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Bachelor of Secondary

Education presents:

Characters of the story

Narrator: Jeniffer Cabillar

Nelchie: Wilchie Oyo-a

Samantha: Fatima Camus

Audrey: Elizabeth Pono

Ethan: Alberth Aguanta

Jelly: Jeany Raye Ochia

Berth: Crizale Puerto

Daniela: Rodel Tuling

Romina: Lizel Gumadlas

Carlos: Jevon Salubre

Cassie: Rhoda Mae Montera

Marga: Rechell Agsoy

Carmina: Janice Arellano

Myrna: Jeisil Edano

Bar singer: Jessa Mae Waskin

Lady guard: Jennifer Barbecho

Daniela’s friends: Jessa Sumael, Rose Marie Quijano

Gwendelyn Bacat, Rezielle Francis,

Jenjelyn Sejesmundo and Leah Jean Bejugan

Writer: Crizalde Puerto

Love by any form is sacrifice. It’s not selfish and not one sided kind of
love. When you love someone who can’t love you back (whose heart beats to
someone else)-you choose to set that person free; you sacrifice everything by
enduring the pain of being not worthy for that love. Thus that is love, seeing
the person you love happy to someone else is more than enough. Yet,
sometimes love make a person blind. That is when you choose to stay even if it
is no longer healthy anymore. You choose to fight even if you are the sole
person fighting at all. You go beyond boundaries that put you into something
that out of the norms. As it says,” Too much love will kill you”. Nonetheless,
either good or bad, love is still sacrifice.

Faces of love: The Untold Truth is a story that will showcase different
kinds of love; the love of family, the love of friends and, relationships as
couples and lovers. The story revolves to a guy who wants to take revenge for
the death of his father. Furthermore, it shows about a couple whose love stand
through the test of time. It also shows to you a kind of friendships that put into
test due to love. The story will show to you how a third party ruined the
foundation of love and how it will be fixed by the name of love itself.

To unveil the characters of the story, scan every page and bear with me
as I am going to foretell to you the story, and prevail to you the untold truth
behind secrets and lies.

Will love change a person’s thought for revenge?

Will too much love kill someone?

Will love heal pain?

That’s for you to find out. Enjoy reading!

Chapter 1: Love game
Scene 1: In the church
(Vehicle sounds)

Narrator: Audrey was traveling, together with her family, going to church. She
obviously not wanted to go anywhere as seen on her facial expression. What
she only desired to do for that day was to be isolated in a four corner room
and, just sleep. Although, what could she do? Her mom insisted to her to go
with them. Even it was against her will; she chose to go with them. When they
arrived in the church…

(Mass bell) (Priest, preaching)

Audrey: Ma, it’s boring here inside. I’m going to breathe some fresh air outside.

Nelchie: But Audrey, the mass is still ongoing.

Audrey: I just need to catch some fresh air ma. I can no longer breathe in

Nelchie: Okay, fine. Take care.

(Outside the church)

Audrey: (While her eyes close) Hmmmm… What a breath of fresh air. Wait
such wonderful scenery in here. I will take some pictures. (Taking pictures by

(In the middle of her taking pictures, she accidentally bumped by


Ouch! Can’t you look at your way? The road is so wide for you not to
see me! You bumped me. (She said sarcastically).

Ethan: (Taking off his sunglasses slowly with romantic music background) I
guess I should be the one talking you that way. The truth is it is you who
bumped me. You are so busy taking photos.

Audrey: So my fault? Is that what you are implied to?

Ethan: I didn’t know my statement was ambiguous. I believe it’s stated crystal
clear. It seems like you are not okay. Do you have a problem?

Audrey: Who the hell are you asking me that way? Are you my brother or my
friend? The last time I checked, we don’t have connectivity at all. For God sake,
that is none of your business. Get a life!

Ethan: I am Ethan. I am your future boyfriend. (He said it with full of

conviction) May I know what’s your name beautiful lady?
Audrey: I could feel the strong wind passes through my body. What a
statement from you dude. How sure are you I could be your girlfriend? You are
a delusional. Why would I tell you my name? I won’t!

Ethan: Don’t look at me that way. You got to tell me your name as etiquette of
an educated person. So seriously, once again let me introduce myself (Giving
her hand to Audrey) I am Ethan and I want you to be my friend. If you won’t
tell me your name, I will tickle you. Ayeeeee… (Tickling her) Oh, you are

Audrey: (Smiling) Okay, fine! You are so importunate and feeling close. Aren’t
you? Call me Audrey.

Narrator: Audrey and Ethan got the chance to talk each other. With that short
conversation, Audrey felt at ease to Ethan’s presence. She discovered that
Ethan had that positive outlook in life. She could tell the comparison between
her and him. They were the exact opposite kind of people. Ethan was a kind of
adventurous man while Audrey was an introverted woman. In the middle of
their conversation, Audrey told Ethan that she would have to end up the

Audrey: Thank you for the short talk Ethan. I honestly had fun with your
company. It’s nice talking to you.

