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Ricardo Jay Deiparine 11-St.


Last 27th day of September 2019 the Saint Peter's College of toril was having
Culmination with the theme: "Gods gift of vocation : a call to the youth". the
purpose of having culmination is to enhance the skills of those students who
participated the culmination in front of the GYM.

Before the activity was started they conducted an opening remarks first to start
the program formally. Then they open up it with a dance intermission number
of students who are members/officers of that clubs to represent their clubs.
Then finally they started to show up the different representatives of the
curriculum as Mr./Ms. science Ecovogue 2019 and we are excited as the
show up of the Mr./Ms. science Ecovogue started because the booth of the
representatives of our curriculum is our classmate and we are so proud of them
as they walk on the stage to represent the grade 11 curriculum even though
they didn’t won the title we are still so proud of the them because in our hearts
they are the winners and we can see their efforts. And so after the Mr./Ms.
Science Ecobogue 2019 then they Immediately proceed to the parody and still
we enjoyed the parody because it was funny as they tried to copy what the
advertise being emphasize and we can see that they are doing their best to
copy the advertise as they represent the parody of the different curriculum
And the last part of the culmination was the saints look alike and also we
enjoyed it because their faces looks funny for us, as they present it.

As what I had observed the time management of the culmination was not
enough because 5pm is not enough it exceed of almost 5 pm if I we're given a
chance to be the in charged of culmination I will start the culmination early as
possible. And I observed most of the students we're just using cellphone and
there are some going outside because I think they felt hungry because they go
to the canteen. And also I observed that the sound system’s of SPCT has a lot
of technical error and it can cause delayed in the different culmination. And I
suggest that the sound system should be improved to avoid technical error and
delay. But still the culmination was successful because they end it with a prayer.
They know that even though there are a lot of trouble they still put god as one
of the important part of a culmination activity because they started and ended
it with a prayer.
learned that culmination provide an opportunity for teamwork and collaboration.
Students must learn to work together to accomplish goals. Each child will have
a certain role during the culmination, one child cannot do everything, and so
children must analyze themselves to determine what they are most interested
in and what role to take in presenting it. Not all students’ ideas are feasible.
They must determine what can be accomplished and cannot. Students must
also learn to weigh conflicting ideas and choose one to move forward with
instead of trying everyone’s ideas. This requires the ability to let go of one’s
own ideas and to consider the perspective of others.

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