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Submitted by Matthew Delooze on 5 February, 2009 - 16:02.

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The Greatest Spiritual Energy Extraction Scam of the 20th
My relationship is:
By Matthew Delooze

Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked

The way she'd act and the colour of her hair

Her voice was soft and cool

Her eyes were clear and bright

But she's not there

From the song She’s Not There by the Zombies

For those people are unaware of my work. I suggest you read some of my
earlier articles before reading this one. I dedicate this article to the gullible

masses of this world. I dedicate it to the innocent families, the Fathers, the

Mothers, the Son’s and the Daughters who were roped in to an agenda, which

caused them so much pain, through manipulation of their minds within the

collective consciousness of the human race. One day the deception that

controls our lives will be unveiled but there will be no victorious Knights of Light

and there will be no defeated Knights of Dark either, there will only be the truth.

The truth is not one colour. The truth is all colours. On the day that all colours

can be seen all tears will stop and we will remember who we really


Hello fellow truth seekers (Nice to see you again-to see you nice again)
I now find myself able to start adding to the list of articles written by Matthew

Delooze. This is one I have been waiting to write for several months simply

because, as I believe it will help open more paths for some of us in the future

and it is a form of baggage removal for your minds. To those people that see

and feel something in the information I supply I will say please don’t lose faith no

matter how things appear sometimes. Awakening from the hypnosis of the

Serpent Cult is on a par with breaking an addiction to powerful drugs. You will

be very up one minute and you will be very down the next minute. You will

suffer. You are literally a food source and your farmers want you to continue to

feed them. To the Serpent Cut we are simply on a par with cattle and to break

free from the milk farm we have to get past locked doors, electric fences,

stonewalls and numerous cattle grids. Our hoofs will hurt with every step. It can

be far easier to turn back to the cowshed and surrender your milk. Indeed I see

so called awakened people run back in to a comfort zone cattle shed everyday

especially when their bank account or their cowardice tells them to.

I did mention some of the information I’m going to supply today to the nearly

world famous ‘Brighton 59ers’ in Rottingdean back in October 2008, back when

the clocks had gone back. I should mention that I have been booked to do a
small talk in Blackpool (St Annes) on March 28th at the UK Probe International

conference. So if any of you want to come please visit this website for details. I

will be doing a short talk on birth to death and death to birth. Please feel free to

come and chuck tomatoes at me if you are that way inclined and as long as they

are not still in the can it’s fine with me.

I have mentioned in previous articles that I believe we need to open our minds

further and see things from a different perspective. This is not to add more

clutter to the hypocritical conspiracy communities either. It is easy to talk of

corrupt governments and hypocritical religions. It is easy to demonstrate and

rant outside Government buildings. I know I have done it. What I thought was

my intuition, in the 1980’s, was telling me the only way to seek justice for the

working classes was through demonstrations and trade union movements etc.

I now realise my intuition was ‘wrong’ but it was only ‘wrong’ as I saw it from a

five sense level. I now say to myself now how can this be so? I ‘preach’ to

everyone, if preach is the right word, that they should always follow their

intuition. Am I changing my opinion about the number one fundamental rule to

Spiritualism, ‘follow your intuition’, I think to myself? No I’m not. What I’m
saying is that our intuition will take us to a place we can comfortably accept as
being a learning place for us at that time but it is not necessary a place of truth

the truth, it is only a stepping-stone to the truth. Your intuition will allow you to

believe you have found some truth but your intuition, your spiritual direction if

you like, is only making you comfortable enough to take the information in that

you need to take in. In other words your intuition will lead you to things that are

not necessarily true but they are things that will make the truth far easier to

swallow on a later date.

That is where I want to start in this article, at a later date if you like because it is

now eleven and half years since the ‘death’ of Princess Diana. Is that long

enough to leave before you are smacked with the truth? It is also seven and

half years since the 9/11 attacks. I have never written anything about either

event before now either.

Would it seem daft of me to tell you I was given information about both these

events in 1995/6? I suppose it is easy for me to claim that in 2009 and I realise I

will seem a liar to the vast majority of folks for doing so anyway. That said I

couldn’t see me gaining any possible benefit for claiming these things but

please believe I’m lying about it if you want but I knew of a 9/11 event and a

Diana type ‘death of a princess’ event in 1996, years before they happened, it

was part of my awakening process.

Let’s start with Princess Diana shall we? I have to say that David Icke did a

very good job, as he always does, of explaining the Princess Diana death

situation. I have to agree with most of what I have ‘heard’ of David’s

interpretation. I have not read The Biggest Secret though. I’m sure most of you

will be aware of David’s stuff on Diana from years ago.

Anyway let’s get started eh?

I think you would have to go to some very far out places to find a human being

that did not know of Princess Diana in this world. She was the shy and beautiful

young lady that was going to marry her very own Prince charming wasn’t she?

This prince charming was, as you know, Serpent Cult member Charles Windsor.
Probably the most famous photo of Charles and Diana

The Serpent Cult did a massive publicity job on Diana and Charles throughout

the world. I remember in the early 1980’s when you couldn’t buy anything

without ‘Diana & Charles are getting married’ written on it. You literally couldn’t

wipe your arse on a toilet roll without Charles & Diana’s picture on the

wrapper. The markets and shops had a field day selling cheap crappy pens,

pencils, books, cups, mugs, plates, watches etc, etc, etc. Indeed all the little

schoolgirls even had Princess Di plastic lunchboxes and bags. I’m sure Colin

Fry had a Lady Di handbag too!

Just a few of the junk items available

The reason for this massive publicity job, ladies and gentlemen, was simply

because the Serpent Cult needed the masses to connect on an emotional and
spiritual level with Diana. Charles was already connected to the collective

consciousness but the Serpent Cult needed the masses to be totally connected
to Diana because they knew she would be sacrificed years later.
The Serpent Cult needed the collective consciousness to bind with Diana to

make the ritual successful from their point of view. Let me make it perfectly clear

to all of you now. ‘The Serpent Cult did the PR job on Diana it was not Diana


The Serpent Cult used all the tricks in the book to attract people from all walks

of life in to respecting and loving Diana. Indeed even the anti-royals used to say

they ‘hated the royal family apart from Diana’. Diana really was turned in to a

Mrs Wonderful wasn’t she? I’m likely to get a punch on the nose for saying

different eh?

There are millions of good folks who feel deeply spiritually connected to Diana,

and I understand why, but I have the job of telling you that this was simply part

of the scam. I get all the dirty jobs. So folks let me start as I mean to go on.

Diana was simply another member of the Serpent Cult and she was here to help

enslave us just as much as my mate Popey is and the rest of the secret rulers of

this word are. Diana was a pied piper just like Popey and the rest of the puppets


We were all made to feel emotional about Diana, but I’m afraid that was the plot

from day one. Oh I’m sure there are researchers out there that will claim, as is

their right, that Diana was here to awaken us up and simply enable us to see

that murderers and liars really do exist inside the Establishment and in the

Royal family? Obviously it will help their fan base and their incomes if they

appease Diana’s fans and claim she came to awaken the masses by showing

the world the royals did her in and not claim that she came to help enslave


But come on folks didn’t we already know that that the royals are murderers?

For fuck sake Henry the Eight used to chop the bloody heads off his wives in full

public view, so if you didn’t realise the royal bloodline is already full of sadistic

murderers then what can I say? What? You think the serpent bloodline has

changed their personality traits do you? Listen… I’m not here to appease a fan

base nor take your money so I tell you the truth when I say that ‘the Royals have
always been incestuous murderers and liars and Diana was and still is a

member of the same club’.

Diana was 100% Serpent bloodline and as far as I know her body wasn’t
carrying any goodie two shoes cuckoo type soul either. I’m not going to tell fans

of Diana that Diana was innocent just so you think I’m a nice chap I’m here to

tell you she was up to the neck in it. She was 100% Serpent Cult.

Diana was 100% Serpent Cult: Bloodline and Soul.

The Royals/Illuminati are privy to higher levels of spiritual understanding than

we are and they base their behaviour on that understanding.

I need to get something across to you before we go any further. I have

mentioned this briefly before. Our deceptive ‘rulers ‘ continuously reincarnate in

to this world in to positions of privilege and/or power. They are ‘destined’ if you

like to carry out certain actions that will assist a multi-dimensional force to have

control over the human race. They will be equipped with the guile and/or

personality they need to carry out their duties and for this multi-dimensional

force (Lower fourth reptilians or whatever else you wish to think of them as

being) to be able to continue to rule over us they need our spiritual permission

to do so. They need our emotional free will, they need our acceptance and they

need a show of respect from us to enable them to rule us. These reincarnating

members of the Serpent Cult' like Diana, will sometimes not have a clue, on a 5-

sense conscious level, about what they are here to do. Living the luxurious high

life on a five sense level can easily camouflage any hint of spiritual destiny and

they, just like you, haven’t any clues that they are a dumbed down prisoner in

this world on a five-sense level either. After all you think you and your mind are

free don't you?

