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September, 29, 2019

HRD Manager
Hermina Pasteur Hospital
107 Dr. Djunjunan Street, Pajajaran, Subdistrict Cicendo, Bandung City, West Java, 40173

Dear Mr/Mrs.
I’m writing to apply for your position in Environmental Health Staff as advertised on
Jobstreet. This exciting opportunity appears to be a wonderful fit with my proffesional
experiences, personal interest, and career goals. I believe with my qualification, because I can
be a good worker in your office.
I believe my education fit to your position since 2017, I have studied in Health Polytechnic of
Semarang majoring in Environmental Health. This course of study realy deepen my
knowledge about how to deal with environmental problems.
I am a fresh graduate student from Health Polytechnic of Semarang, majoring in
Environmental Health such for 3 years of my study, I have obtained a lot of knowledge about
Environmental Health Science, as water sanitation, air sanitation, food and drink sanitation,
soil sanitation, waste management, vector and rodent control. Beside, I also joined
Community service in Tambaksogra Village, the activity is making latrines. Second,
surveilance at the public health of Kalibagor Village, the activities are sanitation, inspection,
and eradication of mosquito nests. Surveilance at the hall of development and health research
at Banjarnegara, the activities are catching anopheles mosquitoes.
I have joined Seminar about Disaster Mitigation in the Aspects of Environmental Health as a
participant in 2017, it gave me knowladge about Environmental Health problems in around.
Beside, I also joined Volunteer of Banyumas Regency Public Health Laboratory in 2018, the
activity is examination of food and beverage bacteria, water bacterial examination and
measurement of room temperature at public health laboratory. I also joined World Clean Up
Day, the activity is cleaning up trash in the surrounding environment, it makes me care more
about the environment

My skill is operate IT using Microsoft word, Microsoft powerpoint, Microsoft excel, SPSS,
GIS. Beside, in social I had an experience to do survey about healthy home survey,
community service, sanitation, inspection, and eradication. The benefit is being able to work
in teams.
I would appreciate the opportunity to interview with you for the Environmental Health Staff
position. Please find enclosed my resume for your review. I can be reached via email at or by phone at 085726331321.
I enthustiastically look forward to hearing.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Fauziyyah Aulia

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