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DAY - 04
165. Who among the following was the first Indian to  
receive the Magsaysay award? - Vinoba Bhave  
166. The ‘Cannes Award’ is given for excellence in which      
field? - Films  ‘Tee’
167. The term ‘Tee’ is connected with which game?
 
- Golf
 ‘Gambit’
168. ‘Gambit’ is the term associated with which game?
- Chess  
169. Who was the first ‘Indian to swim across the English  
Channel’? - Mihir Sen   
170. Who was the first Indian woman to swim across the       
English Channel? - Arati Saha      
171. Photosynthesis proceeds in which sequence?  
- Light phase and dark phase     
172. Which is the headquarters of World Trade      
Organisation (WTO)? - Geneva
     
173. Who is the creator of the Rock Garden in Chandigarh?
  Rock Garden
- Nek Chand
174. When did UN General Assembly establish UN      
Industrial Development Organization? - 1966    
175. Which country is the biggest producer of mango?  
- India      
176. When is International Literacy Day, recognized by     
the UN observed? - 8 – Sep  
177. When was the design of the National Flag was adopted  
by the Constitutent Assembly of India? - 22 July, 1947  
178. Who has become the first Indian to score a triple   
century in Test cricket? - Virender Sehwag
 
179. Who was the first Test centurion in Indian Cricket?
- Lala Amarnath   
180. What is the first large Nuclear reactor of India that  U-233
uses U-233 as fuel? - KAMINI  
181. Which was the gas which had leaked out of Union      
Carbide factory in Bhopal? - Methyl isocynate  
182. 23rd January is celebrated as the birthday of which  
person - Subhash Chandra Bose   
183. At a gird sub stations the voltage is stepped up to      
reduce loss of which thing? - Power 
184. Which country has the highest agricultural production
 
in Europe? - France
185. From the evolutionary point of View, which is the  
most primitive animal? - Turtle       
186. Which country leads in the production of rubber?      
- Indonesia  
187. Which are the Continents that form a mirror image  
of each other? - Africa and South America  
188. In which country is ‘Takla Makan’ desert situated?      
- China  “”
189. About 50% of the world population is concentrated  
between the latitudes of which degrees?
- 200N  400N
- 200N and 400N
 0461-4000970, 99445 11344, 9994170110   0462-2560123, 98942 41422, 99948 14400  75503 52916, 7550352917 1
190. Mac Mohan Line demarcates the boundary between  
which countries? - India and China    
191. Indian Institute of Forest management is located at  
which place? - Dehradun  
192. Which was the first fort that British constructed in  
India? - St.George Fort  St. 
193. Which blood group is universal doner? -O   O
194. Which city has the longest day in the month of June?  
- Kolkata  
195. The first Indian to cross seven important seas by    
swimming? - Bula Chaudhary  
196. Which national Highway route is the longest?    
- Sri Nagar - Kanyakumari  
197. Which industry is considered as industry?             
- Oil and Petroleum  
198. Who was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount   
Everest? - Bachhendri Pal  
199. Tansen Samman has been given by the Government   
of which state? - Madhya Pradesh        
200. Who was awarded the first Rajiv Gandhi National           
Sadbhavana Award? - Mother Teresa  
201. Leukaemia is caused due to
    
- Number of WBCs increases in blood
 
202. Who is the world’s first woman cosmonaut?
  
- Valentina Tereshkova
 
203. Where is Davos, the venue of the annual meeting of
            
World Economic Forum, located? - Switzerland
 
204. By whom, the large Shiva Temple at Thanjavur built?
  
- Rajaraja Chola I
 “”
205. ‘Let no man ask a man’s sect caste’. Whose dictum
      
was this? - Ramananda
 
206. Which day is celebrated as United Nations day every
  
year? - 24th October
207. Mughal architecture reveals a blending of which      
styles? - Indian and Persian styles             
208. When is World Mental Health Day, recognized by the  
UN is observed? - 10-Oct   
209. First Indian woman who owns the gold medal in Asian      
Games? - Kamalijit Sandhu 
210. From which export does India earns maximum foreign   
exchange? - Gems and Jewellery       
211. Who won a Nobel Prize for literature when he was    
the head of the government?- Sir Winston Churchill     
212. Which is the oldest atomic power station? - Tarapur 
213. During the Indian freedom Struggle, who raised an army      
called Free Indian Legion? - Subhas Chandra Bose  
214. Dr.Hargobind Khurana received the nobel prize for  
which subject? - Medicine  Dr.
215. Which was the Princely State which acceded to the  
Indian Union after a plebiscite? - Junagadh  
216. Bagasse, a by – product of sugar manufacturing        
industry, is used for the production of which thing?  
- Paper  
217. The ‘Rediscovery of India’ is written by which author?  ‘Rediscovery of India’ 
- MeghnathDesai   
218. Who produced the first film in India ‘Raja       
Harichandra’ in 1913? - Dada Saheb Phalke         
219. The Karakoram Highway connects which pair of  
countries? - China – Pakistan     
 0461-4000970, 99445 11344, 9994170110   0462-2560123, 98942 41422, 99948 14400  75503 52916, 7550352917 2

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