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(by Vyasa)
 reffered as to the greatest story of India
 have 200,000 verses
 the longest epic story that written in the world
 5152 years old in the world literature
 it is divided into 18 books means 18 day war
among 18 armies
 have 1.8 million words that ten times longest
from Iliad and Odessey

Vyaza - narrator of the story and father of Pandu
and Dhritarashtra
Bhishma - half uncle by marriage of Pandu and
Dhiritarashtra - father of the Kauravas
Gandhari - wife of Dhritarashtr
Yudishthira - leader of the pandava
Bhima - stongest of Pandava brother
Krishna - supporter of the Pandava and avatar of

Part 1
(The Game of Dice)
Its all about the gameof dice that clipped for the favor of
Dhritarashtras, so the family pandava is gone for 13 years
of Exiles.
When the day of exile is ended the Pandavas can
back.Then the war between of two tribe
(Pandavas and Kauravas) was started again ....
As a result of war of many years of violence clash that
happen between two tribe is ended and after 18 days and
nights,of war pandavas won .

1.Mahabharat is the ____________ epic or story literature in
the world.
2-3.Give the two branches of family who having a battle or
greater war for the throne of Hastinapura.
4.How many Parvas or books Mahabharata has?
5. What is the title of part one of Mahabharata?
6.How old the Mahabharata in the world literature?
7.Who is the author or narrator of epic story named
8.How many verses do we have in Mrahabharata?
9-10. Give atleast 2 main character from the story

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