Ethan: No worry, the pleasure is mine. Just do note if you need someone to
talk to; just call my name and I, SUPERMAN will be there.

Audrey: Atik na das (Gay language). Anyway, I have to go.

Ethan: Wait! If you don’t mind my asking, can I ask your number?

Audrey: What for?

Ethan: How can superman be there when you need help if I don’t have your
number? That’s logic 2.0!

Audrey: Excuse me, may I beg your pardon. I never said nor agreed that I will
call you when I need help. I can take care myself solely. Superman doesn’t
need cellphone to help. He has superpower. That’s logic 4.0!

Ethan: You are so cool. But I won’t allow you to go if you don’t give me your
number. We are friends right?

Audrey: Hmmmm. 0943…

Ethan: Hold on! Please say it back. I wasn’t able to prepare my cellphone yet.
Ok now I am ready. Here’s my phone, please type your number.

Audrey: (Typing her number) my number is saved on your phone already. So

now can I go?
Ethan: Ooops, you can’t go yet (Holding Audrey’s hand) I will miscall the
number first if it is really yours. (He uttered while smiling)

(Miscalling the number)

Audrey: (Showing her cellphone and it is ringing) can I go now?

Ethan: Sure, thank you.

Scene 2: In the house

Narrator: Audrey did not go back inside the church. She went straight to their
house which she considered not a home anymore. When she came home, she
directly off to bed and sleep. Hours later, she woke up with the noise outside
her room. It was her Mom and her sister bought something for themselves.
Audrey honestly didn’t like the idea of buying not so useful things just to
satisfy ones wants. Nevertheless, she didn’t care at all. That is their life not
hers. She felt bored and she decided to go outside so she could buy something
to eat and at the same time could relax. While she was about to leave her mom
called her…

Nelchie: Audrey where are you going?

Audrey: I’ll go outside and buy something to eat.

Nelchie: I bought foods for us. (Looking to Samantha) Samantha, prepare the
foods on the table. Your sister is hungry.

Audrey: Thanks but no thanks ma. I want to eat outside so I could have
relaxed too.

Nelchie: If that what you want. Go ahead. Be sure to go home before midnight.
Take care.

Audrey: Of course, I am rationale thinker. I know what I am exactly doing.


Scene 3: In the park

Narrator: Audrey went to the nearby restaurant and ate her favorite cuisine.
After eaten dinner, she went straightly in the park. She went there to be alone
in a while and could contemplate things. She just wanted to recall events of her
life before her Dad died. She loved her dad so much. She thought that her Dad
was the only person who loved her unconditionally. While all those memoire of
hers flashed back, she didn’t notice the tears fell on her cheecks.
If she could only turn back the time she wouldn’t allow those disastrous
events happened; but those were the days already and she could never turn it
back anymore, her Dad died already. When she looked at her watch it’s almost
midnight. She was about to leave the park when she saw familiar face who
seated one of the benches on the right side and seemingly waiting for someone.
As she was continually looking the guy she figured out that it was Ethan. She
thought of approaching Ethan when she saw a lady heading to Ethan’s bench
so she stopped and just observed what would happen.

Jelly: Hi babe! My apology I am late.

Ethan: It’s perfectly fine babe. I just arrived too.

Jelly: So sweet of you babe. You are not just handsome but understanding as
well. You know what babe you look like, hmmmmm… Papa P.

Ethan: Nakss! I am also lucky to have you babe. It seems that you too have a
look alike.

Jelly: (Giggling) aweeeee… who is that celebrity babe? I bet it’s Angelina?
(Pouting her lips)

Ethan: Never mind it babe, what matter is you are healthy and born kind.

(Toink sound)

Narrator: While Audrey witnessed the sweetness of the two, she recognized
that the girl was Jelly. Jelly was her sister’s best friend (Samantha). She
decided to go home and when she arrived it was lights off already and everyone
was asleep. She went to her room and sleep.

Scene 4: At Audrey’s house

Samantha: Ma, I am so excited to introduce to you my boyfriend.

Nelchie: I am also excited to see your boyfriend. So I could also judge if he is

worthy for you or not.

Samantha: I am pretty sure you will like him for me, Ma. He is not just
handsome but he knows how to socialize.

Nelchie: Always remember this ‘nak, as long as you are happy I will support
you all the way. I wish you nothing but the best.

Samantha: Thank you, Ma. Can I ask a hug?

Nelchie: Sure why not dear. I always longing for that hug. (Hugging each other)
Anyway, can you help me prepare for our lunch? Since your boyfriend will
come over so we should cook something special.
Samantha: Sure Ma, what will we cook?

Nelchie: My specialty, pork menudo and crabs.

