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Evelyn Morales-Ramirez

EDU 220

Lesson Plan

I. Class Description: 34 students, 8th grade, 2 learning disabled students, 3 gifted students

and 4 second language learners.

II. Subject: History

III. Objective: H2. [6-8]. 16 Define the concept of Manifest Destiny and explain the events

that led to expansion of the United States.

IV. Procedures:

1. Welcome students into class and present them with the objective for the day. Give a

fairly brief overview of Manifest Destiny and how it relates to the expansion of the

United States.

2. Recap on the previous lesson and ask the class questions to ensure that all students

successfully comprehended its objective before continuing with the new lesson of the

day. Explain that today's lesson is what consecutively comes after (in history) the lesson

from the previous day.

3. Show the class a short film focused on Manifest Destiny along with a couple of events

that lead to the expansion of the United States. After the film is over have a brief

classroom discussion over what they got from the video.

4. Lecture with a short powerpoint based on Manifest Destiny and identify the events

that lead to the expansion of the United States. Students should take notes.

5. Ask for any questions that may have been brought about from the lecture.
6. Students will be broken up into groups of 4, conduct their own research within their

groups and create a poster where the will identify what Manifest Destiny is and create a

timeline including the events that lead to the expansion of the United States. Within their

timeline they must also explain how those events lead and contributed to the expansion of

the United States, not just identify them.

V. Materials: projector, Powerpoint, butcher paper for the posters, markers, iPads,

notebooks, pens

VI. Modifications: The 3 gifted students, 4 second language learners and the 2 learning

disabled students will be placed in different groups from one another. The second

language learners will be assigned to groups where they will be helped most by

classmates (if possible assign students to a group that has a student that speaks the same

language to assist them if they need additional help). The gifted learners will be placed in

different groups and help their classmates out if necessary, but will not do all of the work

without help from classmates. The learning disabled students will be put into groups

where I feel they will receive the most appropriate help from their classmates. I will keep

observing the groups as they work and ensure that all students are working cooperatively

and personally assist any of the gift, learning disabled, or second language learners if


VII. Assessment: For homework students must write a minimum of a one page paper defining

the concept of Manifest Destiny and explaining the events that lead to the expansion of

the United States with the help of their notes and posters/timelines that they will turn in

the next day.

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