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What is Informational Text?

1)facts provided or learned about something or
2)"a vital piece of information"
Synonyms:details, particulars, facts, figures, st
atistics, data; More

Texts: the original words and form of a written

or printed work

Informational text is nonfiction writing

(writing that gives information or describes real
events, rather than telling a story) with the
intention of informing the reader about a
specific topic. It is typically found in magazines,
science or history books, autobiographies and
instruction manuals.

Where is Informational Text Found?

We learn something every day by reading.
Whether we know it or not, we learn through
various reading sources like social media, smart
phone applications and newspapers. These texts
are informative because they build upon our
prior knowledge or feed us with information we
did not know. This is one of the most popular
types of writing, and it is known
as informational text.


 Biographies
 Autobiographies
 books about history
 social studies
 science and the arts
 technical texts (including how-to books and
procedural books)
 and literary nonfiction.

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