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Alimannao Hills, Peñablanca, Cagayan 3502

Subject Code : EL 100
Semester : FIRST School Year : 2019-2020
NAME: ___________________________________ Year & Section: ________
Proctor: __________________________________ Score: _______________


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the items carefully and choose the correct answer that corresponds each item.
Write only the letter of your answer before the item number.
_____1. During the age of classical humanism in which the grammar of many languages was studied in relation
to Latin grammar, for a man to be considered learned, he must know the ____________.
a. basics b. classics c. grammar d. word formation
_____2. In early 1900’s, languages were studied independently as systems. What is the significant system that
is considered as the smallest unit?
a. word b. letters c. sounds d. sentences
_____3. These are formed when words are combined following a certain order.
a. paragraph b. words c. utterances d. essay
_____4. Every utterance has this force to deliver the message or what is said.
a. perlocutionary force c. imaginative force
b. illocutionary force d. locutionary force
_____5. It is also what one does as he says it or the function of the utterance.
a. perlocutionary force c. imaginative force
b. illocutionary force d. locutionary force
_____6. It is the expected response to every utterance.
a. perlocutionary force c. imaginative force
b. illocutionary force d. locutionary force
_____7. It is where the another shift of theory of language took place in the mid 80’s.
a. South Africa b. America c. England d. Britain
_____8. What does CALP mean?
a. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency c. Cognitive Affective Language Proficiency
b. Common Academic Language Proficiency d. Cognitive Academic Language Production
_____9. What does BICS mean?
a. Basic Interpersonal Cognitive Skills c. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
b. Basic Intrapersonal Communication Skills d. Basic Intrapersonal Cognitive Skills
_____10. Which of the following are not a type of communicative competence?
a. linguistic competence c. discoursal competence
b. sociolinguistic competence d. interpersonal competence
_____11. It investigates the biological foundations of language.
a. Psycholinguistics c. Sociolinguistics
b. Neurolinguistics d. Physiolinguistics
_____12. It looks into the process of language learning, language acquisition, and the other variables affecting
them such as age, motivation, etc.
a. Psycholinguistics c. Sociolinguistics
b. Neurolinguistics d. Physiolinguistics
_____13. It is the vehicle for carrying language.
a. Speech Consumption c. Speech Production
b. Speech Acquisition d. Speech Learning
_____14. Each are considered as sets of rules in language except:
a. phonetics b. pragmatics c. semantics d. syntax
_____15. It is the study of linguistic rules governing sound system of the language.
a. morphology b. phonetics c. semantics d. phonology
_____16. It is the specific branch that deals with individual speech sounds, their production and their
representation by written symbols.
a. morphology b. phonetics c. semantics d. phonology
_____17. It refers to the actions of the organs speech producing the sounds of speech.
a. acoustic b. articulation c. morphemes d. phonetics
_____18. It is constituted by the description of the structure and function of the organs producing speech
a. acoustic phonetics c. acquisition of phonetics
b. articulatory phonetics d. acoustic phonology
_____19. The whole range of articulatory motions in the mouth maybe roughly divided into two classes. Which
of the following are the two classes?
a. articulatory and acoustic c. learning and acquisition
b. low and high level forms d. vocoid and contoid
_____20. Which of the following best describes the final sound in the word 'lunch'?
a. voiced velar fricative c. voiceless aspirated velar affricate
b. voiceless alveolar fricative d. voiceless alveopalatal affricate
_____21. Below are nasal consonant sounds except:
a. m b. n c. w d. n
_____22. Which of the following best describes the initial sound in the word “jump”?
a. voiced palato-alveolar affricative c. voiced aspirated velar affricate
b. voiceless alveolar fricative d. voiceless alveopalatal affricate
_____23. It is a speech sound produced by a complete oral closure and velic closure.
a. fricatives b. nasals c. stops d. lateral
_____24. These are contoids produced by spirantization, that is, the presence of extreme narrowing allowing
only a small opening for the air stream to pass through. This leads to the characteristics “hissing” noice
associated with these sounds.
a. fricatives b. nasals c. stops d. lateral
_____25. It is a “liquid” sound with the tongue effecting total occlusion, but enter one or both sides of it are
lowered, allowing the air to escape through the mouth.
a. fricatives b. nasals c. stops d. lateral
_____26. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions represent actual English words?
a. b. c. d.
_____27. It is a branch of linguistics that deals with systems of sounds (including or excluding phonetics),
within a language or between different languages.
a. Phonology b. Morphology c. Syntax d. Semantics
_____28. It is a branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing the structure of sentences.
a. Phonology b. Morphology c. Syntax d. Semantics
_____29.It is a branch of linguistics that deals with the rules concerning the meaning of a word, phrase,
sentence, or text.
a. Phonology b. Morphology c. Syntax d. Semantics
_____30. It is a branch of linguistics that deals with the rules governing word structure.
a. Phonology b. Morphology c. Syntax d. Semantics
_____31. It is a system that uses some physical sign (sound, gesture, mark) to express meaning.
a. linguistics b. communication c. language d. verbal communication
_____32. It is the scientific study of language.
a. linguistics b. communication c. language d. verbal communication
_____33. “-s, -es, -ed, -ing, -er, and -est” are examples of what kind of suffixes?
a. Derivational b. Inflectional c. singular d. Gerundial
_____34. “-able, - ness, -ful, -ment, and –ity” are examples of what kind of suffixes?
a. Derivational b. Inflectional c. singular d. Gerundial
_____35. [The people] [talked] [over the noise].
What is the syntactical interpretation of the sentence above?
a. “over” is a verb c. “over” is a preposition
b. “over” is a participle d. “over” is an adverb
_____36. Sentences below are facts about language except:
a. We are able to distinguish grammatical from ungrammatical sentences.
b. We are able to recognize truncated sentences that are missing nouns.
c. We are able to recognize ambiguous sentences.
d. We cannot create sentences that paraphrase each other.
_____37. He is the father of “modern linguistics” and rejects the idea that direct teaching and correcting of
grammar could account for children’s utterances because the rules children were unconsciously acquiring are
buried in the unconscious of the adults.
a. William Shakespeare c. Sigmund Freud
b. Noam Chomsky d. Ludwig Wittgenstein
_____38. What does LAD stand for?
a. Linguistic Acquiring Device c. Linguistic Acquisition Device
b. Language Acquisition Device d. Language Acquiring Device
_____39. Below are nasal consonant sounds except:
a. m b. n c. w d. ng
_____40. Which of the following is a fricative consonant sound?
a. sh b. dz c. j d. l
_____41. It refers to the particular combination of sounds and meaning.
a. sentence b. phrase c. paragraph d. word
_____42. It studies language at the level of sounds, how sounds are articulated by the human speech
mechanism and received by the auditory mechanism, and how sounds can be distinguished and characterized
by the manner in which they are produced.
a. phonetics b. semantics c. pragmatics d. discourse
_____43. It is the study of how language is used in real communication.
a. phonetics b. semantics c. pragmatics d. discourse
_____44. It is the study of chunks of language which are bigger than a single sentence. At this level, inter-
sentential links that form a connected or cohesive text are analyzed.
a. phonetics b. semantics c. pragmatics d. discourse
_____45. Allophones of the same phoneme must:
a. share the same place of articulation
b. be in complementary distribution
c. have the same underlying representation
d. all of the above
_____46. It refers to the pauses or breaks between syllables.
a. juncture b. stress c. pitch d. intonation
_____47. These are variants of a morpheme that may be phonologically or morphologically conditioned.
a. morphemes c. allomorphs
b. free morphemes d. bound morphemes
_____48. These are kinds of morphemes that can stand on their own as independent words
a. morphemes c. allomorphs
b. free morphemes d. bound morphemes
_____49. Which of the following is an important sentence structure?
a. structure of language c. structure of complimetation
b. structure of communication d. structure of prediction
_____50. It is a linguistic expression that refers to another linguistic expression.
A. anaphora b. antonymy c. hyponymy d. homonymy
for 51-60. Write the letter that gives the function of the remark made by the indicated persons in
these situations.
This milk is sour.
a. complaining and demanding a refund
b. expressing objections
c. advicing and informing
_____51. A woman goes to the grocery, returns a bottle of milk and makes the remark to the grocer.
_____52. The same woman is talking with her husband before she has the chance to return the milk. Her
husband who usually takes cream with his coffee for himself when the woman makes the remark.
_____53. The same woman returns from the grocer with the replacement of the bottle of milk she returned.
She pours milk in the pack lunch for her son. The boy makes the remark even if the milk is not really sour.
Why are you laughing?
a. expressing anger and commanding them to stop
b. expressing guilt for the reaction
c. expressing curiosity about the cause of laughter
d. expressing surprise for the reaction
_____54. A person who fails to catch the joke
_____55. A teacher whose students are snickering while she is discussing the lesson
_____56. A member of a group who arrives and finds her friends watching TV and laughing
a. requesting that the air conditioner be turned off or lowered
b. hinting she wants to go home
c. giving emphasis for the statement
d. wanting assurance that she is okay
_____57. A woman with her doctor in the examination room
_____58. That woman with her husband in a party
_____59. A woman who is chilling in an air-conditioned room
_____60. A girl after swimming in a swimming party


