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Name: Villarta, Kwyncle Rose C. Date: November 26.

Section & Schedule: B2 MWF 8:30-9:30

Reflection Paper

Preserving the things which our ancestors have been passing down to us for a long time

produces value in our culture. It doesn’t only justify the richness of our culture but as well as the

importance of their contribution, like they have made such invention in order to make our life

better also, for us to be more productive. In relation to our subject which is the Science,

Technology, and Society, the fact that it was made through brainstorming of our ancestors

knowledge which they have applied as they find out the best version of their that knowledge and

this resulted to the birth of another technology during their time, these invention before were

enjoyed by their society because it was very useful for them as they on to their daily lives.
The picture that was portrayed above was one example of the invention that were really

preserved by the people in our province. It was use as their cloth before and as time goes by the

society refined it and made use of it in plenty ways like, it was sewn as a bag and wallet. These

preservation led society to do something out of the things invented by our ancestors become

more useful as we went through modernization.

The usefulness of things preserved didn’t merely exist because of their usefulness but it

also was made with some touch or art in it. Art within its invention became its part and also it is

very much enjoyed by society because it adds up to the details of the things preserved where it

makes them more unique than any other things.

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