Sometimes the agents for the Serpent Cult will also be subjected to the same
dumbing down process that you have. But under the surface a force will be

operating within them that will make sure the wishes of the Serpent Cult are

carried out.

I don’t know if Diana knew who she was or whom she represented but I do know

she was given the guile and of course the means to be able ‘ to win hearts and

minds’. The Serpent Cult writes the scripts in the lower fourth world for their

agents to carry out in this world and their cast list is made up of very deceptive

entities and they are very good at what they do. The Serpent Cult will make

things happen in this world that will allow the said scripts to come to pass. Diana

was a willing agent sent to take part in a sacrificial ritual, she was no angel of

light nor was she a cuckoo soul sent undercover to awaken anyone.The said

ritual involved is continuously repeated in a time loop situation and usually

involves using the same participants to carry it out. It is simply part of the

agenda to totally enslave mankind.

Diana carried out many rituals, as the rest of the Serpent Cult do, right under

our noses.

I have said many, many times that the Serpent Cult created mythical deities

(Gods and Goddesses) to act as their mediums to extract spiritual energy from

this world in to another dimension.

‘Diana’ Spencer was not only a medium she was a fully signed up member of
the Serpent Cult. She would gladly spend many short lifetimes on earth, in the

lap of luxury of course, for the benefits to her and her masters existence in

another dimension and the Serpent Cult created all the circumstances

throughout her life just so she ‘fitted in’ with the symbolism needed for the ritual
carried out in the Alma tunnel and for the spiritual energy it would provide for

her master and herself in another dimension.

Just step back from the pathetic hype that surrounded her for a moment and

you will see that she was simply ‘groomed’ to become a massive pied piper. As

soon as she started appearing in the media she was never out of it. The entire

media cartel hyped Diana constantly, so please ask yourself why this was so as

I’m sure most of you reading this article are aware that the illuminati control all

mainstream media? Do you honestly thing the illuminati controlled media

couldn’t have made Diana in to whatever they wanted? A scrubber? A lunatic?

A paranoid drama queen? You name it they could have done it to her but they

didn’t. Why was this so? Don’t tell me it was the will of the masses please.

Diana: A natural pied piperon her wedding day

The entire illuminati controlled media actually made sure that even if Diana

wasn’t seen in the best light morally they certainly made sure she always came

out of events with mass sympathy and an emotional attachment with the public?

Does that sound right if Diana was here simply to awaken the masses to the

wrong doings of the murderous Royalty and the illuminati? Or does it sound

more likely that the illuminati controlled media was really strongly behind Diana

when required to increase the level her ‘worship’ value amongst the masses.

Come on folks wake up here the fact is that the Serpent Cult with the means

they have could have ordered mainstream media to slaughter Diana in the

public eye but this never really happened over any long period of time. Ask
yourself why. Why would the illuminati allow Diana to be the peoples Goddess
especially for as long as they did?

I’ll tell you why. It’s because Diana’s murder was planned many years before it

happened, before she was born even, and the script insisted that the whole

world mourned Diana after she had been ritually sacrificed. Don’t forget folks

Emotional Respect = Spiritual Energy. The only way the whole world would

mourn her is to make her a people’s champion around the world.

Even the Royal Family played their part in this scam by openly playing to the

script as ‘the official bad guys’, especially during the last couple of years of

Diana’s life, but the public just went along with it too being suckered in like

lemons. Big bad Queenie and dirt bag, Camilla shagging Charlie, versus

squeaky-clean Diana wasn’t it? The public lapped it up and Diana’s worship

value was increasing all the time. Diana was such a Goodie - Goodie compared

to the bad guys in the Palace in the public eye eh?

Please consider the fact that the Royals would have and could have silenced

Diana years before the actual sacrificial murder if they REALLY wanted to keep

in the public’s good books. Oh no my friends the rest of the Royal family played

the role of super bad guys to make Diana even more popular with the public and

for good reason.

I haven’t time to go in to all the symbolic events in Diana’s life in this article. I

believe David Icke has pointed out some of the links with Diana‘s bloodline and

mentioned the symbolism behind the Alma tunnel and the 13th pillar being hit in

the tunnel etc. Again I agree with most of what I have heard or seen about

David’s opinion and it is worth a look back at his information on this matter.

There is no need for me to drone on about the 'details of the crash' because you

will already know them.

Diana was killed on symbolic ground in the Alma tunnel

I will though point out a couple of symbolic coincidences I have spotted myself

later on. But it is for sure that Diana was murdered in a tunnel linked to the

Goddess Diana and her sacrifice has too many other occult coincidences to be

anything less than a ‘well executed sacrificial murder/ritual’.

So hang on a minute here. Why would the murderers go to so much trouble to

carry out such act in full public scrutiny if it was simply a murder to shut Diana

up and stop her being impregnated with a coloured Muslim? Come on folks get

your thinking caps on. If the Royal family were simply pissed off that Diana was

opening her mouth too much or because she was shagging a Muslim and they

didn’t want a half African - half English baby appearing, to upset the Royal

Family photo albums, then why not simply bump 'Diana' off quietly? Surely an

excuse of ‘slipping on a corgi dog turd and breaking her neck’ sort of thing

would suffice and save a lot of time with the conspiracy theories to boot wouldn’t

it? Laugh at that pathetic excuse if you want but I think having an official excuse
consisting of a driver, Henry Paul, that was 3-4 times over the drink drive limit

and veins full of carbon dioxide with an official bodyguard sat next to him is even

more pathetic don’t you? I realise the Royal Family wanted to put a few hundred

miles between them and the murder scene but bloody hell…. Henry Paul was

pissed up… case solved? Give over don’t make me laugh! But Even this fairy

tale added to the emotion directed at Diana.

Anyway the point I am making is that the royals could have simply faked her

suicide and claimed she something like she was wallowing in shame over her
many flings with men. They could have faked her suicide over her eating

disorder and her so called depression over Charles’s affair. Well couldn’t they?

I’ll tell you why it was because Diana was murdered in a ritual that will allow for

the extraction of Spiritual energy made in and intended for use in this world to

be transported to another and not because of her taste for sex with Muslims.

Diana herself was exposed as a very promiscuous lady, let’s be blunt here truth

seekers, even an ugly old sod like me was in with a chance of getting my leg

over with Diana. She was opening hers legs to anyone that smiled at her.
Hewitt: He was just one of Diana’s many lovers.

Sex scandals amongst the royal family are nothing new anyway. Even the staff

at the Palace were constantly up each other and that was just the blokes!

Indeed even the dodgy butler, Paul Burrell was balls deep with the other male

staff. Let’s be blunt, they are all up each other in high society circles and

anyone else can join in as long as they are from a certain bloodline. Indeed
Princess Anne and Prince Charles were both shagging at least one member

of the Parker Bowles family at the same time and this was long before Diana

was killed. It’s the norm for Royals and their staff to have sex parties and let’s

also be blunt again and admit that Diana’s answer to not liking Charles’s

adultery was to go out and shag as many folk as she could and commit adultery

several times herself. She obviously got a taste for Asian or African men too.

Admittedly this sort of behaviour would embarrass the phoney royal family on a

5-sense level but surely not enough to commit a symbolic murder on the scale
of the Alma tunnel saga. Yet these are just some of the reasons given to the

idiotic masses as being a good enough reason to create such a murder.

Burrel: He's as dodgy as a bag of monkeys... just like his paymasters

All the indications point to the fact that Diana was murdered at the very moment

the whole world had been primed to consciously focus on her. I’m sure if you

think about it properly with an open mind that you will at least partly agree with

that statement. Just what circumstances led to the mass attention Diana was

receiving at the time of her death?

Well she was portrayed, as the ‘victim’ for several years wasn’t she? She also

beat Bulimia etc didn’t she? She had the guts to touch a man with aids didn’t
she? She had been allowed to go on BBC TV and slag off the royal family

wasn’t she? Hey and don’t tell me the fucking illuminati and the royal family

didn’t 'allow' that to happen because the BBC dare not fart without asking the

Queen and illuminati stooges if it is OK first! Take it from me the

Royals/Illuminati arranged for Diana to spill the beans on TV because it was all

part of the scam of attracting respect to Diana and turn her in to a goddess.

Indeed she predicted her death and actually said she wanted the masses to call

her the Queen of Hearts of that very show.

Don’t tell me the Royal family didn’t know this was going to happen. Diana

became the self proclaimed Queen of Hearts and she also announced she

would be killed. It was all part of the attack on the collective consiousness.

