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Change the following sentences into passive voice:

1 Do you want me?

2 Do you know him?

3 Does he know you well?

4 Does my conduct annoy you?

5 Does he do his duties regularly?

6 Can anybody answer all the questions?

7 Can you write a paragraph?

8 Can we put a Shakespeare’s play?

9 Has he broken the plate?

10 Have they already finished their homework?

11 Has Mr Ahmed written a play?

12 Have you eaten rice?

13 Hadn’t the baby been cared?

14 Is he drawing a picture?

15 Was she not weaving a sari?

16 Will he help the poor?

17 Will you draw a picture?

18 Will she be singing song?

19 Did you like Aesop’s fable?

20 Did the man kill the bird?

21 Did the boy kick the football?

22 Did he make a cup of tea?

23 Who give you this book?

24 Who knows it?

25 Who can give me another example?

26 Who can see you?

27 Who made this hole?

28 Who saw me making kites?

29 Who has broken the chair?

30 Who are you calling?

31 Who stole the egg plants?

32 Who teaches you English?

33 Who will save you from this danger?

34 Who made this hole?

35 Who called you a liar?

36 Who spoke it?

37 Who did it?

38 Whom do you want?

39 Whom did you call?

40 Whom did you see yesterday?

41 Whom is he teaching English?

42 Whom did they select?

43 Whom did you please?

44 Whom has he taught English?

45 Whom did they feed?

46 Whom did you cheat?

47 Whom do you like most?

48 Whom did you see on the road?

49 When did you do it?

50 When did the Muslim perform the Hajj?

51 When was the hajj performed?

52 When will you return any book?

53 When will my book be returned by you?

54 When will they build the house?

55 When will the house be built by them?

56 When will you return my book?

57 When will my book be returned by you?

58 When will you return my book?

59 When will my book be returned by you?

60 When will they built the house?

61 When will the house be built by them?

62 When did you sell the plot of land?

63 When was the plot of land sold by you?

64 Which pen do you like most?

65 Which pen is liked most by you?

66 Which book do you need?

67 Which book is needed for me?

68 Why were they going to do the work?

69 Why was the work going to be done by them?

70 Why should we help Rana choose the wrong path?

71 Why should Rana be helped choose the wrong path?

72 Why are you making a noise?

73 Why is a noise being made (by you)/

74 Why did they refuse his admittance?

75 Why was his admittance refused by them?

76 Why did the teacher punish her?

77 Why was she punished by the teacher?

78 Why should you suspect us?

79 Why should we be suspected by you?

80 Why should they suspect us?

81 Why should I be suspected by you?

82 Why did you catch the bird?

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