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NAME: Myriam Quilumba

DATE: May 4, 2019


DESCRIPTION: This is a game of mimics and corporal expressions that represents a

technique to develop intelligence , and consist you have to act out a phrase, movie, a book,
or a song without speaking. The idea is while the another member of your team try to guess
what the word or phase is, the more quickly as possible, because a stopwatch account you
only thirty second to solved that. If you don´t get guess you and your partner lose a point.
Firstly the presenter named Jimmy introduces the audience to the participants. Emily, Matt
and Jon. In this case did four rounds, then the fifth round the participants did a charade
showdown between Emily and Jon because both teams get the same clues at the same time.
The first round is for teams’s Jimmy intervenes who asked audience What number guys?
Everyone just said five. The phrase was “I AM THE WALRUS” It was a song with four
words. To represent this one the man acted like a walrus on the floor, this team get guess in
twenty five seconds. The next is Matt’s team, Matt choose the number three, the phase have
three words “THE HORSE WISPERER” , he with mimics show that is a movie of three
words, who imitates a horse, they get guess in sixteen seconds.
In the next round Emily asked audience, they shouted eight, she move your hand showed that
is a movie, with two fingers showed that have two words, then she represent to a chicken
with her arms in movement, the phrase was "CHICKEN RUN" this teas get guest in
seventeen seconds. The next one is Jon, audience shouting four, he was acting and showed
that his phrase is a book and movie with four words, "A WRINKLE IN TIME", he indicate
his watch and immediately they get guess the title.
In the last part Emily and Jon played, the audience shouting seven, the couple saw the phrase
and started the actuation, both using their hands, bodies, and faces tried to show to their
partners the phrase, at eight seconds Emily and Jimmy get guess, they was the winner.
By the way the phrase was "drunk in love".
 Not speak
 Mimic
 Subjects: Movies, songs, books, TV series
 Fingers to identify numbers of words
 30 seconds time
 Teams of two persons
 Ten options to choose

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