Diana was also the heroine for many charities. Well wasn’t she? (See my book,

is it me for a moment, for information about charities) Her campaign against

land mines also got her worldwide respect. She was literally being promoted, as

a better-looking Mother Teresa wasn’t she? Again please tell me how this was

allowed to happen in mainstream Serpent Cult controlled media if it would

severely damage Serpent Cult members like the Royal family? I’ll tell you again

Diana was 100% Serpent Cult. The Royal family didn’t give a monkeys about

public opinion and time tells us that is true. I’m not saying that to hurt the luvvy

dovey Diana fans I’m saying that to attempt to make you think and actually

challenge the thoughts the hypnosis the Serpent Cult has placed in you through

carrying out this ritual.

There is also the involvement of the Al Fayed family to consider because they

are also members of the Serpent Cult. Oh I realise Daddy Al Fayed has played

his part well. He has said a few things and chucked a few stones in the direction

of Prince Philip and demanded an inquest, he has spent a few bob too. Indeed

on a five-sense level Daddy Al Fayed was in his element telling the world that

his own cult bloodline was mating with Royalty cult bloodline, in other words he

was boasting about the fact that Dodi was giving Princess Diana one.

So when you think about it, as far as the Royal family and their public relations

are concerned it was absolutely the worse time to actually have Diana bumped

off. At the time of her death she was the most popular female on the planet. As I

said an excuse liked ‘Diana slipped on a corgi dog turd’ or ‘it was an act of
suicide because she was shamed over her many men friends’ would have been

a far, far ,safer option than a very dodgy drunken car accident in the centre of

Anyway, I have visted Paris as most of you know and I have researched the

area where Diana was sacrificed and I have researched all the monuments. I

haven’t just been sat on a chair playing fairies gossiping on a forum you know!

Most people believe the stature of liberty flame monument that is located above

the Alma tunnel (pictured below) is an official monument that was built

especially in memory of Diana.

Matthew Delooze in Paris on the Pont De L’Alma (Alma Bridge) looking at the

'Diana was victim to sacrificial murder monument'. ‘Candle in the Wind’. A flame

on a black pentagram

It is not officially a monument dedicated to Diana. It was actually placed over the
tunnel in 1987 and it is known as the liberty flame. Diana didn’t die until 1997,

ten years later. So if you thought this monument was placed there after Diana

was murdered forget it. That said it is now considered an official monument to
the Diana ritual. Indeed I tell you now it was placed there as a monument for

Diana 10 years ‘before she died’ although the powers that be claim it was there

to recognise relations between France and the USA.

1987 was long before Diana even started her relationship with Dodi Fayed or

before her marriage was in such a state too. The murder was not about Diana’s

relationship or opening her mouth. So I tell you again that Diana’s murder was

planned many years before it actually happened and on a spiritual level at least

Diana played a very willing part in it. High rankers inside the Royal family would
have known Diana had incarnated in to this world to carry out this ritual from
detail before and at her birth, again the royal family are privy to information you

are not. Diana would then have been groomed and she would have taken part in

many other occult rituals including her wedding and the birth/ Christenings of

her children and of course playing the role of the black virgin for Rome. Indeed,
as some researchers have already pointed out she was married in St Paul’s

(Temple of Apollo /Diana) and her funeral was in Westminster Abbey (Temple

of Apollo/Diana) Please note now that she also gave birth to her first born at the

summer solstice. Again Diana was 100% Serpent Cult.

Diana shows the world her son on the 21st June 1982

So let me get to the point eh? How many millions of people were very

emotionally affected by the death of Diana? You can’t say for sure can you? It

was literally the entire planet wasn’t it? Diana was loved by the entire world

wasn’t she? Her death created one of the highest levels of mourning the world

has ever seen? The entire planets energy was focussed not only on Diana but

also on all the occult symbolism she carried.

I tell you the truth when I say that all the ‘hype’ over Diana had reached a climax

just prior to her death. So what really happened on the night of her sacrificial

murder? Well she literally collected the entire worlds spiritual energy and had it

focused on the symbolism surrounding her death, that is, she was playing the

role of the mythical goddess (Artemis). She was also, has previously pointed
out by Mr Icke and by Ru Mills, a pseudonym for Rayelan Allan, sacrificed in

the tunnel De L’ Alma that is supposed to be the location of an ancient sacrificial

site, an ancient pagan temple placed on an energy line and dedicated to

Artemis/ Diana Goddess of the Moon.

So what Diana actually did after being hyped as the most famous and most

loved woman on the planet was gain the free willed adoration from the collective

consciousness of the entire human race and then because of her ‘death’ and
literally through her magnetism she got the energy created by her adoring fans
‘delivered’ to a temple and the temple is a pathway to the 4th dimension (L’

Alma passage). I have explained about the Paris energy lines before so please,

if you are new to this information take time to read about it because it is vital you
read at least this essay.

As it has been pointed out, the area around Pont De L'Alma is linked to an

ancient pagan temple and linked to goddess worship and indeed linked to a

symbolic passage to ‘Heaven’. So all the emotional respect directed at Diana’s

death was also directed to the 4th dimension through its symbolic underworld

figures such as Diana etc.

In my opinion, based on my own research, Diana was not a being of light that

had come to expose things about a phony royal family she was simply another

means to steal the spiritual energy that is created by genuine human emotional

beings. Indeed Diana got the tag Queen of Hearts because (a) she had

previously announced her preference for that title as part of the ritual and (

this was because her heart was to be removed in the Pont De L ‘Alma tunnel as

part of the ritual. This should explain to you why there was a delay in moving her

to hospital. It was not just a case of waiting for her to die in the tunnel it was

because her heart was used in a ritual inside the tunnel because the tunnel was

on symbolic ground. Hey you don’t have to believe me but I believe I am telling

you the truth. If you want to believe Diana was the innocent party whilst

everybody else in her family and indeed the Al Fayeds family were the bad guys

then be my guests but i'm convinced every one of them is Serpent Cult.

The fact is though, ladies and gentlemen, that the Serpent Cult wanted Diana’s

sacrifice to take place whilst the collective consciousness was indeed

concentrating on her as some kind of symbolic Goddess and its obvious to me

anyway that the hype worked. The Serpent Cult wanted the entire world’s

emotions to focus on her life and death and of course also focus on ALL of the
symbolism surrounding it. The Serpent Cult wanted the world to mourn Diana

and feel very emotional about Diana. Why?

It’s simple; the massive outcry of emotional respect for Diana created a

massive amount of Spiritual Energy. Don’t forget folks... Emotional Respect =

Spiritual Energy.

So just what did the death of Diana definitely create? It created a massive

amount of Spiritual Energy didn’t it? Well didn’t it? Just because the vast
majority of the public fell for the scam does not mean it was not a scam. It was a
very good scam indeed.

Diana was hyped all through her life and even more through her death. In my

opinion this was to create energy but where did this energy go then? Did it go to

feed the starving folks that Diana championed? Did it go to help the victims of

landmines that Diana championed? Did it go to the aids victims that Diana

championed? Did it bloody hell as like! It went to feed the lower fourth

dimension simply because Diana came from the lower fourth and she was an

agent for the lower fourth. She only used these charities to gain the emotional

respect need to create spiritual energy.

Is it starting to make sense even to the ‘Diana was innocent positive energy’


She was a positive energy of light icon was she? So worshipping the symbolic

daughter of Zeus will free us all from illuminati control will it? That is utter

bollocks in my opinion. And believe me a true icon of positivity wouldn’t get past

the gates of Buckingham Palace and indeed a true positive energy entity

couldn’t ever live with the hypocrisy Diana lived with.

Again Diana was 100% Serpent Cult and she helped carry out one of the

biggest deceptions ever. It’s the same scam being carried out time and time

again and the same suckers fall for it time and time again and the same suckers

that fall for it lifetime after lifetime. I have been saying it for years, the Serpent

Cult attract the masses to occult temples or symbolic locations, get them to feel

emotional so the said emotions make energy and then the Serpent Cult harness

the energy.

Diana’s death was just one massive ritual and millions of human beings were

victim to one of the biggest deceptions ever. I’m sorry to say that but I believe

there is no other explanation. Indeed I am 100% sure there is no other


I laugh and giggle when I see some so-called awakened people think Diana was

a ‘people’s princess’. There is no such thing in my opinion. The immeasurable

amounts of spiritual energy created in this deceptive scam went to the Serpent

Cult not the people. That is why the ritual murder took place in a Serpent Cult

symbolic temple; it was to feed the Serpent Cult. This was simply because

Diana was actually a member of the Serpent Cult and not the person the

illuminati made you think she was. Diana actually represented the entities of the
Lower fourth dimension not the people who were made to love her. When we

mourned Diana we actually fed the lower fourth.

