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Hyperbole - Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration

as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. In

rhetoric, it is also sometimes known as auxesis. In
poetry and oratory, it emphasizes, evokes strong
feelings, and creates strong impressions.

Examples :
- I’ve told you to clean your room a million times!
- It was cold. I saw polar bears wearing jackets
and hats.
- I am so hungry I could eat a horse.

Personification - Personification is an
anthropomorphic metaphor in which a thing or
abstraction is represented as a person.

Examples :
- The sun smiles at me every morning.
- The flowers on the garden are waving at me.
- Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her
Simile - A simile is a figure of speech that directly
compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors
by highlighting the similarities between two things
through the use of words such as "like" and "as".

Examples :
- Her voice is like a soft wind.
- She eats like a bird.
- Her hair shines like silver threads.

Metaphor - A metaphor is a figure of speech that,

for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by
mentioning another. It may provide clarity or
identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

Examples :
- His eyes are stars.
- The smoke is a winding rope.
- The wind is howled around the house for

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