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Mary’s College of Borongan

Midterm Examination in Major 9

(Teaching and Assessment of Grammar)

Name ______________________ Score _________

Course & Year _______________ Date __________

Instructor: Mrs. Ellen Grace S. Abude

Test 1. Multiple Choice. Directions: Choose the letter that best fits the statement. Write your answer on
the space provided.

____1. The mental system of rules and categories that allows human to form and interpret the words
and sentences of their language

a. Language
b. Grammar
c. Linguistics
d. Competence
e. None of the above

____2. A set of rules about language based on how people think language should be used

a. Descriptive grammar
b. Prescriptive grammar
c. Deductive grammar
d. Inductive grammar
e. None of the above

____3. It consists of rules that all speaker of a speech community adhere to, barring speech errors

a. Descriptive grammar
b. Prescriptive grammar
c. Deductive grammar
d. Inductive grammar
e. None of the above

____4. The system of relationships among the speech sounds that constitute the fundamental
components of a language

a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Semantics
e. Pragmatics

____5. The subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which contexts contribute to

a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Semantics
e. Pragmatics

____6. The study of meaning of language

a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Semantics
e. Pragmatics

____7. The way in which linguistics elements are put together to form contituents such as phrases and

a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Semantics
e. Pragmatics

____8. The study of forms of structure and form of words

a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Semantics
e. Pragmatics

____9. The sentence-machine argument is the part of the process of language learning which is
sometimes called item-learning

a. That is the memorization of the individual items such as words and phrases
b. That the purpose of grammar seems to be allowed for greater subtlety of meaning than a
merely lexical system can cater for
c. That the contribution to meaning functions of language and its use in context
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

____10. The fine-tuning argument is –

a. The memorization of the individual items such as words and phrases

b. The contribution to meaning functions of language and its use in context
c. The purpose of grammar seems to be allowed for greater subtlety of meaning than a merely
lexical system can cater for
d. Both A & C
e. None of the above

____11. Learners’ beliefs have also been observed to play an important role in-

a. How second language learning should be presented

b. How second language learning should be fostered
c. How second language learning observed
d. Both B & C

____12. Classroom teachers’ practical theories about teaching are motivated by-

a. A wide range of the second language learning

b. A wide range of the second language acquisition
c. A wide range of social, pedagogical, contextual, and pragmatic factors
d. All of the above

____13. Teachers’ beliefs have been shown to strong influence-

a. The development of teachers’ practice and views about the teacher preparation
b. The development of the linguistic concepts of both the teachers and the learners
c. The development of both the second language learning and acquisition
d. None of the above

____14. Compatibility between the teacher and the learner beliefs has also long been highlighted as a-

a. Factor for successful comprehension and interpretation

b. Factor for successful development of the linguistics concepts
c. Factor for successful learning and teaching
d. All of the above

____15. ESL and EFL contexts typically provide-

a. Different linguistic environments to the learners and to the teachers, and have an important
impact on pedagogy
b. Different linguistic concepts to the learners and to the teachers
c. Different pedagogical concepts to the learners and to the teachers
d. All of the above

____16. Reasons students would prefer integrated form focused instruction (FFI) in order to-

a. Communicate the transfer of grammatical knowledge

b. Motivate the learners/students to learn and help them transfer grammatical knowledge to
c. Help notice the grammatical rules and apply it in grammar-based tests
d. All of the above

____17. Reasons students would prefer isolated FFI in order to-

a. Help them notice the grammatical rule and appy it in grammar-based texts
b. Communicate the transfer of grammatical knowledge
c. Motivate the learners/students to learn and help them transfer grammatical knowledge to
d. All of the above

____18. Why would ESL earners prefer isolated FTI more than EFL learners?

a. They already had opportunities for exposure to language outside the classroom
b. They may have valued isolated FFI to fine time
c. They may have used language in communicative interactions in the “natural setting.”
d. All of the above

____19. Why is it positive that teachers and learners share views on preferred FFI?

a. There has been concerns in grammar that there is a match between the two incompatibility
could lead to a negative impact of learners’ motivation and satisfaction
b. There has been concerns in literature that there is a mismatch between the two
incompatibility could lead to a negative impact of learners’ motivation and satisfaction
c. There has been concerns in linguistics concepts that could lead to a negative impact of
learners’ motivation and satisfaction
d. All of the above

____20. Second language learning-

a. A term to describe both EFL and ESL

b. A term to describe both grammatical competence and communicative competence
c. A term to describe language learning and acquisition
d. None of the above

