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Name : ___________________ Marks: /20

Date : ____________________ Time: 40 minutes.

Q1) Mention the process, organ or nutrient according to the function in digestive system
a) ________________________Any substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction, without being changed
b) __________________________ A deficiency disease resulting from a shortage of vitamin D in the diet.
c) _____________________ A nutrient found in meat, fish, dairy products, beans and eggs, used in the body to
make new cells.
d) ___________________ A biological catalyst.
e) ___________________________ The seven types of substances, found in food, that are needed in the diet

Q2) The diagram shows part of a protein molecule. (6)

The diagram shows part of a protein molecule.
1 Explain the meaning of the word ‘molecule’.


2 Inside the alimentary canal, each protein molecule is broken down into many smaller molecules. What are these
smaller molecules?

3 What is the name of the process in which large molecules are broken down into small ones, in the alimentary

4 Explain why this process is necessary.


5 Explain why we need to eat plenty of foods containing protein.

Q3) Write one line statement on the given organs of the digestive system and mention the
functions of organs (5)

protein is digested here • starch is digested here • fat is digested here • small molecules of nutrients
are absorbed through the walls • water is absorbed through the walls

starch is digested here • saliva is produced here • food is chewed into smaller pieces

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Q4) Describe how any other parts of your mouth helped you to bite, if you chew and swallow the apple
and How is the structure of these teeth adapted for their function during chewing? (5)

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