(Background music for cooking)

Nelchie: Samantha, we are done cooking the foods...perfect for lunch. I will
leave you here; I will just call your sister Audrey so she could be ready for

Samantha: Okay.

(Nelchie is knocking to Audrey’s door)

Nelchie: Audrey, wake up. It’s noon already. Prepare yourself for lunch. We
have visitor today. Your sister’s boyfriend will be joining lunch with us.

Audrey: Okay. (Answered lifelessly)

(Someone is pressing the doorbell outside)

Nelchie: Samantha, someone is outside. Open the gate and see whose there. It
might be your boyfriend. (Shouting to Samantha for she was upstairs)

Samantha: Okay, Ma. (Walks through the gate and open)

Ethan: Hi, Honey. Good noon. I bring flowers and chocolates for you.

Samantha: Wow, thank you so much for this Honey. Come inside and I will
introduce you to my mom. Also, so we could take our lunch. Aren’t you

Ethan: Hold on a second, I feel nervous.

Samantha: You don’t need to be nervous honey. (Holding Ethan’s hand) Wait, I
will close the gate first. Let’s go.

(In the kitchen)

Nelchie: Audrey where are you? The lunch is served already.

Samantha: Ma, Ethan is here. Ma, meet my boyfriend Ethan and Ethan, meet
my mommy Nelchie.

Ethan: (Offer his hand to Nelchie) hello, Tita. I am delighted and glad meeting

Nelchie: Nice meeting you too, hijo. (Accepting Ethan’s hand) I hope you will
enjoy the food we prepared for you.

Ethan: I will definitely and surely be enjoying the food you prepared for me tita.
The smell of the foods is enticing me already. Hmmm (Smelling the aroma of
the food) It’s 100 sure that I could eat a lot. Thank you for this, tita.
Narrator: While they were started eating lunch, Audrey was walking
downstairs; and when she was about to enter in the kitchen he saw Ethan
along with his mother and her sister. She was really shocked when she knew
Ethan was her sister’s boyfriend. How could that be possible that Ethan was
her sister’s boyfriend if Jelly was his girlfriend? Henceforth, Audrey came into a
conclusion that something fishy happened. She thought that Ethan was a
womanizer guy. A cheater and, slash two timer. On the other hand, Ethan,
noticed how Audrey looked at her but, he acted as if nothing wrong.

After the lunch, Ethan was thankful to Samantha’s mom for the
delicious lunch. He bid his goodbye. At the dishwashing area, Audrey saw
Samantha washing the dishes. She thought it was the perfect time for her to
tell her sister what she knew about Ethan.

Audrey: Sam, it has been quite a while I did not notice jelly visits here. Where
is she?

Samantha: She may be busy to her love life. The last time we communicated
she told me about she has suitors already and she is kind of liking the guy too.
Why are you asking?

Audrey: Let me tell you this straightly, I saw Jelly and Ethan together at the
park the other night. As what I have seen, they are into relationships.

Samantha: Are you kidding me? (Laughing sarcastically) Will you please stop
making up stories. If you are bitter about your life don’t put me into inclusion.
I don’t fucking care and believe what you said! You are so funny, sis. Aren’t

Audrey: You know what; I am just trying to be a sister here. If you don’t believe
to what I have told you then fine, that is not my loss that is yours! Mind you, if
you don’t fucking care, the hell I care too! When time comes you will know and
discover the truth don’t blame me I will surely laugh out loud in front of you.

Samantha: In your dreams. (Laugh out loud) Bye, sistah! (Flying kisses to
Audrey and laugh)

Scene 5: In the park

Narrator: Two weeks after, as Audrey’s usual routine she went to the park. As
she was roaming around, she saw Jelly and Ethan together on a date. To her
surprise, she saw Samantha heading towards the two couple; and Samantha
was very angry as it was reflected by her tiger look.

Ethan: Babe, are you a cliff?

Jelly: Why?

Ethan: Because I am fallen for you.

(Cheesy background)
Jelly: OMG, babe! You make me love you even more. (Pabebe voice)

Samantha: (Clapping hardly) wow, what a nice movie I have watched today. I
bet this scene would be more trending than “Kadenang Ginto and Halik”. Hi
Jelly, isn’t him tasty? Isn’t him yummy?

Jelly: Besh?

Samantha: Don’t call me besh; you are a snake and a traitor!

Jelly: What? Are you sure? Don’t you dare call me a snake and a traitor or else
I will slap your face.

Samantha: If so, I will be the one to slap you first. This is my first slap for you;
for being a traitor friend! You call me besh but you are such a snake!
Ssssssssssss…This second slap; this is for stealing my boyfriend! He is yummy,
right? And lastly, this third slap; for being such an itchy friend!

