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Alicia Michelle Wynn

FRIT 7234
Mini Lesson #1: Volcano/Mount Kilauea Introduction

Content Standards:
S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive
and destructive processes.
a. Identify surface features caused by constructive processes.
 Deposition (deltas, sand dunes, etc.)
 Earthquakes
 Volcanoes
 Faults
b. Identify and find examples of surface features caused by destructive processes.
 Erosion (water—rivers and oceans, wind)
 Weathering
 Impact of organisms
 Earthquake
 Volcano
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of
constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to
 Seismological studies
 Flood control (dams, levees, storm drain management, etc.)
 Beach reclamation (Georgia coastal islands)

ISTE Standards:
Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the
learning sciences.

Guiding Question: How can scientists predict volcanic eruptions and avoid hazards?
Why can’t people simply spray water on lava to make it stop?

Engage, Enhance, and extend: Extend – Students will be reaching out to Experts asking
questions via Twitter.

Digital Information Fluency: Students will be practicing locating information efficiently as they
learn about volcanoes. They will also be identifying key concepts in research questions as they
prepare to ask real volcanologists questions.

Principles of Inquiry-Based learning:

1. Authenticity- This is a current event taking place in our country. Volcanologists are
always learning new things about volcanos and ways to predict them in order to keep
people safe.
Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234
2. Deep Understanding- Students will understand the destructive forces behind volcanos
and learn the role of technology and human intervention in the control of these processes,
both constructive and destructive.
3. Appropriate Use of Technology- Technology will be used in this lesson to learn about
the constructive and destructive forces of volcanos. Then it will be used to brainstorm
and gather further questions.
4. Connecting with Experts- The class will contact a few well known volcanologists via
Twitter in the hopes that they will respond to a few questions.
5. Assessment – Assessment in this lesson will be conducted through the use of Quizizz and
6. Performances of Understanding - Exploring the events of Mount Kilauea

Curated Resource Link:

Student Learning Activity: After learning about volcanos, students will be placed in pairs to
come up with some good questions they would ask a volcanologist about how they predict
eruptions and avoid hazards. When they decide on their top question, they would be asked to
put the question on a class Google Doc. The teacher would then select the top questions and
send a class tweet to a few volcanologists on twitter to see if one will respond.
A follow up activity for this will be to create a class news production where each student has a
role in the production, some students will be newscasters, some will be photographers, some
videographers, a few assistant directors, etc. The class newscast will discuss the answers to the
guiding questions, the process for creating the questions to ask a volcanologist, as well as the
responses if we could get one to respond. If we could not get any of them to respond, we
would use Oregon State’s collection of interviews to make our newscast.

Assessment: Students will use Plickers to answer questions throughout the lesson to increase
engagement and retention of information. At the end of the lesson students will complete a
Quizizz so that I can identify any misconceptions and will know where to start the following day.
Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234
Mini Lesson #2: Ethical Use of Information

Content Standards:
S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive
and destructive processes.
a. Identify surface features caused by constructive processes.
 Deposition (deltas, sand dunes, etc.)
 Earthquakes
 Volcanoes
 Faults
b. Identify and find examples of surface features caused by destructive processes.
 Erosion (water—rivers and oceans, wind)
 Weathering
 Impact of organisms
 Earthquake
 Volcano
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of
constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to
 Seismological studies
 Flood control (dams, levees, storm drain management, etc.)
 Beach reclamation (Georgia coastal islands)

ISTE Standard:
Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living,
learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that
are safe, legal and ethical.

Guiding Question: How can I be a good digital citizen?

Engage, Enhance, and Extend: Extend Level – students will be able to use their mobile devices
to communicate with their peers on Padlet to add to the knowledge that they acquired from
the stations.

Digital Information Fluency: Using information ethically – How will I ethically use the
information? Students will practice ethically using information, citing sources, original work,
etc. during their project in the next mini lesson.