Obviously Diana had to have the spiritual guile to pull it off and because she

was indeed backed by the mass media it was a piece of cake for her to do so,

especially when the world is full of dumbed down buffoons. Let's face it folks we

have all been suckered by a pretty face and a cute smile at sometime in our


Diana and her symbolism, (the ‘goddess’ etc) was literally an energy conductor

for your spiritual energy. The Serpent Cult only need to use their well practised

slick PR tricks and most of you us are putty in their hands. Diana was part of the

deceptive force that enslaves us. I believe she would and did willingly deceive

millions of people on a spiritual level. On a five-sense level she may not have

seen the bigger picture but she willingly followed the script.

I realise some of you were/are so hypnotised by the Diana hype that you will not

ever believe what I say. But I tell you for good reason that the Diana saga was

just another deception carried out by the Serpent Cult. I’m afraid they are very

good at deceiving us and I take no pleasure in saying the things I am saying in

this article.

Can you start to see just how big this deception was?

Indeed even after her sacrificial murder the blind masses are still conned into

giving spiritual energy to the lower fourth dimension. Diana received a very
symbolic send off in Westminster Abbey didn’t she? The whole world wept and

gave energy again through her symbolism and the Temple her funeral took

place in.

Can you remember the song sung at her funeral? Elton John’s, Candle in the

Wind? I don’t pretend to know the full scale of the occult meaning contained in

the song but it is very, very connected to sacrificial murder of symbolic

goddesses. Marilyn Monroe, like Diana Spencer was also a symbolic sex toy/

consort for Serpent Cult members too. She too was a pied piper and conductor

of spiritual energy energy.

Marilyn was another Serpent Cult symbolic Goddess. Same Scam, different

time and different location

Obviously that information might be easier to swallow now that I have explained

the true reasons of Diana’s killing. Marilyn was just an earlier example of the

same scam. I am not going in to great detail about Marilyn Monroe in this article

as I wish to concentrate on Diana but details of Marilyn will be thoroughly

provided by myself in the future, I really do believe her murder was linked

through symbolism to Diana.

Oh sod it… Shall we regulars go deeper now for a few minutes?

.....OK. It’s about the ‘mythological’ figures that I say act as representatives for
the Serpent Cult to attract and steal our spiritual energy. Indeed do you really

want to know some real symbolism connected to the deaths of not only Diana

but also Marilyn Monroe? Will you take it seriously? Do you even want to know

the truth because I’m sure many people prefer to live lives under hypnosis and

believe Diana was a ‘positive entity’? If your mind is closed there is no point

listening to me ever again? I realise it is not nice to think you have been conned

and it is not nice to ralise there isn’t any real goddess icon that will help you

escape this world no matter how much you want to rely on one. Things are

easier for you to cope with if you delude yourself aren’t they? Indeed most

people need a guru these days to tell them when they need to go for a shite.

Take this crystal with you to the bog (Sticking them up your arse is optional),

light this scented candle in the bog, stick a picture of Colin Fry in the bog and

then go around telling everyone you are you and you are free. We should all be
born with these gadgets shouldn't we? We could save the pains of the
awakening process from birth eh?

OK…. I’ll not only give my opinion about the death of Diana but I’ll briefly

mention Marilyn too eh? We will solve two major mysteries in one go. After all

it’s about flipping time we did solve the Diana scam isn’t it?

Diana and Marilyn were not just symbolic goddesses implanted into the mass

consciousness by the Serpent Cult for just one reason (extraction of your

energy through deception). They were literally representing the daughters of the

sun gods. Do you want to know how? OK then. I believe Marilyn represented a

Helen of Troy sex goddess type persona and of course Diana represented an
‘Artemis’ huntress goddess type persona. Diana (Artemis) was also actually

given credit for creating the birth of Apollo the Sun god. Don’t forget that Diana

(Artemis) created the birth of her own Son William at summer solstice in 1982.

So please note now, experienced conspiracy buffs, and it is very important you
take this in. Because of his mother’s symbolism and his date of birth William is

indeed symbolically ‘Apollo’ . Don’t forget the Royals along with mythical deities

operate on a different level of understanding and as sick as t sounds to your

conditioned mind 'mothers are also sisters' and 'brothere are husband's and

also son's' and visa versa, they are simply facets of the same diamond they are

simply a deceptive force posing as siblings and therefore representing the

creator gods. They are many faces but only one force.

Please note that William is now the spitting ‘image’ of his 'mother' and so please

take extra special note that he is being hyped and will be promoted just like his

mother was. His 'worship value' is being increased every year. A wedding or

coronation in a symbolic temple on symbolic ground will set him on the path and

destiny previously scripted by the Serpent Cult so please take note now that

William is no King of Hearts he is 100% Serpent Cult, just like his mother was.

Don’t be fooled again….

…. For now… please take it in that symbolically Helene (Marilyn) and Artemis

(Diana) are both ‘daughters of Zeus’. OK? (Different name and face but exactly

the same force)

The only thing that Marilyn has in common with Diana on a five-sense level,

because of the years between them, is the fact they were both subjected to

suspicious deaths and of course the Elton John song ‘Candle in the Wind’. Well

isn’t it?
Elton John first performed the song 11 years after Marylyn died. He then did a

similar version at the funeral of Diana. Most people know that I have pointed out
the symbolism carried by Serpent Cult puppet Elton John on a few occasions.

Elton John’s middle name is Hercules. Hercules in Greek Mythology is actually

the brother of Artemis (Diana) and Helene (Marilyn.) So Hercules is obviously

also the son of Zeus.

Elton and Diana? Hercules and Artemis?

On a five-sense level they are 'celebrities'… on a spiritual level they are Serpent

Cult pied pipers and will steal and pass your energy to the 4th dimension.

So when you think about it anyone showing respect to Diana or Marilyn through

the song ‘Candle in the Wind’, and millions upon million did, will also be showing

respect to the celebrity faces literally the symbolic offspring of the sun creator

god Zeus. This is how the Serpent Cult constantly deceive us. They know the

rules of creation in this world.

When Diana’s funeral took place in Westminster Abbey (the location that was

once a temple of Apollo/Artemis) the massive amount of overpowering

emotional respect was indeed directed at both Diana and Elton John, whom I

have now informed you are symbolically Hercules and Artemis, children of Zeus.

Just a coincidence is it?

If it is just a coincidence it’s a very bloody good symbolic one. What are the

odds of getting a Hercules and an Artemis in a Temple and millions of people

show deep emotion towards them? Come on wake up for fuck’s sake, this Cult

is taking the piss. I have said in many of my articles and in my books that we are

conned into worshipping the Sun, as a means to worshipping inter-dimensional/

4th dimensional entities by proxy if you like, it’s an inter-dimensional race of

entities that claim to have created the sun, hence if they con you to worship the

sun you also worship them. Zeus created the Sun and by us being conned in to
worshipping the children of Zeus (Hercules and Armetis) we are actually
worshipping the creators of the Sun Gods. It’s a 'food chain' and our love for

Diana was the starting point in this ritual and in the deceptive food chain

involved. Please let me explain in simple terms for those who are relatively new

to my work.

The Food Chain created by Diana Sacrifice Ritual

Worship Diana Spencer the pied piper = Worship ancient deities like


Worship Artemis/Diana the deities = Worship the creators of Artemis/Diana


Worship phony gods like Zeus/ Jupiter /Amen Ra = Worship their creators from

the Lower 4th

The whole ‘spiritual energy food chain’ system is created by the deceptive

Serpent Cult. Can you see by that simple list why the Serpent Cult needs

symbolic pied pipers? Emotional respect is free will worship and free will

worship will give those you worship the divine right to rule.

I tell you the truth again the Serpent Cult use their symbolic agents on Earth to

play middlemen and pied pipers to extract your spiritual energy. This applies

whether the actual pied piper is aware of events or not. Elton ‘Hercules’ John

and Diana ‘Artemis’ Spencer are two such symbolic pied pipers and as daft as it

sounds their masters are 4th dimensional entities that are alien to this world.

When we worship such pied pipers we also worship the symbolism behind

them. Obviously these two very popular pied pipers are given their means,

talent and guile, to enable them to become very good pied pipers. They simply

allowed access to the true abilities that all human beings have. Sadly most of us

have forgotten our true powers. (Apart from folks like that nice boy Colin Fry of


I wasn’t going to point out the deeper level of symbolism (Artemis, Apollo,

Helene, Hercules) simply because the blind sheep that are hypnotised in to

thinking Diana was here for good wouldn’t and couldn’t be able to take it in.