A. Read each definition of language carefully. Choose from the box below the linguist who defined
such. Write only the letter of your answer before each item number.
a. Searle and Austin e. Malinowski
b. Oller f. Charles Fries
c. Joseph Greenberg g. Widdowson
d. Roger T. Bell h. Noam Chomsky
_____61. Language is a system which relates meanings to substance. It is mental phenomenon that is innate.
All children the world over acquire a mother language.
_____62. Language is a system of signals conforming to the rules which constitute its grammar. It is a set of
culturally transmitted behavior patterns shared by a group of individuals.
_____63. Language is a code; a set of elements…forms composed of sounds, letters, their combinations…into
words, sentences, etc…used for communication between individuals who share the same rules.
_____64. Meaning does not reside in the words per se but in the context of the situation.
_____65. When we use language we are not just saying something. We are doing something as well, like
promising, asking information, etc.
_____66. Language has two elements. One is cognitive, active which comprises the linguistic features of the
language. The other is emotive or affective.
_____67. For communication to take place, the sender and receiver of the message should have shared
_____68. Language is speech. Speech is language. The written record is but a secondary representation of the
B. Items below are descriptions and functions of organs. Choose from the box below the organ
that has such function. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided.
a. larynx e. oral cavity
b. lips f. lungs
c. pharynx g. velic
d. vocal cords h. nasal chamber
_____69. Push the air upward
_____70. Contain the vocal cords
_____71. Produce vibration to cause voicing or voicelessness
_____72. Make the motion of speech visible
_____73. Like the larynx, it can produce a closure to block the passage of the air
_____74. Entrance from the upper part of the pharynx into the nasal cavity
_____75. The place where the greatest variety of articulatory motion occurs.
DIRECTIONS: Transcribe the following words. Write your answers on the space provided.
____________76. Lose

____________77. Loose

____________78. Cough

____________79. Breath

____________80. Flood

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by: Reviewed by:


Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education ISAP Overseer

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

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