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10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person

‘Far & Away’ Jar

Spell to Banish a
Wiccan spells to get rid of someone seek to send them away without causing
harm. The intention is to make them disappear, move out – not to hurt them.
Whether it’s a roommate, a coworker, an ex-boyfriend or lover, sometimes we
really need to banish a negative person from our life. Learn how to cast a spell to
get rid of someone without the bad Karma. 💜

Why this Spell Works

Using a glass jar, we will create a Witch Bottle. This is one of the most
ancient types of spells. Traditionally, they were buried under the threshold or
hidden up in a chimney to keep negative people and spirits away from the

A base of coarse salt will protect the target person from suffering any ill
effects. A positive spell always works better than a negative one 💡. The
purifying power of element Earth will help. Learn more about what type of salt
works best.

Vinegar will add the sourness to keep them away. This easy-to-find
ingredient also protects against evil and disease. It is famously used in the
Four Thieves formula which helped people stay safe during the plague. 1/5
10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person


‘Far & Away’ Jar Spell to Banish

a Rival
Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

Make a Witch Bottle and protect your enemies while sending them far away from
you. This spell will banish a person and get rid of their negativity forever.

1 glass jar of any size (with a lid)

Coarse salt (sea salt or other)

Vinegar (any kind: brown, white wine, red or cider)


Paper 2/5
10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person


1 Cut a small piece of paper and write the full name of the person you want to
get rid of.

2 Fold the paper twice while visualizing the person going away forever.

3 Put the paper inside the jar.

4 Add enough salt to cover the paper. A few tablespoons should be enough.

5 Add 9 drops of vinegar and keep visualizing how the person is removed
from your life.

6 Before closing the jar you can say:

7 Seal the jar tightly and take it to a place far away from your home. You can
bury it or simply throw it in a trash container.


i 🖨 Find a printable version of this spell recipe below.

Tips to Cast A Spell To Get Rid Of Someone 3/5
10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person

Make sure the glass jar is clean before you use it to avoid any interferences. It
doesn’t have to be brand new, any type of kitchen jar with a lid will work. You can
also use a bottle with a cork instead and make a more traditional Witch Bottle.

Some people choose to light a candle on top of the lid to completely seal their
Witch Bottle with wax. You can do this with a black candle for extra protection.

Be sure about your intentions before casting this spell. If you think you might
regret it in the future, then don’t do it. ⚠ Reversing this type of spell can be

Print this Spell Recipe 📄

This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on
any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Log in to
download printable grimoire pages

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10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person

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