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Davao del Norte State College

Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Good Governance

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

John Snow L. Candelasa

GEELECT 3: Philippine Popular Culture February 6,2023


“Noypi” by Bamboo
Reflection Paper

This song written by Bamboo, entitled "Noypi,” which is a word play for "Pinoy,” which
then translates to us, the Filipino people, intends to articulate the courage and resiliency that
entails in our identity as Filipinos in the face of adversaries. It stands as a battle cry and a
declaration that no matter where you are or what you are facing, being a victor runs through
our veins.
Furthermore, this song claims that our secret and key to triumph are embedded in our
blood. But most importantly, we are rooted in God, who sustains us all.

Being a Filipino goes beyond citizenship and sovereignty. Our identity came into being
through countless strife, invasion, and oppression, revolt, protest, and standing up for what
is right. We never had it easy. Even though we are rightfully deserving of authority and
independence over this land, we put our lives and the ones before us on the line just to enjoy
the freedom we are experiencing now and for generations to come.
Now, it will never be a surprise to witness bravery, courage, perseverance, and resiliency
as the prevailing characteristics, if not all, of most Filipinos, just like what the song "Noypi"
emphasized all throughout its lyrics.
Moreover, I believe we have kept standing on our ground up until now because of this
very reason: we have a story to tell. A legacy left behind by our heroes who laid down their
lives for our country. And this story lives on. Engraved in the core of every Filipino up to the
"Noypi" is one of those songs that amplifies the spirit of patriotism and the grit of a
champion in me. It reminds me, in my darkest of days, that I am no ordinary, merely existing,
human being. I am a Filipino. By simply speaking it out loud and proud, it devours and
extinguishes every consuming negativity and unyielding concession in my mind and body.
Davao del Norte State College
Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Good Governance
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

To conclude this piece, I would like to share and relay my perception and narrative
regarding our identity and culture as Filipinos. I would want others to see, feel, and
understand how this matter should be significant, not just for me but for every Filipino around
the globe as well. Practically, I’ll start with my family, friends, and classmates. Then, through
my social media platforms, I’ll do it by proactively and effectively representing what we truly
are as Filipinos, both in terms of individuality and community.
Finally, to whom this piece may reach and resonate, "Noypi ka nga, astig..." May the
lyrics of this song ignite an ember in your soul and remind you of your roots and origin. Even
more, it will inspire you to stand proud wherever you go or whomever you face.
Let this internal legacy manifest and overflow in your life, giving justice to the lives of
those who stood before you. And may you pass on this torch of solidarity that will reach
generation after generation of Filipinos who will bear the same spirit as their forefathers.
More importantly, may love anchor you to our very culture and heritage, cultivated with
blood and sacrifice, time and conviction.
As for the words of the Indian revolutionary, anti-colonial nationalist, and political
ethicist, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, "A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the
souls of its people." And from a simple student such as me, I’d say, "Pinoy, mabuhay ka!"

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