____21. Sociolinguistics focuses on-

a. The variety of language (dialects, registers)

b. The relationships between language, culture and thought
c. The relationship between social and linguistic inequality
d. All of the above

____22. What are a few reasons as to why speech is different among people?

a. Socioeconomic class
b. Speech community
c. Style shifting
d. All of the above

____23. Speech community is a group of people who share language characteristics and ways of
speaking due to:

a. Location
b. Sharing the same age
c. Gender and socioeconomic class
d. All of the above

____24. The ability to use the language for real communication purpose in truly communicative settings

a. Linguistic competence
b. Communicative competence
c. Strategic competence
d. Discourse competence

____25. The ability to function in longer conversations or written texts across a variety of genres
(related to fluency, coherence, cohesion)

a. Linguistic competence
b. Communicative competence
c. Strategic competence
d. discourse competence

____26. The ability to use verbal and non-verbal strategies to compensate for gaps in communication

a. Linguistic competence
b. Communicative competence
c. Strategic competence
d. Discourse competence

____27. Knowledge of the grammar of the language

a. Linguistic competence
b. Communicative competence
c. Strategic competence
d. Discourse competence

____28. Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to use the language appropriately in a variety of
language functions:

a. Expressing apologies
b. Gratitude
c. Disagreement and request
d. All of the above

____29. Linguistics means-

a. Grammar
b. Language functions
c. Fluency
d. Communication strategies

____30. Strategic means-

a. Grammar
b. Language functions
c. Fluency
d. Communication strategies

____31. Discourse means-

a. Grammar
b. Language functions
c. Fluency
d. Communication strategies

____32. Sociolinguistics means-

a. Grammar
b. Language functions
c. Fluency
d. Communication strategies

____33. Language competence includes:

a. Organizational competence
b. Grammatical competence
c. Textual competence
d. All of the above

____34. Language competence includes:

a. Pragmatic competence
b. Illocutionary competence
c. Sociolinguistic competence
d. All of the above

____35. Textual competence means:

a. Knowing how to construct discourse

b. Relating to the functional use of language
c. Relating to controlling the formal structure of language
d. None of the above

____36. Illocutionary competence includes:

a. Knowing how to construct discourse

b. Relating to the functional use of language
c. Relating to controlling the formal structure of language
d. None of the above

____37. Victor uses the office phone most of the time during official hours.

Nanette used the office phone most of the time during official hours.

Who is likely to be reprimanded by the head of office?

a. The secretary
b. Nanette
c. Victor
d. Nanette & Victor

____38. Connie has mopped the floor several times.

Jenny mopped the floor several times.

Whose floor is likely to still be wet?

a. Jenny
b. Connie’s
c. Jenny’s
d. Connie

____39. Phoebe was sick when summer vacation started.

Alice had been sick when summer vacation started.

Who was sick when summer vacation started?

a. Phoebe’s
b. Alice’s
c. Alice
d. Phoebe

____40. What grammatical error is committed in this group of words

The Philippines with more than seven thousand beautiful islands

a. Coordination
b. Deletion
c. Predication
d. Subordination

Test 11. TRUE/FALSE. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true; FALSE if it is false. Write your
answer on the space provided.

____41. There are rules that form part of the individual grammar of specific languages and rules tat are
shared by all language in the world.

____42. Communication competence can be learned quickly.

____43. A learner will be more intelligible when reading a paragraph than speaking a list of unrelated

____44. In Middle English words were spelled as they were heard.

____45. Pragmatics refrs to the study of how linguistics meaning depends on the context.

____46. No language is more or less logical than any other.

____47. Our knowledge of our linguistic competence is unconscious.

____48. It is easier to learn Chinese if your ancestry is Chinese.

____49. English is a great example of a language with one to one correspondence between sounds and

____50. Descriptive grammar dictates what people should and should not say.

____51. The unconscious knowledge of language which underlies a person’s ability to speak is called
linguistic competence.

____52. All languages with a stress system mark the stressed syllable in exactly the same way, using
distinctive pitch, length, loudness, and peripheral vowel quality.

____53. Tone languages are very rare among the languages of the world.

____54. Most of the signs of sign language are iconic, so anyone can easily quess what the words mean
without formal study.

____55. Linguists are primarily interested in writing prescriptive grammars, which attempt to change
people’s linguistic behavior and teach them the proper way to speak.

____56. In voiced sounds, the vocal folds are vibrating.

____57. Just a there are many different spoken languages across the world, there ae many signed
languages too.

____58. Some human languages use pitch to signal word meaning contrast, but some do not.

____59. No language has consonants articulated at the uvula.

____60. When linguists refer to the grammar of a language, they refer conventions of standard written

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