They couldn’t accept Diana took part in a ritual that would deceive the masses

let alone follow the path that leads from respect for Diana to the worship of the
pagan creator gods like Zeus and then on to surrendering our spirits to inter-

dimensional entities. The latter having created not only the myth of Zeus and

also the physical body used by Diana to represent Zeus. But I know some of

you can take it in so i did go deeper! Please breath the air that I send you now

and will try to send you in the future. You can always blow it away if you do not

like it or think it stinks.

Anyway let’s get back on track eh? We are having a busy day eh? Let’s not

carry on as deep as this at least for a bit…

...So indeed as far as Diana is concerned the masses continue to fall for the
same spiritual extraction scam in 2009 as they did in 1997. ‘The Temple of

Diana’ at Althorp (Pictured below) is simply another conductor for the spiritual

energy created through the emotional respect the human race ‘still’ has for


The Temple of Diana at Althorp

There is a lot of symbolism surrounding Althorp and Diana’s grave. I’m sure you

will have read many things about it. I could add to that but I’m not going to

because like the circumstances surrounding the actual murder of Diana it does

not really matter. The blatant fact that you should be aware of is that a symbolic

temple has been placed in Althorp (The Serpent Cult use this scam a lot at

stately homes) and it is this that is now used as a replacement to the Alma

tunnel as a focus of respect, and it is the official means to harness energy and

transport it to the lower 4th. Its geometry will be in line with occult geometry and

its location will be on some connecting energy line. The close up picture below

shows the world (The halo or egg shape) that the temple is dedicated to deities

and not the human body of Diana.

Diana was 100% Serpent Cult: The halo indicates Sun/ Moon deity but it also

indicates rebirth from the egg

This Temple, on one level anyway, is on a par with the Flame that stands over

the Paris version of the same temple she was murdered in (Godeess temple of

Aremis/Diana). That is the Pont De L’ Alma area. I have indeed visited them but

there are other reasons for creating this temple that I will try and explain on a

simple level. The 'face' is black to represent the Black Virgin goddess role

Diana took up for the Serpent Cult on many ocassions (Rituals dressed in black)

but that’s not all my friends, not by a long chalk. I tell you the truth. The image is

symbolic for Diana returning to this world ‘with the same looks’ so to speak. The

collective spiritual energy directed at Diana from the human race will allow her

to return to earth with the very same looks when she chooses to. It appears our

Queen of Hearts was very, very, vain. The Spencers have built a 'museum' oin
the grounds of Althorp. Those that read my article The Virgin Festival will now

realise that the scam of putting 'temples to Diana' in the grounds of stately
homes is not as daft as they thought when i first wrote it because Althorp is now

on a par with Weston Park and it has added a museum too. Look at the picture


A combination of a museum and an occult monument (Temple) at Althorp.(See

spitting out the feathers of the benu bird)

Inside the museum ( Respect temple for Artemis))

Sorry to go straight in and to the point. The Serpent Cult have placed the items

you see inside this Temple to receive our free will permission to allow Diana to

return to this world as many times as she chooses in the exact same physical

image and equipped with the same guile. The 'figures' represent 'reincarnation'

in the same body and the hanging profile picture is to symbolism that

reincarnation will be with the same face. Does this make sense to you? Can you

see that the Serpent Cult are aware of things in this world that they have blinded

you too?

Diana wasn’t really doing the ‘good things’ for the world she was simply feeding

her ego and getting energy from the masses which will give her the right

incarnate as she pleases. It's the will of the masses. It's the will of the collective


Hey… I may have jumped a couple of articles, or even a 60-dollar book,

ahead of myself by telling you that part of the antidote for the serpents spell, but

hey that’s the kinda dozy bugger I am. I’m not saying all the world has to visit

this temple/museum to bring Diana back (to carry out the same con trick on you)

because that permission was already given when she died, so believe me, it is

just that she is so vain she wants to come back in future generations with the

same ‘look’.

Anyway let’s settle down again, ladies and gentlemen,… back to brass tacks...

Where were we?... Oh yes… All the emotional respect created for Diana even

today in 2009, including that created by conspiracy theorists that still believe she

was here for good, will be harnessed as spiritual energy through the official

temple/museum at Althorp, just as the louvre pyramid and museum did in

previous articles, and it will feed Serpent Cult entities in another dimension on a
long term basis. That is why agents in the Serpent Cult encourage the emotions
of the masses to be continually raised over the Diana issue, it is because they

want to add more attention to the occult symbolism and goddess worship that is

linked to the case and therefore harness more spiritual energy from the ritual.

A good example of this is Daddy Al Fayed. He kept the case going for years

didn’t he? This man is ‘establishment’ to the core please be fooled no more by
his guile. He has even placed his masters symbolism in his own palace
(Harrods) to carry out the same scam (placing an altar in a building to turn it

into a temple) and to appease his masters too and also ensure his bloodline

can reincarnate as agents in the Serpent Cult.

The Altar in Harrods: !00% Serpent Cult.

The Al Fayeds are also100% Serpent Cult just like the Spencer family and the

only reason Diana was led to have relationships with Muslims on a five sense

level was to increase the ‘attention’ from the different cultures when she was

actually sacrificed. If Diana had been having a relationship with a Christian at

the time of her death the emotional attention from the Muslim world would not

have been half as strong as it was for having a relationship with a Muslim and

therefore the spiritual energy involved would have been far less powerful. OK?

Again Diana had the greatest PR job done for and this was entirely because she

was a lamb to the slaughter and the slaughterers needed a very big audience.

Let me point out that it does not matter on a 5-sense level who or what

physically murdered Diana. It does not matter if it was Charles, Queenie, Henry

Paul, MI6, CIA, Martians, Kermit the Frog or that nice mummies boy Colin Fry
(What a jolly nice boy he is). Whoever it was will never ever be caught. Never.
I know that is wrong but it’s a fact.

If the system wanted a scapegoat they would have found one straightaway like

it has done with many other assassinations. The ‘mystery’ of Diana’s death, as

that of Marylyn Monroe, will always remain unsolved or classed as an

accident/suicide simply because the Serpent Cult will continually use the rituals

to create energy for themselves by manipulating the emotions of human beings.

The reason no scapegoat will be found for the Diana murder is because the

world has to see this ritual as an ‘official and natural event’ (An accident) and

that is why the courts have announced it as an accident and not an open

verdict. I hope those last few sentences bring comfort to those souls that have

been angry over the official version of events. If the official version is of a natural

event (An accident) the collective consciousness actually endorses the ritual

because of the leaders it elected through free will. In other words you joined in

the ritual and you obey the Serpent Cult on a spiritual level.

Again Diana was an agent for the Serpent Cult and she played pied piper to

channel spiritual energy from this world to the 4th dimension. Can you see it? If

so we are getting somewhere eh? If you can see how the scam works and you

can accept, in principle at least, that spiritual energy can be transported through

symbolic icons, symbolic monuments and symbolic events then it is time to

leave the Diana story... so let’s move swiftly on to 9/11.

Four years further on from Diana’s death the WTC came down. You don’t need

me to tell about that event do you? That’s because the Serpent Cult have

embedded it on your soul and you have seen and heard a thousand different

stories about it haven’t you. I’m certainly totally sick of hearing about it, don’t

forget I was told about it in 95/96 and the reasons behind it so you can guess

why I laugh at some of the theories.

Anyway, even if you are a hard faced anti-royal and didn’t give a flying fart about

Diana you will know in your heart that 9/11 affected your emotions in one way or

another. It didn’t matter if you had a member of you family in the WTC or you

were a brainwashed Islamic soldier hoping for Jihad, those towers coming down

caused a massive increase in emotion in this world.

Well didn’t they? Don't worry you were meant to feel emotional about it. So let’s

get it sorted once and for all eh? Well at least it will be my one and only work on

Again, in my opinion, just like the Diana case it does not matter who is

responsible for 9/11 on a 5-sense physical level. An inside job was it? Dubya

Bush and his evil Masonic cronies was it? Bin Laden from a cave was it? The

official mind controlled patsy Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was it? Maybe some

slick and crafty holograms fooled the shit out of us? Perhaps it was just a slick

movie set? Thunderbird two did it eh? Superman farting pessaries out his arse

is another good theory of why the towers came down. The list has been endless

and maybe the Superman theory is not the daftest that’s been mentioned.

9/11: Who was responsible on a 5-sense level? You will never know!

I’ll be blunt. Wake the hell up or you will be trapped in this world left pondering
on many, many, different theories for many lifetimes. I mean that sincerely. Let’s

not let the innocent victims of this event suffer for longer than they have too.

On a spiritual level it really does not matter what caused 9/11 on a five-sense

level indeed it does not matter that it was used to start a cruel invasion of
weaker countries in the five-sense world either. Let’s face it folks the wankers

that rule this world can come up with any excuse to invade any country at any

time. Who’s going to stop them? All those people that think Diana were the

Queen of Hearts eh?

