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Ignited Fire

(Reflection on ‘I am a Filipino’)

Time has continually molded our nation and so as our race. Years ago,
our fellowmen witnessed colonization of foreign races, suffered colonial rule
and endured it till their last breath. Some had the guts to sacrifice their lives just
to free us which our generation today is its inheritor of glory.

Along the way, I have realized something. I am not worthy to inherit the
freedom that was due to them. I have not much contributed far greater things to
deserve it. Sometimes, I forgot that I had a duty to serve and a task that I am
obligated to fulfill in honor of my country. “I am a Filipino” has enlightened my
dim soul. It reflected how I deserve this freedom if I am doing something to
deserve it. All of us should honor and acknowledge the sacrifices of our heroes.
We, Filipinos should be proud of how our country ascended from a beautiful
disaster. Yes, we are hostages to the unseen future but I know we are great
people who survived great challenges that even now we stand firm and resilient
above them. This is why I think our country deserves to take a proud stand in
the world. Let us keep the fire burning. Let what we inherit in the past be
preserved up to the future generations.

Remarkably, this piece radiated us the spark of patriotism. On how it

awoken our minds and illuminated us the burning desire of Filipinos for
independence. This I believed ignited a fire within our soul, blazing us the
courage and determination to not falter amid the uncertain future and to uphold
what has been shed by the sacrifices of our heroes – our freedom.

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