Jelly: Is that all? Are you done? Then here’s mine. I will hold your hair and
push it off the ground. Let me enlighten you these following points; first, I am
not a fake friend. I never steal him to you! Second, yes besh, he is yummy just
like me. How about you besh, are you yummy? Lastly, for the record- wake up!
You may be dreaming you are his boyfriend. Cynical!


Ethan: Enough. Stop it! Can’t you see people are staring you two. You two are
such a disgrace.

Samantha: What can I do honey; that itchy best friend of mine, no, let me
paraphrase, EX- BESTFRIEND, is flirting to you.

Jelly: Honey? Wow big word huh! Babe, what’s the meaning of this? I deserve
an explanation.

Ethan: I ought no explanation. You two are not my thing. I call it quits. I got to

Jelly: How dare you. One day karma will hit you back.

Samantha: Huhuhuhu, this is too much painful for me. I can’t handle this.

(Sad music playing)

Scene 6: In the restobar

Narrator: Due to what happened, Samantha and Jelly’s relationship as best
friend put into test. They chose not to talk about it anymore and trying to pick
up the pieces of their broken heart on their own. Jelly chose to heal her heart
at Camp Sawi in Daan bantayan, Cebu while Samantha has decided to travel
abroad; to forget everything that caused her pain.
On the other hand, one fine evening; Audrey went to a restobar to chill out.
While she was enjoying listening sentimental songs, someone called her from
an unknown number.

Audrey: Hello, who’s in the line please?

Ethan: Hi, this is Ethan. How are you? Seems like you never saved my number
the last time we had talk.

Audrey: Ahhhhh…so it’s you, the noble two timer and friendship wrecker.
GERALD ANDERSON, is that you?

Ethan: Over! Why are you alone?

Audrey: what do you mean?

Ethan: I am at your back.

Audrey: So how does it feel seeing two girls fighting for you?

Ethan: You were there?

Audrey: Of course! What do you think of me a blind? I witnessed everything

what you did.

Ethan: Well, I am sorry for your sister. I didn’t mean to hurt her.

Audrey: Whatever, I already warned her about you but she never listened to
me. By the way, excuse me, I have to go.

Narrator: Audrey left the restobar. Ethan was supposedly would go after
Audrey when a guy was speaking in the stage that made him stop.

Berth: hello everyone, good evening. Let me introduce myself to you. I am

Berth; tonight I am requesting a song to be sung by this beautiful singer which
I will dedicate to my best friend who is here tonight. To you my best friend, it
took me a lot of courage to be true to myself. I flew to Texas going here just to
let you know how much I love you.

(Singer sings the song) (Audience is clapping)

Singer: Thank you for listening everyone ‘till next time. Good evening.

Ethan: Berth, let us talk. Follow me, we will be talking outside. Now that we
are outside already can you… can you explain it to me what that was for?

Berth: Isn’t that obvious Ethan? I love you.

Ethan: That is the point! Are you playing games with me? We are best friend,

Berth: Ethan, I love you more than a friend! I don’t want to be your friend
anymore. What I want is, we will be lovers.
Ethan: I love you Berth but as my best friend; nothing more and nothing less.

Berth: Ethan, please I am begging you. Please love me back. I will promise to
you I will do everything. Just say it. Just please love me back. I can’t live
without you in my life Ethan.

Ethan: Are you sure you will do everything?

Berth: Everything for you, Ethan.

Ethan: (Give a picture to Berth) Kill that girl for me. If you can do it I will be

Berth: My God Ethan, I am not a killer!

Ethan: Then I will never be yours. Simple as that!

Narrator: Berth was discombobulated whether to follow Ethan’s deal or not. He

can hardly fathom the idea why he had to come to the point that he needed to
kill someone in the name of love. The veracity of his love put into test as to how
far he could go just to prove himself to Ethan. But he could never propel his
love and he would do everything just to own him. It may cynical but he has
decided to do what he ought to do for the sake of love.

On the other side of the mountain, Audrey was at the parking lot
heading to her car. When she was about to leave, he saw a man wearing
bonnet and tried to get her bag. She shouted out loud ‘till someone nearby the
area helped her and get rid of the unfamiliar man. It was Ethan who helped
her. Audrey was very thankful to Ethan, if without his help she didn’t know
what would happen to her. Unfortunately, Audrey didn’t realize that was just
part of the game. Ethan was just playing games with her. She would be the
main subject of Ethan’s revenge. Right after the incident, Audrey tried to know
Ethan better and vice versa. That very moment they both know something
sprouts special feelings inside their heart.