The ‘culprits‘, on a five sense level, that carried out the ‘physical’ side of 9/11

will never be brought to justice because the event was not carried out just for 5-

sense reasons, it is the exact same scenario as the Diana event and it was

simply carried out to create ‘mass emotion’ simply because emotion creates
spiritual energy. Our spirituality creates our 5 sense reality so our spirituality
brought the towers down.

It was indeed also the emotions of the people that were used as a feeble excuse

to invade countries not the actual event itself. You can give your spiritual energy

to anything you genuinely feel emotional about, or should I say give energy to

anything you are made to feel emotional about, and this was a ‘world trade

centre’ of energy on a symbolic level. Do you understand that?

The Serpent Cult were again attracting the free will spiritual energy of the entire

human race and connecting it to their ‘symbolism’. The Serpent Cult needed

worldwide spiritual ‘permission’ to carry on with their agenda and they certainly

got it through 9/11. The majority of minds and souls fed the esoteric symbolism

involved in the 9/11 incident and the aftermath of this event was one of a

planned massive ‘sun worship’ ritual carried out worldwide in Churches,

Temples, Synagogues and Mosques. Not only did the event attract global

spiritual energy to the occult symbolism involved in the actual collapse of the

twin towers but stright after the event the same spiritual energy was quickly

transferred through the glodbal energy line network and through the global sun

temples posing as different religious buildings and fed entities in the 4th

dimension. In other words the 9/11 event crated a world wide ritual inside all the

places of worship and indeed in civic buildings too. The human race actually,

albetit unkowingly, endorsed 9/11 through those actions.

The masses were deceived from all sides but their false egos and conditioned

minds would never allow them to see through the 9/11 scam because the only

sanctuary their false egos and conditioned minds could run to, such as the

churches and Mosques etc, were indeed only further ‘deceptions’ that were put

in place by the Serpent Cult. The Serpent Cult hold no boundaries for their

deceptions. The blind masses that went running to temples or took part in

public gatherings about the event were literally running to praise the actual 4th
dimensional perpetrators of 9/11, through the oitpouring of their emotions and

therefore endorsed the event.

Symbolism and occult geometry/numerology is hidden in all the things that we

create but sadly they don’t tell you that on Sesame Street

The same false egos and conditioned minds of the masses couldn’t see the

Diana scam either and I realise most folk wouldn’t want to for this event. They

even have a special Temple of Diana to worship her in forever now don’t they?

(Nice One Mr Serpent!)

It is time to realise that the Serpent Cult created, in your minds at least, all the

things you ‘hold dear’ as well as all the things you don’t hold dear. Events like

the Diana sacrificial murder are being used to enslave you simple because they

made you ‘hold her dear’ whilst loading her with their symbolism and you failing

to see she was in the Serpent Cult all along. The Serpent Cult made Diana a

goddess on Earth as an official representative from ‘Heaven’ (Heaven is our

self created dimension that rules over this one if you want it to, (we decide who

rules us through collective worship). By getting the masses to worship their

agents on earth they get the masses to worship the entities in the fourth

dimension that provided the said agents, this in turn therefore gives the entities

in Heaven the right to rule us.

We have placed the forces behind Diana in ‘Heaven’ through our free will and

therefore the said force can and does rule us.

In my opinion it is time for you to rule yourself if you want to be free. The choice
is yours and only yours but only if you want to make it. It will be far easier to

keep hold of the things you hold dear like icons similar to celebrities and

bloodlines like the people’s princess and goddess ‘Diana’, but it is all a

deception. You can empower yourself and the world by seeing through the Veil

of the secret societies. You can heal this world and yourself simply by giving

collective spiritual energy to it instead of giving it to the deceivers who steal it.

Give your heart to Dianaand the rest of the Serpent Cult if you feel it is right but I

believe nothing will change in this world by doing so in my opinion. It costs

nothing to think for yourself if you are provided with alternative information as

another option does it?

If I went along with the ‘Diana was here to awaken us by exposing the Royals as

murderers’ theme then I’m sure I could make more friends and of course

money, if I was actually selling this information. That theme is laughable to me

and I’m sure it is to some others when they really think about it, but I’m afraid

not many do. I’m not here to make more friends anyway nor am I here to take

your money. So please think what you like about the information I have provided
because, as me mam used to say,... you can either like it or lump it!

I have told you this information, as I believe it should be told, without any fear

and without any favour. I have told this information without seeking payment and

the way my spiritual journey has directed me to see this information and to pass

it on. I have done it the best way I can. It has taken many hours just to produce

this article and that is without counting the time it took to research and
understand. That took years.

I hope the information provided in this article arrives to the people that I want it

to arrive to and I say to those folks that know me, that the words in this article

are true and trustworthy and they will never let you down.

My life is up and down and changes daily, nay it changes by the hour , as

I’m sure some of you empathise with that sort of thing. I humbly thank you for

taking the time to read this article and on a lighter note I will say that it is not

often you get two of the biggest conspiracies in the history of the world solved in

one article, but that is what I believe you have had, if it is indeed the case then

you are welcome to it. If you think it is just bag o' shite then that is fine to

May Love Reign O’er You All

Matthew Delooze

ALL TEXT Copyright © Matthew Delooze, 2009. All Rights Reserved

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6 February, 2009 - 22:20
Regular One Baller
Joined: 21 Nov 2008
Posts: 105

Blown over again!

What a fantastic article Matty...Blown me away on my first read..bought back some
memories when her death occured...I was in the masses in those the
street parties for the wedding and booing my eyes out at the funeral (on tv)I thought
I wasnt that bothered but I was in the spell.I remember shouting up to my buddy I
was living with at the time( I was going work he was still in bed)she was dead!! He
said dont worry it will be on tv for weeks!!I know that she courted publicity
personally from my buddy as he took many similair clients (of that elk) for tennis
coaching lessons.The Chelsea Harbour Club was more a (members) public leisure
club,where she had pictures taken of her in the buddies club was more
exclusive but with that it is low key and very exclusive equals no publicity...perfect
for some.It certainly puts a different light on the matter and a very passionate
article,I like this new type of writting Matthew.
Also I noticed on the link to the bus accident in Paris that Vicky Becks was in
town...was she painting that wagon ?
And the link to a great B.O.G.O.F.
Keep up the excellent work..Happiness & love Keep shinning that oneball...See ya
in Blackpool....Bestmate


7 February, 2009 - 10:26
Matthew Delooze

One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 21 Jul 2008
Posts: 541

thanks best mate.

hello best mate,

I didn't know it was a new type of writing I just followed my one finger but I'm glad
you liked it.

We were all in a spell mate and a bloody good one. I saw anti-royal hairy arsed 16
stone welders on the factory floor who were hit and silenced by the 'accident' too,
they were suckered in and every drop of energy was sucked out of them and given
to the Serpent Cult via the methods mentioned in the article.

Some will never even 'see it' but most don't 'want' to see it. They like to see fairy
dust and/or simply edge their bets on getting on the right bus to a perceived
salvation. But that's up to them but from where i'm standing diana only has bus
tickets to come back here.

...Hope you enjoy Blackpool. I wouldn't bring the swimming trunks and the knotted
hanky though but I do believe it sometimes gets up to 3 or 4 degrees in March! Just
bring the duffel coat and balaclava (Only kiddin it's sometimes very warm.)

best wishes


10 February, 2009 - 09:48
One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 10
Manipulating the future
That was very thought proking Matt, thanks.

Our controllers are dependent on linear time, which is an illusion that fools us all, so
that their plans can be introduced by stealth. If they did it any other way, the public
would smell a rat.

(Having said this, more people are smelling rats nowadays because, as David Icke
says, the Totalitarian Tiptoe is becoming a Sprint)

How far in advance is 'their' future planned?

I mean, if the Liberty Flame was erected in 1987 (when they had the death of Diana
planned) will the Liberty Flame’s true history be skewed in the future? Will we be
told one day that it was erected in honour of Diana, after her death?

It's almost as if the future has been written, according to a set of rules which are
dependent on the mind reactions of (studied) human beings. I suppose that's how
we are being used to plot our own downfall.

It could all be changed in mankind's favour overnight - if that's what mankind



10 February, 2009 - 14:14
Matthew Delooze

One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 21 Jul 2008
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How's ta doing Jim Lad?

I bet you have better weather that us in blighty mate?

yes I agree 100% mate..... things can change overnight.

Most folk think the monument was erected for Diana already. The collective
consciousness already say it was erected for Diana.... even the conspiracy
communities go along with it and insist Diana was here to awaken them.

The 'time' thing is very difficult to explain and get across as we all look in the mirror
and see a face ageing. Unless you are lulu of course. (She makes me wants to
bloody shout!)

