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12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

Types of Wiccan Witches

From Traditional Witches to Dianic Witches — including Gardnerian,
Alexandrian, Seax and more — this video covers most of the different types of
Wiccan Witches you’ll find along your Pagan path ⛤

This lesson is part of the ‘Holistic Witch’ Eclectic Guide 🔮 a video series now
available to all members of Spells8! Sign up here!

What are the different types of Wiccans?

Gardnerian Witch

Traditional Witch

Alexandrian Witch

Dianic Witch

Seax-Wica Witch

Correllian Witch

Norse Witch

Celtic and Druidic Witches

Solitary Witch

Different Types Of Wiccan

At first glance, it may seem that a Witch is a Witch. But the further you go into
learning about the Craft, the more you realize there are lots of different types of
Witches. And since Wicca is an ever-changing religion that adapts to the
practitioner, it is ever evolving to meld with the needs of its adherents. 1/9
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New forms and paths continue to pop up and create new spiritual journeys
within paganism. With so many possibilities, how do you know which type of
practice is best for you?

Even if you have already chosen your path, it’s always a good idea to learn about
other possibilities. And if you haven’t chosen a type of practice, here is a great list
of Wiccan Witches that will help you begin thinking about which one is right for

While it can seem overwhelming at first, sometimes it’s a good idea to decide
which ones do not fit, rather than trying to find which one does. This will help
you narrow your search and over time, you will find the right fit.

Types Of Pagan Witches: The Traditional Witch

Gardnerian Witch
The father of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, developed this practice in Britain during the
mid-20th century. From his original coven, Bricket Wood, he passed on his
interpretation of Witchcraft. As an initiation tradition, only another Gardnerian
coven can bring in a new practitioner. This is done in order to trace the lineage
of practitioners back to the very first coven. 2/9
12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

In this practice, covens have 13 members and is led by a High Priestess and High
Priest. Gardenerians adhere to the story of the Horned God dying and being
reborn each year as the Mother Goddess remains eternally alive. Their rituals are
highly elaborate and many of the orthodox covens still practice ritual nudity.
Gardnerian covens are quite secretive so it can be a bit difficult to figure out as a
new practitioner.

The Wheel of the Year

▶ Watch this free lesson to learn how the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth
work in Gardnerian Wicca.

What is the Wheel of the Year

Traditional Witch
A Traditional Witch practices from a historical perspective in following the Old
Craft that came before the modern adaptation of Wicca. Many Traditional
Witches study their ancestry and the folklore attached to it. They want to
honor the old ways of worshiping and most often choose a pantheon that aligns
with their cultural background.

What is Traditional Witchcraft?

▶ A lesson for members of Spells8 that covers the differences between British
Traditional Witchcraft, Traditional Wicca, and Traditional Witchcraft. 3/9
12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

Traditional Witchcraft

Alexandrian Witch
Alex and Maxine Sanders created the Alexandrian tradition as an off shoot of
Gardner’s practice. While the two practices are similar in many ways, they are
very different paths.

Alexandrian witches are initiated and organized around a High Priestess. The
Alexandrian tradition focuses on the ancient archetypes of the Oak and Holly
kings who battle and win then battle and lose to bring about the light and dark,
warmth and cold. While not as secretive as their Gardnerian counterparts,
Alexandrian Witches still place emphasis on tradition and following protocol.

Dianic Witch
Dianic Witches predominantly focus on feminism and the supremacy of the
Goddess. As it grew out of the women’s movement in the United States, Dianic
witches are attuned to the political and social oppression of women as well as
the injustices they suffer within their gender.

The hierarchical structure is quite lax and fluid while allowing for growth along
one’s own path. Originally created by Zsuzanna Budapest in the 1970s, any coven
derived from the original lineage remains female only. However, more recent
practitioners have created offshoots that do allow male practitioners.

Seax-Wica Witch
Raymond Buckland moved to New York from Britain and brought with him a
version of Gardnerian Witchcraft. His practice adapts Gardnerian practice for 4/9
12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

an American culture. Within the practice of Seax-Wica, there is an emphasis on

herbs and divination.

This tradition does not include oaths of secrecy, rigid hierarchical structures, or a
Book of Shadows. There are no degrees so a democratic approach to coven
leadership is established. Self-dedication and open mindedness abound within
this practice.

Wicca Self-Initiation
▶ Follow this video series to get started in your path without a coven. Ideal for
Solitary and Eclectic Witches.

Wicca Initiation Online

Correllian Witch
Founded in the late 20th century by Caroline High Correll, this practice initially
focused on spiritual healing and herbalism. While seemingly more eclectic and
universalist, this practice is quite widespread today.

What is Eclectic Wicca?

▶ A lesson for members of Spells8 that covers the importance of religious
tolerance & eclecticism in modern-day Witchcraft. 5/9
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What is Eclectic Wicca?

Norse Witch
Norse Witches honor the ancient practices of Scandinavia. While this is a new
path within the Wiccan community, it is predominantly made up of practitioners
who decide to work with this pantheon of deities.

There is no hierarchical structure or initiation rites. It is simply an infusion of

Nordic traditions within a Wiccan practice. Practitioners weave their own
practice with that of ancient Norse traditions in Sabbats and religious

Celtic and Druidic Witches

Technically two very different traditions but current practitioners often blend
both together. While next to nothing is really known about the Druids, within
Celtic mythology there are many references to their practice. Practitioners often
work with deities from Irish, Welsh, Gaulish, or Cornish mythology and often
have a more metaphysical and shamanistic approach then traditional

While there may or may not be a hierarchical structure, practitioners focus on

what information has been preserved throughout time within this culture.

Celtic Pagan Prayers

▶ Video devotional prayers to the deities in the Celtic Pantheon. Add them to
your daily Wiccan practice. 6/9
12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

Celtic Devotional Prayers

Solitary Witch
Solitary Witches practice predominantly alone rather than with a coven. They
learn about the Craft through books and online research where they develop
their own style of Craft. While they may participate in circles, they do not adhere
to any structure as many create their own set of practices drawn from a variety
of sources.

Coven vs Solitary Practice

▶ What are the pros and cons of being member of a Coven? Should you stay
Solitary? Watch this free lesson to learn more!

Coven Life and Solitary Practice

In Summary 7/9
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Remember, you don’t have to pick just one type of practice – blending and
changing, adapting and searching is what Wicca is all about! ✨

Read Also

Types of Spells in Witchcraft

9 Types of Witches

For now, just know there are lots of possibilities when developing your tradition.
You don’t need to pick one and stay with it for life. Just choose the one that feels
right at this moment and keep an open mind that your own style and
preferences will change and adapt over time as your own knowledge and
practice of the craft changes and adapts over time.

There’s no shame in being a beginning and searching practitioner! Take as much

knowledge as you can from others and develop the best path for you.

Keep learning! Check out more Online Courses here.

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12/16/2019 Types of Wiccan Witches List (Gardnerian, Dianic, Alexandrian)

Types of Wiccan Witches

'Legal Blessings':
 Spell to Win a
Court Case ⚖
Yule Pagan Playlist

🎵 9/9

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