Chapter 2: Love over money
Scene 7: In the office
Narrator: Daniela was a transgendered woman who is a CEO of a sardines
company. She almost had everything in life. But what she lacks was the love
and attention to her family. The main reason why she solicited love and
attention to others was to fill in the emptiness she felt inside. She bought love
for happiness. It intoxicated her entire soul to the point she never validated
anyone one’s emotion as long as the thirst she feels inside could suffice and
free her from thirst. She had an adopted daughter named Marga. Marga was
her assistant in her company. Romina on the other hand, was a friend of
Daniela. She gave her full trust to her because they are friends for quite a long
time already. Her husband Carlos was working with Daniela. She didn’t know
that something going on between the two. Romina has a daughter named
Cassie. Cassie only stayed at home for she was a special child. Romina had two
sisters named; Carmina and Nelchie.

Daniela: Marga, where is my coffee?

Marga: Coffee?

Daniela: No, juice. I told you to bring me coffee. My god Marga simple
instructions and it’s hard for you to acquire. Get out to my office!

Marga: Now?

Daniela: I said get out to my office!

(Marga runaway)

Carlos: What happened? (Hugging Daniela at the back)

Daniela: Marga the tralala ruined my beautiful mood today.

Carlos: Relax. Calm down. I am here to cold your temper. (Massaging Daniela)

Daniela: How sweet. I know why you are here, you need money? Here, get this.
(She gets money from her pocket)

Carlos: This is the reason why I like you. (Kissing Daniela)

Scene 8: In the restobar

Narrator: Daniela and Carlos went to the restobar and drunken beer the whole
night. Maria felt the call of nature so she went to the CR to pee. She was about
to enter the boys CR when a lady guard approached her.

Lady guard: Excuse me, ma’am. You are not allowed to pee on boys CR.
Daniela: Why? Don’t you recognize me? I am Daniela Mondragon, the owner of
CAMELA SARDINES. Let me enter to the CR. I can’t hold my urine anymore.

Lady guard: I am sorry ma’am, I am just following the standard that sets in
this establishments. You need to follow the rules. So please use the girl CR.
(Cebuano accent)

Daniela: I dress as a woman but I am still a transgender, I never undergo any

surgical yet so I still have p**nis!

Lady guard: If you guys will not let to pee to ladies CR, you complaint. Now
that we allowed it, you still complaint. Sus, Ginoo!

Daniela: At the end of the day, I still have this. (Showing her private part)

Lady guard: (Sign of the cross) Sus Ginoo, ka gifted!

Carlos: Babe, what is happening here? Is there something wrong?

Daniela: That lady guard won’t allow me to pee to boys CR.

Lay guard: Sus Ginoo ga unay. Bahala mo dira ui!

Scene 8: In Romina’s house

Narrator: Romina was so busy cleaning the house when his husband Carlos
came home.

Romina: Carlos, you came home drunk again. Where have you been? We
waited you last night but you never came. Do you forget that last night was our
wedding anniversary?

Cassie: Good morning Daddy! (Has mental issue)

Carlos: Stay away from me Cassie. Romina, prepare a cup of coffee for me.

Romina: Don’t you dare say that to our daughter, Carlos. You knew already
about her medical condition. Also, can’t you see I am busy preparing some
stuffs here; why don’t you make a cup of coffee on your own?

Cassie: Mommy, is daddy loving me? He doesn’t love me anymore. I hate him!

Carlos: You moron, shut up!

Cassie: (Crying)

Carlos: I said shut your mouth, Cassie! (About to spunk to Cassie)

Romina: C A R L O S, stop it! What is wrong with you? You are no longer the
person I have known before. You have change a lot. You are no longer as loving
and understanding husband to this family.
Carlos: I have had done too much for this family. Look at yourself Liza. You
look old and messy. You are no longer the woman I have known who is sexy
and beautiful.

Cassie: Mommy, are you fighting? Please, don’t. Daddy lablab Mommy!

Carlos: What a shit life in here! Get out of my way! (Referring to Cassie)

Romina: And where the hell are you going, Carlos?

Carlos: I will go to Mama’s house. I will rest there.

Scene 9: Myrna’s house

Narrator: Myrna was the mother of Carlos. Myrna was known to be
materialistic kind of woman. So if she could benefit the person she was so nice
and accommodating. She also knew about the relationship of his son to
Daniela. She was the one who instilled to mind of his son to be in that

Myrna: Oh, my handsome son, why are you here?

Carlos: I don’t feel at ease staying our home. There’s too much toxicity in there.
I want to rest.

Myrna: I told you already that Romina is no good for you. Daniela is way better
than her. Oh, by the way how are you with Daniela?

Carlos: Speaking of Daniela she is calling. Hello babe.

Daniela: Hi babe. How are you?

Carlos: I am not okay. Early in the morning my wife is ranting at me.

Daniela: Really? Don’t you worry, let us go shopping so that you’ll enjoy.

Myrna: Carlos, let me talk to Daniela. Hello, Daniela. I heard you invited my
son to go shopping, can I join?

Daniela: Sure, Tita no problem. By the way before I forget, I already deposited
money to your bank account.

Myrna: That is one thing I like about you Daniela. That’s why I like you over
Romina for my son.