But as far as rituals are concerned time is no limit. In my opinion Diana's part in the
scam was planned before she was born. Her conception and birth and death all part
of the plan. That is why the Serpent Cult use their agents like they do. They know
when and where and by what means an individual can be used to affect the
collective consciousness.
On a smaller scale we plan out our birthdays and anniversary's etc in advance. E.G.
Some people planned to celebrate the millennium 10 years in advance etc. The
illuminati plan their ritals in advance. There is absolutely no difference in you
planning a retirement party 10 years before you retire and placing 'a Jim Lad will
retire here' monument up. Same thing applied to Diana was 'a serpent agent will
be sacrificed here' monument placed there in advance.They just didn't tell us in a
way we can see. The same thing applies to the twin towers.

Just like flats and houses are advertised for sale before they are built sort of thing.

Indeed 'The Serpent Cult will have planned to bring the twin towers down before
they planned to put them up' is a sentence to heed! Aye Aye Jim Lad.... With the
serpent cult 'the end is planned before the means' That is what I wrote the diana
article for.

2012 Olympics is a good example of pre-planned rituals too.

They are planned way in advance, long before the so called official announcements
are made. The masses are taught to go along with the long term planning of such
things too.

We actually endorse the rituals that enslave us.



10 February, 2009 - 22:24
One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 10

Thank you
Excellent answer.

In what way does 'a serpent agent will be sacrificed here' relate to the twin towers?

Are you referring metaphorically to the Economy as an agent?

Are you referring to a particular person as an agent?

I'm doing well, thanks! I hope you are too.


12 February, 2009 - 15:37
Matthew Delooze
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Posts: 541

Hello again Jim Lad.. aye aye me hearties.. and a bottle o'rum
Hello Jim lad,

I didn't mean to suggest that the Serpent agent will die here scenario related to the
twin towers in the same way.

I meant the Diana monument really a serpent agent will die here monument
because it was planned in that way.

Diana was a 'single pied piper' to attract energy to that symbolism hidden in and
around that monument. It was a collective pied piper (death of many humans) that
attracted energy to that symbolism hidden in and around those monuments. On that
level they are not related because both the pied pipers were different.

That said the 'results' were exactly the same (energy was attracted to symbolic
locations and monuments).

As I said in the article the events are 'related' through the pre-planning involved in
them. All the pieces are in place years in advance

That way folks never realise the that the actual event is actually linked to the
symbolism that is involved and eventually used because of the time difference.

How can you explain to folk that a building in the 1970's (Twin towers) is being built
for a ritual of 'falling towers' in 2001 when they are convinced that the clocks tell us
the right time?

What is 30 years to us is not 30 years to others that know time is changeable.

But to answer your question the events are 'related' though their pre-planning and
results..only the pied pipers are different and of course some rituals involve death
and some only involve surrender.

at the end of the day the 'symbolism' of the two events are strongly related because
they sucked humanity dry of all emotional energy and that kind of energy never
dies, it only travels. Where did it go?

hope that helps mate



13 February, 2009 - 00:07
One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 10

Oh yes, that helps a lot.

"What is 30 years to us is not 30 years to others that know time is changeable." This
is a hard concept for many to grasp, but grasp it we must if we are to understand
just how important our misconception of Time is.

I mean to say the manipulation, which Matt so well exposes, wholly depends on
linear time. For those who haven't noticed it yet, the push towards world
government is being propped up by the very process (dependent on false
perceptions of past, present and future) we have chosen to take part in.

Interestingly, there can be no process without linear time.

More interestingly, the process can be stopped because linear time is an illusion
which can be surpassed when we choose to surpass it.

How can we do that?

Removing our consent for the system which enslaves us would be a good start.

Who knows what brilliant things may follow?


13 February, 2009 - 13:27
Matthew Delooze

One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 21 Jul 2008
Posts: 541

Consent for the system?

Yes mate removing consent for the system is a good start.

A test of faith it will be though and the world is full of hypnotised minds, false ego's
and self implanted comfort zones. These comfort zones that will never truly be

It is easy to cause a physical revolution if your family is starving. But it is far easier
to sit at home with bread if you cannot see that bread is supplied by our enslaver
and we will indeed praise the bread supplier for feeding us.

The same thing applies to a spiritual revolution.


22 February, 2009 - 20:48
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Next step - retrieval


Thank you so much for your article! It is truly comforting to know that there are
others who begin to see the world with the layers of deception pulled back.

I was prompted to go back in time and visit my earlier selves at key moments
related to a young girl watching the royal wedding in middle of the night
(time zone difference), as a university student when she was visiting our campus,
watching her death spectacle & funeral on TV....and at each moment in time I found
my earlier selves absolutely mesmerized. It was like breaking a spell to turn my
eyes and attention away from her. But once I did I intended to share all my
knowledge and understanding that I have now, and suddenly the image of Diana
was overlaid with black serpents and I was repelled. It seemed very important to not
only stop the process of energy transfer at these key times, but also to retrieve that
which was lost. It is not impossible. I intended that my earlier selves retrieve their
consciousness and their power of intention, and then it was possible to follow the
energy and literally pull it back in full. So I offer this as a suggestion to others of like
mind. Get your stuff back! Oh, and ruthlessly cast out all serpents.



23 February, 2009 - 09:10
is solo ballin' it!

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Interesting Idea Elissaw....

How does one retrieve lost respect energy?



23 February, 2009 - 12:51
Matthew Delooze

One Ball Radio Contributor
Joined: 21 Jul 2008
Posts: 541

hello ellisaw

thanks very much.

I fully understand what you are saying.

best wishes


27 February, 2009 - 21:20
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Great Article
Cheers Matt, for another great article.

I too was under the spell at the time of Diana's death. Every time i heard the new
Candle in the Wind after the funeral, it brought a tear to my eye.

I, like most people, also thought that Diana was the innocent one, but like you say
she was 100% serpent cult. She would not have been mother to 2 princes if she
was not in the bloodline.

Thanks again for opening my eyes even further.


10 May, 2009 - 01:49
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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Alma Bridge = Ancient sacrificial site??

David Icke also says that, but there is one thing I want to ask you, where are

I've looked for it and there is nothing about it. How David Icke or you knew about
that? I think that you just repeated what Icke said, didn't you?

If you really want people to believe you about reptilians etc, you have to construct
serious proofs, based on real sources. It's too easy to say "supposed to be the
location of an ancient sacrificial site"... I want evidence. If there's no evidence it
means that someone just invented it so as to appear more credible, so as to get the
reaction of the readers "whaoo".

I want to believe your stuff but please bring me proofs if you have.

Waiting for your answer.

Best Regards.


10 May, 2009 - 09:49
Matthew Delooze

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Posts: 541

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Hello Lapin, lol try actually reading the article properly. I don't give a flying fook
whether you believe the stuff or not. I have credited Mr Icke and the Biggest Secret
as one source I haven't taken the info just from from Mr Icke's biggest secret book.
This information is not a history documentary or a book i have charged you 30 quid
for... its a free article on the net. It's meant to stimulate your own research and your
mind not spoon feed you. Again i don't give a flying fook whether you want to
believe it or not. i haven't 'invented' anything in the article. I have worded it as
truthful as possible and again if you read the article properly you would know that.
Diana has been linked to the Temple of Athena throughout her life and the tunnel is
only one small part of that. Hey maybe the Alma area in Paris was simply a dog shit
bin in the olden days eh? Best Wishes matt

18 May, 2009 - 03:59
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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Thank you for your response.

You say that you don't care if I believe the stuff or not. You also say that it is "just a
free article on the net" and not a history documentary.

Do you mean that you are just providing entertainment stories through rough and
vague intepretations of reality?

If the manipulation stuff is true, don't you want other people to understand what is

I don't see why Diana has been linked to the temple of Athena?? If there is nothing
that links her or any sacrificial site to "pont de l'alma", why are you lying about a
sacrificial site when there's is no source?


18 May, 2009 - 11:14
Matthew Delooze

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Lapin_vert wrote:

Thank you for your response.

You say that you don't care if I believe the stuff or not. You also say that it is "just a
free article on the net" and not a history documentary.

Do you mean that you are just providing entertainment stories through rough and
vague intepretations of reality?

If the manipulation stuff is true, don't you want other people to understand what is

I don't see why Diana has been linked to the temple of Athena?? If there is nothing
that links her or any sacrificial site to "pont de l'alma", why are you lying about a
sacrificial site when there's is no source?



Been on holiday eh?

Lapin?. Yes I don't care if you believe it or not. I couldn't give a flying bollock what
you believe. Why should I?

You obviously believe I am providing entertainment stories. So yes I am in your

case. Does that answer your silly question? Hey maybe i deserve some credit for
providing entertainment stories for free eh?