Principles of Inquiry-Based learning:

Authenticity – Ethical use and being a good digital citizen are skills that all students will need
while in school and in the future. These are important skills for them to master in order to exist
in such a digital era.
Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234
Deep Understanding – Students will be learning how to be a good digital citizen by reading and
completing the games and modules in the curated resources link but they will be practicing
these skills in the next lesson.
Performances of Understanding – Students will show that they are understanding the content
by contributing a note to the class padlet.
Ethical Citizenship - Plagiarism discussion and use of curated resources when building student

Curated Resource Link:


Student Learning Activity: While getting ready to create their digital journal covering the
Mount Kilauea eruption it is important for them to understand the basic principles of digital
citizenship and ethical use of information. Students will be put into groups and will navigate to
different stations in the room that will be set up with the websites linked in the Pearl Trees
page. They will work within each site for 10-15 minutes with their group before moving to the
next location.

Assessment: At the end of the lesson each student will contribute a note to a Padlet. The note
should be a statement about using the web ethically that they learned while completing the
center activities within their groups. It can be the most interesting thing they learned or one
that they thought was so important everyone should know it!
Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234
Mini Lesson #3:

Content Standards:
S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive
and destructive processes.
a. Identify surface features caused by constructive processes.
 Deposition (deltas, sand dunes, etc.)
 Earthquakes
 Volcanoes
 Faults
b. Identify and find examples of surface features caused by destructive processes.
 Erosion (water—rivers and oceans, wind)
 Weathering
 Impact of organisms
 Earthquake
 Volcano
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of
constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to
 Seismological studies
 Flood control (dams, levees, storm drain management, etc.)
 Beach reclamation (Georgia coastal islands)

ISTE Standards:
Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to
construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.

Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to
their goals.

Guiding Question: How do volcanoes impact the Earth?

Engage, Enhance, and Extend: Enhance and Extend Levels – Mobile Devices can be used to
record. They will be able to choose the Web 2.0 tool that they want to use.

Digital Information Fluency: Locating information efficiently: What information am I looking for
and where will I find the information…How will I get there? Students will also select digital
search tools based on their effectiveness and efficiency when they choose what to use in
creating their digital journal.

Principles of Inquiry-Based learning:

Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234
1. Authenticity- This is a current event that is reshaping the Big Island of Hawaii.
2. Student Success- Clear guidelines created for the project that allows for creativity while
being adaptable to individual student needs.
3. Assessment- Student’s projects will be assessed using a rubric.
4. Appropriate Use of Technology- Students will be using technology to research, and
create video clips, and interviews.
5. Ethic Citizenship- Students must use the information they learned in the previous
lesson to ensure they create original work and use resources ethically.
6. Student Success- The teacher will ensure student success by providing clear examples,
the rubric, and timely feedback to ensure that students are on the right track as they
complete their project.

Curated Resource Link:

Student Learning Activity: Students will use the links provided in the ThingLink image to create
a digital journal from the perspective of a scientist studying the Mount Kilauea volcanic
eruption. The digital journal can be can be in the form of video clip entries, put together using
a video editor, or by using another web 2.0 tool of their choice. One of the video clips created
for this digital journal should feature an interview with a classmate asking them to answer
some questions on his/her findings while researching the volcano.

Example Interview Questions:

 What was the most interesting fact you discovered during your research?
 How would you imagine it must feel for these families that live on the big island?
 What makes this eruption different from the other eruptions happening on Hawaii?

Assessment: A the following rubric will be used to assess the student project and determine

Journal of Mount Kilauea

CATEGORY Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Images Includes five Includes five Includes five Does not
images with images with images with include five
personalized some "museum- images nor
"museum- personalized style" personalized
style" "museum- descriptions. "museum-style"
descriptions. style" POINTS = descriptions.
POINTS = descriptions. 25 POINTS = 0 -
40 POINTS = 20
Alicia Michelle Wynn
FRIT 7234

Entries Includes 5 Includes 4 Includes 3 Includes 2 or

entries from entries from entries from fewer entries
the the the from the
perspective perspective perspective perspective of
of a of a of a a volcanologist
volcanologist volcanologist volcanologist covering the
covering the covering the covering the events of this
events of events of events of year’s eruption.
this year’s this year’s this year’s = 0 - 15
eruption. eruption. eruption.
Points =30 POINTS = POINTS =
25 20
Organization/Neatness The project The project It is quite It is extremely
is neat, is fairly neat, messy and sloppy and
creative, and creative, and not unprofessional.
professional professional professional POINTS = 0 -
in in in 15
appearance. appearance. appearance.
30 25 20

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