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The Hands of the Black

Señor Antunes- His belief was that all the saints mother mary all the angels even the
dead people and ofcourse Our Lord God had a meeting they made blacks they gathered
clay and place it in a mold and baked it and they hung it on a chimney wih there hands
tied up thats why there hands are lighten

Señor Frias –.God finished making men and told them to bathe in a lake in heaven.
After bathing the people were nice and white. The blacks - they were made very early
in the morning, and at this hour the water in the lake was very cold, so they only wet
the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet.

Teacher - The teacher of the narrator explained that the palms of the hands of the
blacks are whiter because their ancestors walked like 4 legged animals, making their
palms unexposed to the sun.

Father Christiano - He is the priest. He explained that the palms of the blacks are
lighter because they always secretly pray and they always fold their hands together.

Doña Estifania - It's only because their hands became bleached with all that washing

Dona Dores - She explained that the palms of the blacks are lighter because God made
it like that. So that when they serve food and do something for their masters, their
hands would be clean.

Book - The black hands are lighter because they spent their lives bent over, gathering
the white cottons of Virginia.


They walked around on all fours, like wild animals, so their palms weren't exposed to
the sun.God made Blacks because they had to be.He made the palms exactly like the
palms of other men to show that what men do is only the work of men...That what men
do is done by hands that are the same -hands of people who, if they had any sense,
would know that before anything else they are men.

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