I have already told you I don't care if people understand it or not. I don't care if you
read or you don't either and I certainly don't care if you believe it or not. Does that
answer your silly question?

I can't help your blindness if you cannot see Diana is linked to Temples of Athena or
I suggest you go to spec-savers or simply just don't read any of my stuff.

I am a source of the Alma bridge info. What's up?.. Would you believe it more if an
history expert told you? I'm not lying about anything.

But there are two sources in 'ENGLISH' provided one by a friend of Robert Anton
Wilson and David Icke. I find both these persons worthy enough to quote. I do
suggest in the article that the actual area of the Alma Bridge (Diana was murdered
in the tunnel not on the bridge)
is subject to debate. But all history is subject to debate. I realise it's hard to prove
what's under tarmac or what an energy line is.

I'm not here to prove anything to anyone. Only you can prove something to you.

I very strongly suggest to you do not read any of my stuff 'Lapin'. I can quite
honestly tell you that my work (or lies) are absolutely no good to you at all and I am
really so glad about that. But you are quite welcome to read through the articles
(Don't buy any books though) and pick out a line or two that you can call me a liar

But when you have please let me know what you have written or what your ideas
are or what you think. You don't have to provide your name though or even show
your face, just sign it 'Lapin'.

Please tell us what your take on Diana is. I won't call you a liar either I promise.

I'm intrigued and don't forget you don't have to tell us who you are, stay anonymous.

Best Wishes


18 May, 2009 - 18:15
Suze Delooze
Joined: 11 Nov 2008
Posts: 184

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Lapin Vert..... Green Rabbit

Suze Delooze


26 May, 2009 - 21:37

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Hello Matthew,

I stumbled upon this article via via. Very interesting indeed!

I've read it properly and it reminded me of a book I've read many times.
It's called "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov..

I'm a big fan of Asimov's work and wonder if he was trying to say something.
Is there anything known about Asimov being "one of them"? I would hate it if it was
so, because I really like his work.

For those not familiar with Asimov's novel "Foundation"; It is a non-alien, non-
spacewar-lasergun science fiction genre about changing the future in advance by
minor changes in the present, no matter how long it takes, even if it takes over
1000's of years. This science is called Psychohistory.
They had two teams of scientist working on this case; one for the public and one
secret who actually made the changes.

Maybe I'm going just a bit to far in relation to this article, but it just reminded me of
that book.

Well, since I'm new to this site, I continue to read all these nice articles in here.
Gotta lot of work to do

GrtZ and keep up the good work!



27 May, 2009 - 08:26
Matthew Delooze

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Posts: 541

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

hello trascon,

sorry i haven't read the book so i better keep stum



1 June, 2009 - 12:32
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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

I like the article Matt, just a mention for those who don't know - check out Rik Clay
and his interviews on RedIce - very interesting with some remarkable similarities in
his thoughts... though seemingly unconnected. Always a positive sign.


1 June, 2009 - 14:30
Matthew Delooze
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Posts: 541

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?


i knew and met rik clay,

he used some of my work with my permission

he was a good lad.



6 June, 2009 - 03:25

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Posts: 61

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

I can never understand why researchers like Icke cannot see the real truth about
911...why dont they look at the real evidence and come to the same conclusion has ?

What is stopping them understanding this information..getting it out to the public

before they use the same technology on the human race again is of utmost

So come on Matt,David and others..look at judy wood's work and help get the real
truth of 911 out to the masses.

Its basically simple..the 'elite' or whatever you want to call them have a weapon that
can turn steel buildings into dust with very little heat.Forget nuclear
bombs/power...thats old hat now...911 was the new Hiroshima without the fall debate,its the truth..end of the 911 myths

freedom is back of a maestro van overlooking the blue sea

6 June, 2009 - 07:23
Jen G
Ees sew glad she stopped smoking...

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Well that's that. Thankyou Mason Free Party!

You have left your link before and no doubt you will intend to leave them again in
the future. So you can rest in the knowledge that you are spreading your truth.


6 June, 2009 - 08:01

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Posts: 111

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Hey there Masonfree, I have checked out Dr Judy Wood long before and she
certainly raises questions with some shocking facts that no one that i have
encountered can either offer explanation or rebuttal to the questions she raises. And
there lies her problem. You can't start asking those type of questions until the
original questions have been answered. Do you see the US or british Mind Control
ever make any real effort to answer the original questions of why what happened on
9/11 and 7/7 does not add up to the official story?

If you can't get those people budged from their position that those days were the
work of terrorists then how the hell are you going to get them to answer the brilliant
work of Dr Judy Wood. Those people that know that the official story is worthless
have created a scenario in their minds of what really happened. And strangely, they
don't want to hear information that would shatter that perspective. People are so
I see it on this site also. People will only go so deep. As soon as the information
becomes too uncomfortable to their current belief system, they will turn off. This isn't
criticism. Maybe it requires time, allowing info to seep in and then when you have
been saturated at a certain level then maybe you get ready for the next stuff.

Sadly, perhaps we are running out of time and we are going to have to get 'it'
quicker than maybe we want to. And no-one likes being force fed medicine
especially when it tastes so yuck.


8 June, 2009 - 10:28
Matthew Delooze

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Posts: 541

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Hello MFP

I have given my opinions on 9/11 in my Diana article mate. 9/11 never enters my
head 'its a done ritual' and the sheep will never do anything about it.

'I think you are overestimating my pied piper abilities' even if I did go along with Dr
woods stuff.

i haven't even got my own website after the 24th. i have no friends in the biz.

I am a contributor on this site. So I'm on a par with a blogger.

I'm blackballed by the conspiracy cliques too.

so from where i am standing i'm more likely to be an hindrance to dr judy than any

if she want a voice in this biz then i suggest she joins a clique as soon as she can or
she can hope a guru the punters trust will promote her.

if none of the above are feasible then she's like me...

If Dr Judy wants to swap links with oneball then I'm sure Richard will do the



7 July, 2009 - 04:20

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Posts: 35

Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Matt, I don't know if you will visit this thread, again, as it's a bit old, but thank you for
this. I really needed to read it in light of the killing of Michael Jackson.

It amazes me that I know a good deal of this info (but not all!), have researched
mind control for years, know more than one programmed monarch multiple, and I
STILL get drawn in emotionallly. I was not a fan, never bought a record, don't do
"pop" anything, and I find myself feeling sad and outraged about this ritual killing.

Ironically, my own knowledge about mind control leaves me schizo! When you
describe Diana as something other than she appeared to be (as though she were a
non-human entity in a human body), on some level I DO get that. IOW, these are
souls who made their deal with devil (so to speak) and CHOSE the role they played.
On the other hand, I see someone like Michael Jackson, the most Illuminati
imprinted individual I've ever seen, and I see a human being victimized by
predators. My natural, human, compassion realtes to his pain (as intended, I'm
sure) and how they fucked him up. Emotionally and intellectually, I'm at odds with
myself. I hate these dirty rotten mind fuckers so much and yet, I feel sorry for the
"victim". In this case, Michael Jackson. He had to have been a multiple, so he very
well could have carried out ritual sacrifice by his own hand. THAT is the huge and
hard part to grasp - seeing some aspects and others are hidden. The man I saw
was broken, talented, and screwed up, and it's that gets my empathy, but he could
have alters that (say) sacrificed a dog, and if I saw THAT, I could despise him and
want to kill him!

I will not watch the memorial, for obvious reasons! My intellect cannot over-rule my
emotions when the mind fuckers are doing their show. I know I would cry. I don't
want these batards to get piece of me. Thanks to you, I will avoid watching it and
getting vampirized. Instead, I'll just keep on with the INTENT of being part of the
force that brings out the truth, knowing that we do, indeed, create reality.

Fuck the mind fuckers. May their heads explode.


7 July, 2009 - 04:29

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?
Oh, and, BTW - if the Green Rabbit ever comes back, this is for you:

Either you are willingly blind, a tool, or thick.


7 July, 2009 - 20:08

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Matt, what occurred in 1996 (was it?) that let you know about Diana and 9/11, in

Also, can you explain the lower 4th? Is the physical what you would call the 3rd
dimension? Do you see the 4th as the astral or can it even be catagorized like that?


2 September, 2009 - 23:09
Jen G
Ees sew glad she stopped smoking...

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Re: Diana: Can You See The Real Me?

Hello Matt,

I left comments on your original site, but thanks again for a great article. Shed a lot
of light on how things work with you explaining that the bloodliners reincarnate into
positions of power and affluence.

I've read it again and the name 'Henry Paul' seems symbolic to me now too. As if all
i's were dotted and t's crossed. Henry? of Henry the 8th you mentioned...a royal
King? And 'Paul' St Pauls where Diana and the green man (Charles) were married.




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