Daniela: Okay Tita. Let us meet at Maxwell Grand mall around 5:00 PM.
Scene 10: Romina’s house
Narrator: On the other hand, Romina’s sister Carmina came home for a
vacation. When she arrived at the airport she called Nelchie, her sister to come
with her to visit their younger sister Romina.

Cassie: (Singing twinkle twinkle little star)

Carmina: Surprise! We are here.

Cassie: Hello, Tita. Where is my pasalubong?

Carmina: It’s in the car. Where is your mother Cassie?

Nelchie: Why are you alone? Where are they?

Romina: Ate Carmina and ate Nelchie you are here. Why you didn’t tell me you
come here so I could prepare something for you two.

Carmina: If I will tell you that is not a surprise anymore. By the way, what
happened to you? You look so messy? Where is your husband?

Romina: He went to his mother’s house. We have misunderstanding. He is

always come home under the influence of alcohol.

Carmina: I could sense it. He has a mistress. Remember what happened to you
and your husband Nelchie? He has a child from another woman right?

Nelchie: Don’t mention it Carmina. Past is past! That was already buried 6 feet
below the ground.

Carmina: Okay, I get it. But, Romina you should take care yourself. Look at
you. You have change physically a lot. Don’t you worry we will go to the salon
and mall to buy some sexy outfits for you.

Romina: That’s not necessary anymore. I am content with what I have now.

Carmina: No, I insist. Go to your room and change your clothes. We will
beautify you. #RominabalikAlindogprogram

Scene 11: In the mall

Narrator: Romina, together with her sisters and daughter, arrived at the mall.
As they were roaming around, Carmina accidentally saw Carlos with Daniela.

Carmina: Romina that is Carlos, right? Look they are so sweet with Daniela.
Daniela is your friend right? Don’t tell me she is Carlos mistress. Yucks! What
happened to the world?

Romina: (Teary eyed) let us go home.

Carmina: No, you should confront them. You are the wife. You have the full
right to know the truth. And what the… Is that Myrna, right? Carlos, mother.
Don’t tell me she knew it! This is not good. Come with me Romina and Nelchie
let show them how we Panty sisters fight back!

Carlos: Romina?

Romina: Why Carlos? I give my all to you. I gave up everything; my career and
even my dreams in life just to be with you. And you, Daniela I trusted you so
much. But what is it now? And to you, Ma Myrna…of all the people, I can’t
believe you will tolerate the wrong doings of your son. You supposed to tell him
what is right and what is wrong.

Myrna: I never voted for you to marry my son in the first place, Romina. I don’t
care if my son cheated on you. It is blessings in disguised that we meet here
this evening. So you would know that your husband loves you no more.

Nelchie: How dare you saying that to my sister! You have really never changed
Myrna. Just like the old times, you are materialistic!

Daniela: I am sorry, Romina. He is mine now. And you call me a friend? FYI,
Carlos is first mine, remember? If you did not put yourself in the scene, Carlos
will not court you. I never considered you a friend ever since.

Romina: (Slapping Daniela)

(Adlib lines)

Romina: Carlos for the last time. I will give you chance to choose. Will you stay
by me or you will go with Daniela?

Carlos: I am sorry Romina but I will choose Daniela.

Marga: Do you hear that Cassie? I am now the new Mondragon!

Cassie: You do note Marga is the liar is my Peyk! Hindi ka mukhang dragon.
Mukha kang PALAKA!

Narrator: Romina went home with a heavy heart. She can hardly believe that
Carlos left them. Good thing she has her sisters willing to support her no
matter what. Romina was trying to pick up the broken pieces of her life. She
indulged herself to the things that she set aside before. She took good care of

Daniela was so overwhelmed of what had happened. Finally, Carlos was

hers already. Every night, she spent millions of dollars to support Carlos wants
and needs. They often went to casino to bet. One night, she invited her friends
at her mansion to have a party with her.

Daniela: Hi, girls. Thank you for coming. Have a seat. I prepared a lot of drinks
for us to kill the night.
Rose: Wow, let’s party all night guys! Whooooooooooo.

Leah: (dancing) It is much better if we invited baby boys here, right!

Mae: Yeah, I agree! Why not we invited someone?

Jenjelyn: Hahahaha, you two are so; never mind.

Francis: Let us just have fun guys without baby boys.

Gwen: Excuse me guys I have to go to CR.

Narrator: When Gwen was about to enter the comfort room, she noticed that
someone was taking a shower. She saw a naked guy on a bathroom. When she
figured it out that it was Carlos so she called the ladies in the sala to come with
her. The girls were so having fun watching Carlos. They craved for his hot and
masculine body.

Daniela: Why are you here ladies?

All girls: (Shock)

Carlos: Hello, who is there outside?

Daniela and friends: Meow, meow, meow.

Carlos: Ah ok there are plenty of cats outside.

