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Topics for the day

Drama tools and techniques for
preschool and primary
Reading literacy
English language and literature
Topic 1: Drama tools and techniques for preschool and primary

Using drama in the educational step is the

most important way of expressing the
persons feeling in an healthy manner; to
improve the child's imagination, to enable
child to think and act independent, to
improve the child's social awareness and
cooperative awareness.
The benefits of drama
1. Drama builds confidence

2. Drama helps concentration

3. Drama helps develop language and communication skills 6. Drama helps children to understand the world around them

4. Drama encourages children to cooperate 7. Drama develops emotional intelligence

5. Drama supports numeracy skills 8. Drama assists physical development

9. Drama develops creativity

10. Drama nurtures friendships

Drama co planned with english
Level 1- Bipity bipity bop
Level 2 - students to make things using
their bodies
Purpose- focus, responding quickly,
increasing energy levels
Drama co planned with History
A living museum

Freeze frames

Thought tracking
Freeze frames
Students create an image using
their bodies with no movement
DRAMA Tools for Primary Teachers

Ball game - The class sits in a Circle.

○ Person Passing: This is a ball

○ Person Receiving: A what?

○ PP: A ball
○ PR: A what?
○ PP: A ball
○ PR: Ah! This is a ball

This game can be adapted to work with languages. For new languages, the focus is on
repetition and vocabulary, for a known language, the focus is on meaning
DRAMa Tools for Primary Teachers

Salt and pepper

Facilitator shall call out a thing and students shall

make it with their bodies. For example- A milkshake
and a straw, Salt and Pepper shakers, A bat and a ball
and so on

This strategy helps in body warm up, cultivates skills

like pair work, thinking with the body
DRAMA Tools for Primary Teachers
Hot seating

The student playing the character will sit on a

chair and other students can ask him questions
related to that character
Drama strategies – also known as drama techniques or drama conventions – are the everyday tools of the drama
teacher. They help to develop enquiry skills, to encourage negotiation, understanding and creativity. They can
enhance performance skills such as character development and storytelling and be used across the curriculum to

actively involve students in their own learning.

3D Living Pictur Flashbacks and Marking the Mo Tableaux

es Flash Forwards ment Teacher in Role
Action Clip Forum Theatre Narration Thought Trackin
Conscience Alle Freeze Frames Role on the Wall g
y Hot Seating Role Play Whoosh! Bringi
Cross-Cutting Image Theatre Soundscape ng Stories Alive
Developing Free Mantle of the Ex Spotlight through Drama
ze Frames pert Storytelling
● Reading forms a vital component of
person’s overall personality.
● It is the interaction between the text
and the reader to gain new
● It is an act of recognizing and
understanding written symbols.
Purpose of reading
● To search for simple information.
● To skim quickly.
● To learn from texts.
● To integrate information.
● To write or to search information for writing.
● For general comprehension.
Different levels of reading

1. Elementary reading - understanding of symbols

2. Inspectional reading(skimming)- quick reading of title, preface, contents and
summary.Eg. newspaper
3. Analytical reading - For understanding the genre, purpose and its implications of the
4. Syntopical (comparative) reading - reading different texts and compare them with
each other to arrive at the holistic understanding of the topic.
5. Speed reading - reading whole ideas at each glance instead of reading word by word.
Comprehension strategies are
conscious plans - sets of steps that good
readers use to make sense of text.
Comprehension strategy instruction
helps students become purposeful,
active readers who are in control of
their own reading comprehension.

PISA acknowledges that readers respond to a given text in a variety of ways as they seek
to use and understand what they are reading. The concept of Reading Literacy in PISA can
be described along three dimensions:
● Texts (the range and format of the reading material),
● Aspects (the type of reading task or reading processes involved)
● Situations (the range of contexts for which the text was constructed).
Topic: 3 English language and literature
Bc. Viera Boumová
Traditional vs. Modern Teaching
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Traditional vs
Modern teaching
Teaching styles have changed
significantly over the years. The
traditional way that education was
delivered was through recitation and
memorisation of techniques,
whereas the modern way of doing
things involves interactive
• Teacher-centric classrooms
• Teachers in the mode of knowledge
dispensers rather than facilitators
• Lack of collaboration and group learning
• More emphasis on examinations and results
rather than understanding of concepts
•Teaching of grammar : emphasis was laid on the
formal side of the language
•Focuses primarily on grammatical competence
•Any foreign language ,with grammatical
competence being highest priority is called
Grammar-translation method
Merits of traditional methodology
● Traditional classroom teaching environment increases interaction among students and provides
conducive environment to learn.
● Using a little bit of translation in students’ native language in class is both economic and effective in
explaining a concept.
● One-on-one or in-person teaching is effective and demonstrates increased levels of student
engagement with teachers
● Teachers play a pivotal role in instilling discipline and providing a sense of direction to students.
● The social environment at a traditional school is perfect to build a child’s character and
Modern methodology
● Student -centric
● Teacher role “is to help learning happen”
● Tasks improving skills
● Highlights communicative competence- being able to use
language for meaningful communication, hence referred to as
Communicative language approach.
● Prefers to present contextualized language and to develop skills
● conditions for a good grammar presentation are:
○ creation of a safe atmosphere
○ giving tasks that are achievable
● Tasks should be graded from the easiest to the most difficult
● Keep it short and simple rule
● Student participation and interaction: elicitation and
Merrits of Modern methodology
● Merits of modern teaching methods-
● Modern teaching methods have various advantages over traditional teaching methods. These merits can also be
viewed as disadvantages of traditional teaching methods-

1) Modern teaching methods create more interest among the students with the help of interesting animations and

2) Research has shown that use of visual media for teaching helps the students to understand the subject better
and also helps students to memorize the concept for longer time.

3) With the help of modern teaching methods teacher can cover more syllabus in lesser time as they don't have
to waste their time in writing on the blackboard.

4) Videos and animations used in the modern teaching methods are more explanatory than the traditional
blackboard methods.
Modern methods in use in • Collaborative learning
education • Differential learning
• Technology-driven • Activity-based learning and
classrooms learning labs
• Continuous comprehensive • Interdisciplinary learning
evaluation • Digitisation in teaching,
• Cross-curricular connections learning assessment and
• Inquiry-based learning feedback
• Emphasis on understanding • Differentiated instruction
of concepts • Flipped classroom
• Linking curriculum with life • Problem-based learning
• Emphasis on skill building,
life skills and values
• Smart interactive boards
• BYOD – Bring your own
Summary: main differences between traditional and modern methodology

Grammar-Translation Method Communicative Language approach

1. The traditional Grammar-Translation Method 1. The aim of modern Communicative Language

focuses on teaching rules and practises it in Teaching is to teach the learner to
translating. communicate

2. prefers routines and a limited number of 2. Consists of a great number of activities with
methods, such as lectures, translation activities different aims which are (or should be)
and drills. balanced.

3. Relies on memorizing rules and vocabulary 3. Employs more contextualized information and
practice similar to re life situations, which is
4. This Method claims that students learn well if attractive for learners.
they listen to the teacher and do not make
mistakes. 4. This Approach suggests that one has to
experiment with the language, to learn using
The central factor in the choice of methods is the
learners needs and characters.
Traditional methodology has teacher-centric

Modern learning encourages students to

collaborate and therefore be more productive.
Saying that, traditional and modern teaching
methods are both effective and useful in today’s

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