such as the knee, hip, and shoulder.
strengths are slightly higher, but decrease simi- To perform the dual functions of load trans-
larly with age. The corresponding failure strains mission and lubrication of joints, the microar-
also decrease with age from approximately chitecture of articular cartilage is unique. It is
179% in young to 129% in aged tissues. Under composed of 70% to 80% fluid and a solid
dynamic strain rates the tensile strength of organic matrix of collagen, proteoglycans, gly-
human thoracic aorta increases, but failure coproteins, and lipids. The tissue is aneural and
strain does not change with alterations in strain avascular, and has few cells. Although there is
rate. some degree of disagreement on the arrange-
Questions of the dynamic versus static ment of collagen in articular .cartilage,174.175 a
strength of veins has received attention. Acute simplified view has been given.176 Close to the
subdural hematoma occurs in approximately surface collagen fibrils run parallel to the
30% of the severely head-injured. 166 The toler- surface.177 Below the superficial zone, the fibril
ance curve for subdural hematoma has been alignment becomes progressively more oblique
interpreted in terms of the sensitivity of cere- to the articular surface down to the deep zone,
bral bridging veins to strain rate. 167 In one early where collagen fibers are aligned approxi-
study, the ultimate strain for these veins signifi- mately perpendicular to the cartilage surface
cantly decreased with strain rate. 168 More and the subchondral plate of bone (Fig. 11.12).
recent experiments, however, indicate that Because of its propensity for water, the matrix
while the tensile strength of human subdural of proteoglycans plays a major role in deter-
bridging veins slightly increases over three mining the compressive properties of cartilage.
orders of magnitude change in strain rate, the The rigidity and compliance of articular carti-
ultimate stretch ratio is not altered. 169 This is in lage is due to osmotic swelling of the proteo-
242 R.c. Haut

FIGURE 11.11. A schematic repre-

senting the effect of a hyperlipi-
demic diet on the circumferential
tensile response of the canine aorta.
(Based on data given in Haut et
al171 )


teoglycan networksp9 The instantaneous defor-

mation of this soft tissue is strongly anisotropic
and dependent on collagen.180.l8l The proteo-
glycans secondarily influence the instantaneous
response by providing tension in the col-
lagenous network. At the same time fluid within
the articular cartilage begins to flow out of the
tissue. 182 The time-dependent response of artic-
ular cartilage is largely defined by fluid flow.
The intrinsic modulus of articular cartilage is
dependent on the properties of the solid phase.
The maintenance of tissue hydration under
load has been described in terms of a balance
between the osmotic pressure of the proteogly-
cans, tension in the collagen network, and the
applied stress. 178,183
FIGURE 11.12. A scanning electron micrograph of The functional or biomechanical properties
articular cartilage showing the arrangement of colla- of articular cartilage are known to significantly
gen fibers. (From Kaab et al 179) depend on exercise, age, and pathology. Immo-
bilization of a joint results in a significant but
reversible loss of proteoglycans and an increase
glycans against tensile constraint by a network in tissue water. 184,185 Immobilization thereby
of type II collagen. The swelling pressure of causes an increase in the rate of creep, a
"normal" articular cartilage is approximately decrease in long-term equilibrium modulus,
0.35 MPa. 178 When stress is applied to articular and an increase in the permeability of joint car-
cartilage, there is an instantaneous deformation tilage. 186 These changes parallel those observed
that changes the shape of the collagen and pro- in osteoarthritis (OAY87 and closely parallel
11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 243

those documented in aging. 188 Aging, however, water without signs of surface damage (Fig.
has been attributed to alterations in density and 11.13).197 These parallel some of the early his-
microstructure of collagen, which is distinct tologic signs in the human disease process.
from the "unwinding," fibrillation, or loss of The function of articular cartilage and its
collagen crosslinking associated with OA. 189 In response under impact loading depend on its
general, age-related changes and other nonpro- tensile properties. In planes parallel to the
gressive degenerative changes of articular car- surface the tensile mechanical properties of
tilage are less severe than changes due to OA. cartilage vary with depth and orientation. 198 In
In this disease a softened articular cartilage concert with the morphology of collagen, the
becomes invaded by cells and vessels from the tensile response of surface layers of the tissue
underlying subchondral bone; fraying of the is consistently stiffer and stronger than those of
cartilage surface is observed; surface fissures underlying layers. Tensile failure stress corre-
penetrate the tissue; and the soft tissue layer is lates positively with the content of collagen, but
lost and underlying bone sclerosis prevails. The not with the content of proteoglycans. 198 Tensile
radiographic presence of bone spurs, which specimens oriented parallel to the preferred
limit joint motion, is one major clinical sign of directions of collagen (split or Hultkrantz lines)
joint degeneration, along with joint pain, are stiffer and stronger than those oriented per-
swelling, etc. 190,191 pendicular to these lines. The tensile strength
While the onset of degenerative joint disease and modulus of the superficial zone increases
is not well understood, severe mechanical insult
has been suggested to initiate disease. While a
single severe insult has been implicated in a
posttraumatic OA,192 repeated low-level
stresses have also shown similar degenerative
changes in joints. 193 Experimental investiga-
tions of impact-induced injury to articular car-
tilage are few. In vitro impact on human
cartilage/bone samples can produce radial fis- PrOI._"'''.n~