Chapter 3: Berth’s crazy love

Scene 12: Ethan’s home
Narrator: Audrey planned to visit Ethan’s home. She wanted to surprise him in
there. It has been a couple of months that they have been friends, and she
could never deny the fact that she fell in love to Ethan already. As Audrey
about to enter Ethan’s house he heard Ethan talking to a picture.

Ethan: Pa, just a little bit time I can finally fulfill my promise to you. I can give
justice to your death. I have entered already to the life of the people, who
ruined your life, who was the reason you got jailed and died there. Pa,
BERNARD JOHN ROGER OLIVO, what will I do now? The girl that I plan to
take revenge is the girl I started to fall in love with? I won’t forget my promise to
you, pa. But, Pa, BERNARD JOHN ROGER OLIVO deep inside my heart I know
I can no longer hurt her. I don’t really know what to do now.

Audrey: Revenge? And what did you say; Mr. Olivo is your dad? The person
who killed my father?

Ethan: Audrey? Why are you here?

Audrey: Let me see who is in that picture. (Shocked) so Mr. Olivo is really your
dad. Your father was the reason why we met an accident that almost killed me
and the reason why my dad died on the spot.

Ethan: It was never his intention to kill your dad. It was your dad who never
follows the signal lights.

Audrey: He was drunk that time. He drove intoxicated, Ethan! And you wanted
to kill me just because your dad got jailed? I am here now Ethan. You are free
to do what you want. Kill me!

Ethan: Yes, I wanted to kill you. Yes I hated your family so much. That is why I
courted your sister and her best friend so they would fight each other. Yes,
everything was planned, Audrey. But believe me or not, that was changed
already. I love you! I cannot afford to lose a girl I truly love. I am willing to
forget everything if you could only give me a chance to prove myself to you.

Audrey: (Slap Ethan’s face then walk out)

Narrator: Audrey runaway to Ethan’s house. She can’t believe what she has
discovered. She couldn’t help but cry. As she walk through beside the road, she
didn’t notice that someone was after him and cover his mouth with a
handkerchief full of chemicals that caused her fainted.

Scene 12: Abandoned building

Berth: (pouring water to Audrey)

Audrey: (Awakened) who are you? What have you done to me? Why I am here?
What have I done wrong to you just to make you do this?

Berth: hahahaha let me introduce myself first to you dear. I am Berth, Ethan’s
friend slash soon to be his lovers. HAHAHAHA. Well, you have done nothing to
me but to Ethan, yes you have. I am sure it’s going to be fun. I am sure you
Audrey will be our best victim in town. I am going to kill you in front of Ethan
and finally, he will be mine.

Audrey: I don’t have done something wrong against you and Ethan. Let me go!

Berth: Chillax. I will call and inform Ethan first that you are here HAHAHA

Audrey: You are evil!

Berth: Hello, Ethan. Do you remember the abandoned building we used to

hang with? Go here and I have a surprise to you! (Ended the call)

(Background intense music)

Ethan: (Looking for Berth)

Berth: Hi, Ethan. It is good to see you here. I am sure you will be excited for
my surprise.
Ethan: Why you are here Berth? What is your surprise to me that you called
me to be here?

Berth: Look at your back Ethan. Look who is here. (Laugh out loud)

Ethan: Audrey? What have you done to her Berth? Why you tied her?

Berth: You told me to kill her right just because you want to take revenge to
her? So I did what you want and in return you will be mine.

Ethan: No Berth, I am sorry but I don’t have plans already to take revenge on
her because I love her Berth. I am willing to forget everything for her. So let her

Berth: What? I did this for nothing. No, Ethan! I did this because of you! I want
you to be happy, so kill her. So you could also fulfill your promise to mine. We
will be lovers Ethan. That is what you said.

Audrey: Go Ethan, Kill me! Is that what your plan right; to take revenge to me
and to my family.

Ethan: No, Audrey. I forget everything about it because I realized there is no

sense taking revenge at all. It will just never give me peace of mind.

Berth: Kill her Ethan! Here’s the gun. If you will not kill her I will do it. So now

Ethan: Stop it Berth! No one has to die! Stop your foolishness!

Berth: Am I a fool? Is it a fool to give you importance, Ethan? If I am a fool

then it is all because of you, I love you more than my life!

Ethan: I already told you Berth that I love you as a friend and a brother.

Berth: No! I can’t accept that Ethan, I want more than a friend! I gave up my
life in Texas just because of you. And I don’t care if I ruined my life as long as
we will be together. I am sorry but I will kill Audrey! She will be the wall to our
relationship. (Pointing the gun to Audrey)

Ethan: Give me the gun Berth (trying to get the gun to Berth)

Berth: Don’t stop me Ethan. Stay away; if you don’t want me to include you. If
you will not be mine no one should own you.

