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Dice Game control.

Cnta Cntb Chap 22
1-to-6 1-to-6 Roll
Cntr Cntr C
o Ra
Dpatha.vhd n
Adder t
dicesum r
D7 o
Dpathb.vhd Test win
D11 l
Point Comparator eq lose
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Dice Game Implementation

• Dice game implemented in three 22V10 PLDs

– control.vhd (Finite State Machine)
– dpatha.vhd (two 1-6 counters, adder)
– dpathb.vhd (point register, comparator, test logic)
• The Control FSM is implemented using one-hot
– Outputs q0, q1, q5 are states S0, S1, S5. Output “win” is
state S2, output “lose” is state S3. Outputs q0,q1,q5 are
available just for debugging purposes.

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Finite State Machine Changes

Asynchronous Reset now use to exit states S2, S3. Resets
back to State S0.

S2 Win

S3 Lose

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Finite State Machine Changes (cont).
Because we don’t have debounced switches, added extra “roll”
input called “Ra”. Changed States S1, S5 to use Ra, not Rb.

This means that to
0 roll the dice, you
Ra Roll use flip switch Rb
1 up, then down.
This starts the
S5 dice rolling. To
stop the dice, Flip
0 Ra switch up then
Ra Roll
1 down.

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“dpatha” Details Counters count

1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2, etc
Roll EN
(from control) Cntb
Clk Q
C 3
Reset A
R dicesum
Roll e 4
Ena EN
Logic Cnta r
3 Clk Q
C 3
Reset R

Ena = 1 when Cntb = 6 and Roll = 1

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“dpathb” Details D7 (1 if sum=7)

Test D7 (1 if sum=11)
Register Logic
Dicesum D2312
(from DIN (1 if sum=2,3 or 12)
dpatha) 4

sp LD
(from Point Compare Eq
control) (1 if point = sum)
Clk C

Reset R
“sp” (save point) loads value
of dicesum into register.
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