sures on the surface that extend into the deep

zone and cause death of chondrocytes at
contact pressures exceeding 25 MPa, corre-
sponding to a compressive strain of 25 % .194
These surface fissures orient on the surface
parallel to the preferred directions of collagen.
Repeated impacts to bovine cartilage-on-bone
specimens with 2 to 12 joules of energy result
in microstructural changes in collagen fibrils
resembling early OA. 195 Impact-induced fis-
sures of cartilage in vitro appear oriented 45
degrees to the articular surface and can extend
to the intermediate zone of the tissue. Severe
blunt impact to the patellofemoral joint can
lead to separation of the cartilage from under-
lying bone and disruption of the collagen ultra-
structure without gross visual damage to the FIGURE 11.13. A schematic of microstructural events
tissue. l96 Subfracture loads on articular carti- in articular cartilage during blunt trauma. Note the
lage of the patellofemoral joint in vivo can lead damage to collagen fibrils and the cleavage of pro-
to changes in the zone of calcified cartilage, an teoglycans, which together allow the tissue to swell
increase in cellular clones, vascular invasion, with fluid and soften posttrauma. (From Donohue
loss of proteoglycans, and an increase in tissue et al l97 )
244 RC. Haut

with age to a maximum of approximately compressive or tensile stresses. A 50% proba-

40 MPa and 220 MPa, respectively, in the third bility of injury was predicted at approximately
decade, decreasing to 12MPa and 60MPa at 90 5 MPa. Tensile stress was a better predictor as
years of age. 199,200 Similar results have been the content of tissue fluid is increased in a
reported for bovine tissue,zO! Studies on bovine biphasic model of the cartilage. 207 These data
articular cartilage indicate that proteoglycans suggest that pathologic cartilage is more sus-
act to retard reorganization and alignment of ceptible to blunt impact injury than normal car-
collagen fibers under tensile load, thereby pro- tilage. This supports other studies that suggest
tecting the collagenous network from a sudden that the time interval between joint injury and
extension,zo2 The intrinsic tensile modulus of the development of osteoarthritis is signifi-
human articular cartilage is typically less than cantly shorter in older people. 208
30MPa,z03 Tissues from low-weight-bearing
areas are stiffer than those from high-
weight-bearing areas, correlating with the ratio Summary
of collagen to proteoglycan. Osteoarthritic car-
tilage, showing surface fibrillation (fissuring), Structural integrity of soft connective tissues is
has a tensile stiffness consistently less than essential for the support and protection of the
2MPa. This is correlated with damage in the skeleton and major organs of the body. Impact
network of collagen. loads can traumatize and damage these tissues,
Newberry et a1 204 recently conducted leading to disfigurement and/or dysfunction of
blunt impact experiments on the rabbit a major organ or joint. We have seen in this
patellofemoral joint and determined impact chapter that the mechanical properties of soft
stresses in cartilage and underlying bone. A tissues are dependent on the concentration and
threshold stress was suggested for acute injury arrangement of their constituent elements:
and chronic changes in bone and cartilage. namely, the fibrous proteins collagen and
Blunt insult that causes surface lesions on elastin and the hydrated matrix of proteogly-
retropatellar cartilage results in statistical soft- cans. Numerous studies have shown that the
ening of the tissue 1 year posttrauma. 205 Statis- strength-bearing properties of connective
tical softening of impacted cartilage occurs at 3 tissues are associated largely with collagen.
months with regular exercise of the anima1. 204 Indeed, a correlation seems evident between
Softening of the impacted cartilage was sug- the content of collagen in a tissue and its tensile
gested due to damage of the collagen, as evi- strength (Table 11.1). Yet we have seen that
denced by surface lesions and a loss of tissue tissue strength per se can vary widely depend-
proteoglycans postinsult (Fig. 11.14). Atkinson ing on the complex organization, physical prop-
et a1 206 suggest that shear stresses produced in erties, and concentration of collagen. These
cartilage by blunt insult to a joint are statisti- data can also be widely divergent due to exper-
cally a better predictor of surface injury than imental procedures, species, etc. We have seen

TABLE 11.1. Some tensile strengths and associated biochemical data, based on percentage of weight, for
representative soft connective tissues.
Collagen Elastin
Tissue Strength (MPa) (% of fat free dry weight) Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
Aorta 0,7-1.0136 23-35 40-50 2-2.5
Cartilage 5-40197 60-65 Trace 10-15
Skin 2-16133 65-70 5-10 1.5-2
Ligament 13_3877 75-80 <5 2.5-3
Tendon 3079_55 74 75-80 <3 1-1.5

Biochemical data from Woo et a1. 209

11. Biomechanics of Soft Tissue 245

FIGURE 11.14. Histologic sec-

tions of articular cartilage
showing chronic damage to its
surface 1-year postinsult and
thickening of the underlying
subchondral bone, compared to
a control specimen shown in the
lower slide. (From Newberry
et af04)

that the physical strength of soft connective Another area of current and future research
tissues generally decreases with age and pathol- deals with the biologic functions of modeling
ogy, and likely reflects changes in the mechani- and remodeling of soft connective tissues after
cal properties of collagen and its interaction injury. What are the mechanisms by which cells
with elastin and matrix proteoglycans. synthesize specific extracellular constituents to
The role played by the matrix of proteogly- help heal soft connective tissues after injury?
cans is still not well defined, except possibly for While some of these data are evolving in the
cartilage. Recent studies suggest that by con- current literature, this field is in its infancy.
trolling tissue hydration the matrix may help Because of the multidisciplinary nature of these
define the physical properties of soft tissue in questions, we need the cooperation of physical,
high-speed impacts. biologic, and clinical scientists.
246 R.c. Haut

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