Ethan: (Punch Berth’s stomach)

Berth: (Fainted)

Ethan: Audrey lets go. Let us get out in here.

Audrey: Ethan I do have a lot of question to ask you. But I can’t ask you now.

Ethan: I will answer all your queries if we could get out in here.
Berth: Who said you two can get out in here? Wow, what a touching scene.
But it would be more touching if you two will die.

Ethan: Since it’s all started to me, Berth just kill me. But please, set Audrey

Audrey: No, Ethan. I can’t afford to lose you. It is simply because I love you
too, Ethan.

Berth: Since you can never be mine Ethan, I will kill you both. No one can own
you! (Pointing the gun to them both) (Gun shots)

(Background intense effects)

(Berth adlib drama lines with shifting of emotions) (Killed himself)

Narrator: After Berth killed himself, the police came to rescue.

Chapter 4: The truth behind secrets and lies

Scene 13: In the Hospital
Nelchie: Sam your sister is already awake!

Samantha: Hi, sis. How are you? Good to know you woke up.

Audrey: Where am I? Who are you?

Nelchie: You don’t recognize us Audrey? Sam, call the doctor, faster!

Audrey: Joke! I was just kidding.

Samantha: Wow, what a surprise. Aren’t you better about your life sis?

Audrey: Hmmmmmm…as if you are not bitter for a while, too. By the way, how
many days I am confined here?

Samantha: Days? No, you are in comatose for 6 months, sis.

Audrey: Seriously?

Nelchie: Yes, nak. By the way I have very important to tell you. Your dad had a
child to other woman. And that child was Berth. I am sorry if I hide this for a
very long time because I want to protect our family. Never in my wildest dream
that it will come this far; that your brother will be the one to kill you.
Remember when you and your dad got an accident? We had a fight on that
time because I discovered he cheated on me. I am sorry, Audrey if I never tell
you this.
Audrey: You don’t have to explain ma. I perfectly understand. What saddened
me is the thought that Berth is my brother. How I wish I could be able to know
him in the other perspective. Wherever he is now, I already forgive him. By the
way ma, where is Ethan?

(Door opened)

Ethan: It seems that I heard my name mentioned from my princess. Hi, Audrey
I am glad you already awake. I just want to say sorry for everything. For the
pain that I have caused you; I promised I will never ever hurt you.

Audrey: Psssst…you don’t have to explain Ethan. I already forgive you. I also
wanted to apologize for your father. You know what I have learned to this? Life
is too short to live full of hatred. We just have to live every moment
meaningfully and purposefully. So let us forget it and move on.

Ethan: So, can we continue our unfinished business?

Audrey: What do you mean?

Ethan: Do I need to utter the words?

Audrey: Hmmmmmmm.

Ethan: Can you be my lover?

Audrey: Yes.

Ethan: Yes! I love you.

Audrey: I love you, too.

Narrator: Audrey and Ethan became lovers. They celebrated life every single
day. They live each moment a meaningful one. Samantha and Jelly reconciled
also. They thought that their friendship was more indispensable rather than
anything else. What had happened to them made them even stronger. Their
friendship truly stands through the test of time.

On the other hand, Romina took over the CAMELA SARDINES

COMPANY because Daniela file bankruptcy, so to save the company- Romina
bought the whole shares. Daniela apologized to Romina for all the things she
had done against her. She just longing for love and attention which her family
never gave to her. Carlos came back to Romina and pledged to her that he
would change. Romina accepted Carlos because of her daughter, Cassie. Carlos
became the most loving husband and caring father.

The Panty sisters (Romina, Nelchie and Carmina) remain strong.

Carmina flew back to Canada and she spent her vacation yearly in the
Philippines. While Nelchie never wasted her time not to show her love to her
daughters. From time to time she also visited the grave of his husband and
Moral of the story:

The story proves to us that revenge has no direction and meaning. That
revenge will not give you a peace of mind. Also, love is the only solution to heal
wounded heart.

In the story, Berth represented that loving too much is not good. Too
much love will bring you into trouble. It directs you to do badly to others
instead. Ethan is a representation of a person who chooses love over revenge.
He chooses happiness over hatred. So do with Audrey who thought life is as
colorless as the night without stars and moon above. Yet, the sun shines
perfectly in perfect time. Daniela symbolizes the people who never got the
chance to be loved. They are those people who always beg for attention and
love. Romina signify those people who have a pure heart; who knows how to
love unconditionally.

As it says, no one could ever hold a smoke. Whatever secrets you hide
within yourself there is always perfect time to reveal it. What we need here on
earth is to love freely and purely. Third party is one of the major causes why
couples choose to separate. But before we judge them we should learn to know
their story first. We do not what they have been through every single day in
their lives. We need to see the silver lining of every person. Trying to fit in on
their shoes would help us expand our horizon to have a better and perfect
world to live.

Love indeed has different faces. We should learn to understand what love

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